7 PEP 279: enumerate()

A new built-in function, enumerate(), will make certain loops a bit clearer. enumerate(thing), where thing is either an iterator or a sequence, returns a iterator that will return (0, thing[0]), (1, thing[1]), (2, thing[2]), and so forth.

A common idiom to change every element of a list looks like this:

for i in range(len(L)):
    item = L[i]
    # ... compute some result based on item ...
    L[i] = result

This can be rewritten using enumerate() as:

for i, item in enumerate(L):
    # ... compute some result based on item ...
    L[i] = result

See Also:

PEP 279, The enumerate() built-in function
Written and implemented by Raymond D. Hettinger.

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