List Objects

This subtype of PyObject represents a Python list object.

PyTypeObject PyList_Type
This instance of PyTypeObject represents the Python list type.

int PyList_Check(PyObject *p)
Returns true if its argument is a PyListObject.

PyObject * PyList_New(int size)

int PyList_Size(PyObject *)

PyObject * PyList_GetItem(PyObject *, int)

int PyList_SetItem(PyObject *, int, PyObject *)

int PyList_Insert(PyObject *, int, PyObject *)

int PyList_Append(PyObject *, PyObject *)

PyObject * PyList_GetSlice(PyObject *, int, int)

int PyList_SetSlice(PyObject *, int, int, PyObject *)

int PyList_Sort(PyObject *)

int PyList_Reverse(PyObject *)

PyObject * PyList_AsTuple(PyObject *)

PyObject * PyList_GET_ITEM(PyObject *list, int i)

int PyList_GET_SIZE(PyObject *list)