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Securing Debian Manual
Appendix A - The hardening process step by step

Below is a post-installation, step-by-step procedure for hardening a Debian 2.2 GNU/Linux system. This is one possible approach to such a procedure and is oriented toward the hardening of network services. It is included to show the entire process you might use during configuration. Also, see Configuration checklist, Appendix B.

For the truly paranoid, also consider the following:

FIXME: this procedure considers service hardening but not system hardening at the user level, include information regarding checking user permissions, SETUID files and freezing changes in the system using the ext2 file system.

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Securing Debian Manual

2.6 10 October 2002Wed, 18 Sep 2002 14:09:35 +0200
Javier Fern�ndez-Sanguino Pe�a jfs@computer.org