Node:List Of Keywords, Previous:Controlling Keyword Expansion, Up:Claves de Sustitucion (Claves RCS)
These are all the dollar-sign-delimited keywords that CVS recognizes. Following is a list of the keyword, a brief description, and an example of its expanded form:
$Author: jfs $
$Date: 2002/12/05 17:12:19 $
$Header: /usr/local/newrepos/myproj/hello.c,v 1.1 1999/06/01 \ 03:21:13 jrandom Exp qsmith $
$Id: chapter-9.texi,v 1.5 2002/12/05 17:12:19 jfs Exp $
Revision 1.4 2002/12/03 13:04:59 carlosgarcia Traduccion de main, introduction e index
Revision 1.3 2002/11/27 16:25:32 carlosgarcia
Falta traducir el final del fichero
- The log message of this revision, along with the revision
number, date, and author. Unlike other keywords, the previous
expansions are not replaced. Instead, they are pushed down, so that the
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of $Log: chapter-9.texi,v $
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of Revision 1.5 2002/12/05 17:12:19 jfs
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of Actualizado el LEAME y traducido (un poco) el cap�tulo 9
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of Revision 1.4 2002/12/03 13:04:59 carlosgarcia
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of Traduccion de main, introduction e index
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of Revision 1.3 2002/11/27 16:25:32 carlosgarcia
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of Falta traducir el final del fichero
newest expansion appears at the top of an ever-growing stack of
$Log: chapter-9.texi,v $ Revision 1.5 2002/12/05 17:12:19 jfs Actualizado el LEAME y traducido (un poco) el cap�tulo 9 Revision 1.4 2002/12/03 13:04:59 carlosgarcia Traduccion de main, introduction e index Revision 1.3 2002/11/27 16:25:32 carlosgarcia Falta traducir el final del fichero Revision 1.12 1999/07/19 06:12:43 jrandom say hello in Aramaic
Any text preceding the $Log: chapter-9.texi,v $ Any text preceding the Revision 1.5 2002/12/05 17:12:19 jfs Any text preceding the Actualizado el LEAME y traducido (un poco) el cap�tulo 9 Any text preceding the Any text preceding the Revision 1.4 2002/12/03 13:04:59 carlosgarcia Any text preceding the Traduccion de main, introduction e index Any text preceding the Any text preceding the Revision 1.3 2002/11/27 16:25:32 carlosgarcia Any text preceding the Falta traducir el final del fichero Any text preceding the keyword on the same line will be prepended to the downward expansions too; this is so that if you use it in a comment in a program source file, all of the expansion is commented, too.
$Locker: $
$Name: $
$RCSfile: chapter-9.texi,v $
$Revision: 1.5 $
$Source: /cvs/lucas/doc-cvsbook-es/chapter-9.texi,v $
$State: Exp $