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[hylafax-users] Problem creating cover page from client


I'm running HylaFAX 2.2.5 with whfc 1.2.3
My problem is I'm trying to create a new cover page 
to use. My steps are

1.  I use MS-Word to construct the caver page. putting ZZZZ-from to
markwhere the variables must go
2.  Print it via Adobe printer to a pdf file
3.  Open the pdf file in Adobe 7 and save it as a .ps file (also tryed
4.  Open the .ps file in notepad and edit all the (ZZZZ-from) to from
      to make it a variable.

This according to a message in the archive should work, and it works to
an extend.
All the text comes out correct exept the font of the text that should
be replaced 
by the variables I iserted.

I tryed the following fonts : Verdana, Courier, Helvitica
because the last two fonts are of the originnal Postscript
fonts I thought it wouldn't give probles, but it seens I was wrong.

Any help would be appreciated.

Cecil Brand

Mnr Cecil J.C. Brand
Computer Services/
University of the Free State/
Universiteit van die Vrystaat
PO Box 339
Bloemfontein 9300
South Africa

Tel   :401 2940
Email :BrandC.RD@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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