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Re: [hylafax-users] HylaFAX 4.2.3 questions

* Support <support@xxxxxxxxxxxx> [060104 12:01]:
> I have been doing tests of the 4.2.3 HylaFAX software, and there are some
> changes from the 4.2.0 version that interest me.
> First, it seems the broadcast script on this page
> http://www.mainpine.com/faqs/ans51.htm
> <BLOCKED::http://www.mainpine.com/faqs/ans51.htm>   which we used on 4.2.0,
> seems to send the amount we input after the image file on every port.
> Instead of sending 500 total faxes as in the example listed, it would send
> 500 faxes out of each port. (1000 total faxes)

The script you link, if run with $2 == 500, certainly queues 500 on
each port, meaning 1000 faxes.

Are you sure it only queued 250 on each port with 4.2.0?  

> Another interesting change is it seems to log differently.  4.2.0 kept a log
> file for every transaction, while 4.2.3 seems to group many transactions
> into a smaller group of log files.

This is probably batching? meaning that multiple "jobs" are being sent
in a single call.

There area few configuration options you can play with to control

MaxBatchJobs:	<integer>	How many jobs to allow to go in a single call
BatchLogs:	<bool>		Whether to use a single session log for
				whole batch or not.


Aidan Van Dyk                                             aidan@xxxxxxxx
Senior Software Developer                          +1 215 438-4638 x8103
iFAX Solutions, Inc.                                http://www.ifax.com/

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