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Re: [hylafax-users] DID diva server, Hylafax 4.21

Hello Again.

I have read thru the 4.2.0 release notes there is a section:

* Due to tighter adherance to ITU-T T.32 and the older Class 2
  specifications, HylaFAX copy-quality checking and ECM support now
  operates slightly different in Class 2/2.0/2.1 than in previous
  versions.  This change will not effect users of most modems, but
  because the Eicon Diva Server follows T.32 yet uses the older
  Class 2 command interface, Diva Server users will probably need
  to add:
    Class2ECMType:    2.0
    Class2CQQueryCmd: !3
    Class2CQCmd:      AT
  to their respective modem config files.
* libtiff-3.6.1 is fatally flawed when dealing with Group 3 images.
  Don't use it as-is.
  See: http://bugs.hylafax.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=500

I have updated my modem configs with these entries and now I get a ring and then silence.

A question I have is what is '!3' for? There is no Diva doc on this.



On Mar 15, 2005, at 4:17 AM, Lach Dunlop wrote:

I have attached my config.ttyds01 file.

The problem seems to be with the

ModemResetCmds: AT#CID=5

In my prior install this setting would pass back the CID NUMBER: and DAD:

Now with the modem reset command in place all I get is a busy signal. When I comment out the ModemResetCmds: the faxes are received, just not routed by DID.



# $Id: eicon-2,v 1.2 2004/03/05 02:29:32 lhoward Exp $
# prototype config file for the Eicon Diva ISDN Modem

CountryCode:            1
AreaCode:               651
FAXNumber:              +1.999.555.1212
LongDistancePrefix:     1
InternationalPrefix:    011
DialStringRules:        etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:          1
SessionTracing:         11
RecvFileMode:           0600
LogFileMode:            0600
DeviceMode:             0600
RingsBeforeAnswer:      1
SpeakerVolume:          off
GettyArgs:              "-h %l dx_%s"
LocalIdentifier:        "NothingSetup"
TagLineFont:            etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:          "From %%l|%c|Page %%P of %%T"
MaxRecvPages:           25

ModemType:              Class2
ModemRate:              57600   # on boards supporting V.34-fax,
                                # this may need to be 57600
ModemFlowControl:       rtscts
ModemNoFlowCmd:         AT&K0
ModemSoftFlowCmd:       AT&K4
ModemHardFlowCmd:       AT&K3

Class2APQueryCmd:       none
Class2SPLCmd:           none
Class2TBCCmd:           none
Class2ECMType:          2.0     # follows Class 2.0 spec, not Class 2
#ModemResetCmds:                AT#CID=5

CIDNumber: "DAD: "

On Mar 14, 2005, at 9:32 PM, Lach Dunlop wrote:


I had a configuration working just wonderfully.... Unitl today.

It was a diva Server 6.0 on Suse Linux 8.1 and Hylafax 4.1.5

Today it died and all I got was abusy tone. I took the opportunity to upgrade to Suse 8.2 and Diva 7.5 and Hylafax 4.2.1.

I am receiving faxes but I am getting no DID info :(( So all my fax routing is broken.

When I do a faxaddmodem it senses the modems (/dev/ttyds0?) as CLASS1 modems. In my old config they where CLASS 2.

Is there something I am missing? I really need my DID back.



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