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Re: [hylafax-users] What's the best Windows client around
On Thu, Apr 29, 2004 at 07:35:47PM -0400, Darren Nickerson wrote:
> <shameless commercial plug>
> It hasn't been mentioned yet, so I thought I'd recommend you check our
> HylaFSP. You can download an eval from http://www.ifax.com/HylaFSP/ (look
> for the 'evaluate' link on the left menu).
> Personally, I think it's a super-slick, wonderfully simple and robust way to
> send faxes from windows.
> We didn't create a single interface screen, it's all Microsoft. You can even
> use the MS Coverpage Editor to make slick coverpages, and it integrates with
> your outlook contact lists. Just what the users ordered ;-)
> Your mileage may vary. Please note that I'm clearly biased, since we sell
> this client. Don't take my word for it, but at least give it a try!
> </shameless commercial plug>
Now that is a very very nice product. A few things came to mind, though,
after about 10 minutes of trying it out this morning (BTW, using
Win2Ksp4). Fax Queue only appears to show my faxes, not all faxes in the
queue. Is kind of a nice thing to be able to see. As far as I know, I
should be able to do so, since all of the following is true:
1) I am in the Domain Admins group for this domain, and am an
Administrator on my workstation.
2) I am running HylaFAX 4.1.8 with my PAM patch on the server, and am in
the fax administrator group which has been set up. In other words, admin
login or not, HylaFAX views me as an administrator.
3) Regardless of admin status, other programs allow me to see all faxes
in the hylafax send queue at all times (this was true before and after
my PAM patch was applied).
Another minor issue is that within a few minutes of starting the Fax
Queue, I get marked as disconnected for no discernible reason. Getting
reconnected is a simple matter of clicking "View"->"Refresh", but it IS
a minor annoyance.
Finally (and this may be a function of the faxing software itself, and
not HylaFSP): When I submit a delayed fax, the job is not sent to the
HylaFAX server until the delay is up. This was checked by doing such,
and watching for when it appeared on the server, and the server tried
It's possible I did something wrong, but with the simplicity of setup,
it's hard to see how I could have.
Michael J. Pedersen
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