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Re: [hylafax-users] R: Sending PDF attachments via mail

* Enrico Ponchio <enrico.ponchio@xxxxxxxxxx> [040220 12:32]:
> Anyone have a mail-to-sendfax convert that allows to send PDF attachments
> and _also_ e-mail body?

Use at your own risk.


use MIME::Parser;

my $tmp = "/tmp/mail-$$";
mkdir $tmp, 0700;

my $number = $ARGV[0];

my $parser = new MIME::Parser;

my $entity = $parser->parse(\*STDIN);

my @parts;
my @entities = ($entity);

while ($_ = shift(@entities))
    my @p;
    if (@p = $_->parts)
        unshift @entities, @p;
    } else
        push @parts, $_;

system("/bin/echo", "/usr/bin/sendfax",
       "-f", $entity->head->get('From'),
       "-d", $number,
       map ({$_->bodyhandle->path() } @parts));

system("/bin/rm", "-rf", $tmp);

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