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Re: [hylafax-users] smbfax and email - solution to DOMAIN+ - noneed for aliases
On Tue, 2003-05-06 at 15:49, Stuart Herd wrote:
> After much hair pulling and googling i have finally solved the problem of
> initial emails from smbfax and follow-up email notifications from hylafax.
> * In both cases replace DOMAIN with your own :-)
It's not strictly the same problem, but I have a similar issue - in our
case the users are in the same NT domain as their email domain, so
foo@domain.com passed by NT as the user will lead mails to go back to
the right place, unless 'foo' is a string longer than 8 digits, in which
case it just shows the first 8 digits and then '@domain.com' so I have
to use a bunch of aliases for people with long names.
Does anyone know if this is NT or HylaFax truncating? (I fear the former
is responsible in a you-can't-change-that kind of way ;)
Chris Jones
Technical Systems Manager
Systemes de la Technologie Applique Ltd.
Tel: +44 (0) 1273 323922 Fax: +44 (0) 1273 388334
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