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[hylafax-users] installing hylafax on SuSE
can anyone tell me, how to install and run hylafax? I mean really! Shall I
configure the modem before I try to install hylafax? If so, how can I configure
the modem without providing provider information - yast asks by the modem
configuration provider information - (I do not use the modem to connect to the
internet, it will only do faxing). I have read a number of documentation on
hylafax site and elsewhere on internet, however I can not proceed further.
The documentation on the hylafax site
(http://www.hylafax.org/howto/install.html#ss2.3.2) gives a good introduction
until section Then in section there are some useful hints
"before" running faxsetup and ends without saying what to do next (running
faxsetup). It says in section that faxgetty should be commented out.
Without saying later when faxsetup should run it says in section that
"Make sure that Faxgetty is running at bootup"!
This is how I proceeded:
- I uninstalled mgetty (s. section
- SuSE Email Server 3.1 does not have a package hylafax on the distribution CD
- I downloaded hylafax and installed with yast
- I do not have an entry START_HYLAFAX in my rc.config, which I guess might be
a first sign that something is going wrong
- I ran faxsetup with following warnings: /sbin/mgetty does not exist... (which
is OK because it is uninstalled)(...), /sbin/vgetty does not exist...(...),
/sbin/egetty does not exist...(...), You do not appear to be using faxgetty to
notify... (I have already commented out this entry from inittab because of the
instructions on
Now, I think that I could need some help in order to make hylafax running on my
1) I have a SuSE Email Server 3.1 based on SuSE Linux 7.1
2) I downloaded the latest binary package (hylafax-4.1-16suse.i386.rpm) from
3) I have a cybermod 28.8 v.34 fax modem connected to the serial port of the
Any hint will be appreciated.
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