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[hylafax-users] ftp link instead of attachment
Thanks to the help of people here I have HylaFax up and running.
Now I just need to do a little tweaking.
Firstly, when a fax is recieved, instead of an attachment I get
a mail with an ftp link.
How do I make it send the attachment?
see below...
Sender: 0265555061
Pages: 4
Quality: Normal
Page: ISO A4
Received: 2003:02:19 14:10:43
TimeToRecv: 0:59
SignalRate: 14400 bit/s
DataFormat: 2-D MR
ReceivedOn: ttyS0
CommID: c00000025
kind regards
(_____ \
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Kevin Waterson
Port Macquarie, Australia
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