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Re: [hylafax-users] Newbie Woes...
Douglas Hardman said:
> Gang,
> I'm new to the list, and program and I've done as much reading as I can
> muster to try to resolve this problem without posting questions
> you all have
> seen before...but I'm stuck. Here is what I did, how I got here, and what
> I'm trying now. (Sounds like something else, kudos if you caught
> that one.)
> I've got an IBM 300PL PIII/500/128
> RedHat 7.2
> USR Courier V. Everything
> HylaFax 4.1.5
> The senerio I'm going for is the have this machine parse outgoing email
> designated to any ".fax" domain to fax quotes to our clients from
> the sales
> workstations. (eg: salesuser1@8005551212.fax)
> I've got HylaFax installed and running on the machine. I'm having issues
> finding a way to get FaxGetty running on startup. If I start it from the a
> shell, it starts up fine. If I add...
> t2:2345:respawn:/usr/sbin/faxgetty ttyS1
> ...to the last line of my /etc/inittab, nothing. Is there a better way to
> start it?
That is it. Do you restart init after you do this?
#telinit q
> How much configuration should I have to do to sendmail? Would it be easier
> to go with a different mailing daemon? Is there a simple script that'll
> accomplish what I'm looking for under something like qmail? I've found a
> handful of configurations in the list archives, but they are all
> dated 1998
> or 2000. I'd expect this has come up more recently than that.
We are doing this with sendmail, simple text emails being kicked out of
a database to the faxserver. On the server which wil be sending the
emails to the fax server you need something like this in your
sendmail.mc to let sendmail know what to do with these fax emails
On the faxserver you need to tell sendmail what to do with the emails it
receives for faxing, these lines do that. We threw some formatting into
the FAX_MAILER_ARGS stuff, man faxmail to see what it does.
define(`FAX_MAILER_ARGS',`faxmail -d -n -p 24pt $u@$h $f')dnl
Your mailers whould be the last thing in your sendmail.mc, include this
on the faxserver as well.
You need to keep in mind that this approach will only work if you are
sending text, postscript, or (I believe) HTML. If they're trying to do
this with word attachments, it ain't happenin.
> Same thing for automatic printing of received faxes. Everything I find is
> seemingly old.
In my opinion, FaxDispatch has made this much easier. Man faxrcvd, look for
FaxDispatch for the gory details, but a FaxDispatch like the following will
print faxes coming in on ttyG010 to the printer named mktg, faxes in on
ttyG011 to the printer named acctg, simple no?
case "$DEVICE" in
ttyG010) /usr/bin/tiff2ps -a $FILE | lpr -Pmktg;;
ttyG011) /usr/bin/tiff2ps -a $FILE | lpr -Pacctg;;
> Sorry if these are re-posts of earlier emails. I made sure to do as much
> hunting as I could before posting to yall.
> Thanks for your help.
> -Doug
> --
> Douglas Hardman
> dhardman@tecnologyimaging.net
> Technology Imaging Services
> The information contained in this email is CONFIDENTIAL AND PRIVILEGED and
> is intended only for use of the individual to whom it is addressed.
The information in this email is not CONFIDENTIAL OR PRIVELEGED and
is intended only for use by those foolish enough to take my advice.
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