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Re: [hylafax-users] modem on /dev/ttyM1a appears wedged
On Thu, 2002-10-31 at 08:59, Joseph Blavatt wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have recently set up a HylaFax server. I'm using a MultTech ISI5634
> multimodem (4 modems, PCI card) in a Compaq 1600R server. Red Hat 7.2 is
> the OS. It's been running pretty well except for a couple of minor
> problems.
> One, is the message in the subject line. Looks like the first modem in the
> multimodem card is stuck. This happens pretty much on a regular basis. The
> only way I can clear it is to restart the server. All the other modems
> never jam so any incoming fax's just skip the first modem and get
> processed. I get the usual email message warning me of this. It say's;
> The HylaFAX software thinks that there is a problem with the modem
> on device /dev/ttyM1a that needs attention; repeated attempts to
> initialize the modem have failed.
> Consult the server trace logs for more information on what is happening.
> I cannot seem to find the trace log.
> The second concern is with writing the "faxrcvd" script correctly so that
> it prints fax's immediately. I have a simple script line that does this but
> it took me about 20 hours and 100 restarts to come up with one that works.
> Any examples of this in any of the documentation from hylaFax or anywhere
> does not work. Mind you, I'm not bitching. I have really enjoyed putting
> this together and making it work. Now I would like to really tweak it and
> get as much out of it as possible. I have yet to use this in reverse where
> my clients can send out fax's. Before I do that I want to work out the
> minor bugs. I have enough on my plate now without having 60 users coming to
> me with new problems.
Modem reset, have you tried:
ISIResetModem : Invalid number of arguments
Usage : ISIResetModem <port name>
Example: ISIResetModem /dev/ttyM1a
Not saying that having one modem borked all the time is a good thing,
but at least you won't have to reboot every time. :-)
BTW: Anyone else using MultiTech cards? I had all sorts of problems
with mine when I was using mgetty for faxing, but now that I've switched
to HylaFAX everything works much nicer. I was suspect of the ISI card
for a long time... I guess I misjudged. :-)
Regarding printing, I just added these lines to my faxrcvd:
## Print it
/usr/bin/tiff2ps -a1 -h 11 -w 8.5 $FILE | mpage -1 -P${PRINTER}
My problem was that the pages were strange sizes and sometimes not all
of the page printed. So I just routed it through mpage and it appears
to clean it up nicely. A little bit more overhead but my server is
mostly bored anyway... :-)
I can send you my whole faxrcvd script privately if you want to see
exactly where I stuck it...
Hope this helps.
Tom Cross <tomc@cloudnet.com>
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