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Re: [hylafax-users] Hylafax GUI Front End

--- Dave Barton <bmcs@ozemail.com.au> wrote:
> On Tue, 2002-04-30 at 20:25, Pedro Rocadas wrote:
> > >Is there a reasonably good GUI front end for
> configuring
> > 
> > Configuring using a GUI ? Do you really need
> eye-candy
> > to configure hylafax?
> No I am not talking about eye candy? All this bloody
> crap about command
> line shit is what is going to permanently keep Linux
> as just "geek
> freak" garbage in the mind of the ordinary everyday
> computer user and

Well, hylafax can be used by the ordinary user but
could you imagine how annoying could be thousands of
"clicks"? You are overreacting, configuring hylafax
using the keyboard maybe it's more simple and, yes,
faster than using graphical interface, but that view
depends of who is using the system... 

> keep Mr Gates laughing all the way to the bank. By
> way of great example
> of "so called eye candy", just read the Linux
> related mailing lists and
> news groups singing the praises of KDE3. 

From people who don't stop to think, maybe. You are
overreacting again...
> > >sending and receiving with Hylafax. Something
> like
> > efax-gtk for efax.
> > 
> > Unfortunnaly our users work with wincrap, but
> maybe a
> > reasonably search for kfax(KDE) will help you in
> the
> > sending task.
> Yes, I am a refugee from Windows

Refugee? Or you are tired of BSOD and Illegal
operations? :-))). When you used windows, you accepted
the crashes right, despite that all graphical toys
right? The use of command line can be reasonable to
other people. Who knows if can be reasonable for you
too, if you try?

> and for many years I have been using an
> extremely powerful fax tool (namely Winfax from
> Symantec).

But you have a strong reason to try hylafax now...even
if that implies different rules and approachs...

> In fact, I have written several custom applications
>for some of my clients, which interface with Winfax
>for reporting data from remote unmanned data
>collection locations.

And you can do it in unix and for hylafax too.
> > Oh, and don't forget to read the kfax help. I'm
> sure that you will find reasonably
> > information there in how kfax must be configured
> to  work with hylafax.
> > GUI to receive fax. Well, I think any graphical
> MUA will be ok for you.
> Pedro, please don't be bloody patronizing!!!

I was teasing you :-). Did you make any search for the
GUI that you pretend? 

> This snotty "I use Linux,
> so I am holier than thou" attitude is not helping
> the promotion and advancement of Linux.

That was not my intention.

> In the "real world" Windows is winning, because of
> the readily understandable GUI "eye candy" that the
> everyday computer user wants.

This is off-topic but, iamgine a world where people
could't make pirate copies of windows and MSOffice... 
> > The fax come attached with the notification if you
> setup FaxDispatch.
> While kfax is a useful little utility, it is only
> part of what should be a fully developed fax program
>(both front and back end).

That's your oppinion and the use of windows, maybe.
But you are free to develop a graphical GUI for

> FaxDispatch is yet another "tack on" to make up for
the lack of a fully developed Linux fax application.

Play by the rules. HylaFAX works in that way, but it's
so hard to learn how FaxDispatch work?

> I am in no doubt as to the power and potential of
> Hylafax,

It's powerfull, yes, we send 300+ pages per day,
receive 2000+ pages per day, using a PII 450 Mhz
64Ram, IDE HD, Linux never crashed, Samba running,
Sendmail running, Mysql running, Apache running...I
never tried a similar system with windowsNT or 2000,
but I guess what could be the result...oh, and the
server is at 50% of use...

> otherwise I would not have submitted my question

The right place.

> but if this is representative of the quality of
>answers to this list, I must presume the answer to my
> simple question is a simple "No".

No, represents what could be my answers and my
oppinions, maybe they have quality for you or not,
depends on what you can do it them. But I even if I
was teasing you, I give to you some tips to your
"simple" question. My simple question is, did you make
any search in the website? 

> BTW. Would you please reply to the list and not
> duplicate e-mail directly to me. Thank you.

Of course. Sometimes our email server doesn't work
properly(not to say other things...) and the guy who
controls it sometimes don't do the homework.

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