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Re: [hylafax-users] I want the subject field in the notification mail
En réponse à Patrice Fournier <pfournier@loups.net>:
So, I can't pass an header like :
X-USRKEY: "subject of message"
My sendmail.cf entry looks like :
Mfax, P=/usr/bin/faxmail, F=DFMhu, S=14, R=24,
M=1000000, T=X-Phone/X-FAX/X-Unix,
A=faxmail -d -n -p 12pt $u@$h $f
I wonder , how do you want me to put the sendfax option (-i) if I call faxmail ?
The faxmail command doesn't contain any option of -i
The important thing that I must consider is :
A client send somes fax trought an IMP/sendmail interface , but he wants to get
a notification with the "subject" and not with a "jobid" number.that it is a
more significative notification.
> Quoting Mr Poirier Xavier <xpoirier@ch-bourg01.fr>:
> > What do you meen by the Jobtag field , is it the "X-Cover-Regarding"
> > header field that I must use in the mailfax ?
> Oh, you use faxmail... hmmm.. You need to call sendfax as: sendfax -i
> "Your job tag here" to set the JobTag. (USRKEY, JobTag and job
> identifier
> are all the same) I don't think you can set it in faxmail with direct
> delivery mode (-d) so you may have to hack a bit your faxmail script...
> > so, I have to modify the notify.awk script to include the subject ?
> No, notify.awk already uses the JobTag field as mentionned by Bodo, it
> will be in the subject of the notification mail.
> --
> Patrice Fournier
> pfournier@loups.net
Xavier Poirier
Service Informatique - Hôpital Fleyriat
Tel: 04 74 45 41 17
eFax: 04 74 23 04 53
mailto: xpoirier@ch-bourg01.fr
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