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Re: [hylafax-users] WHFC Phone book with ODBC

> Mark Welborn wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm running Whfc v1.0.8 on Win98 client machine.  Having problems with
> the define phonebook using ODBC source.  I'm exporting a Outlook
> Express phone book (*.wab) to a *.cvs file and want to use this as my
> source file for the phone book.  I run define phonebook in Whfc and
> point it to the new phonebook using the ODBC option as a *.cvs file,
> it will save the information.  When I open the new phonebook I
> get a Syntax error and the phonebook field are blank.


have you used spaces or other special characters in the table names ?
If so, remove this characters,since this violates sql standards and
leads to error messages.


PS : Please switch of html e-mail, your mail is ugly to read.
Ulrich Eckhardt                         Tr@nscom  
http://www.uli-eckhardt.de              http://www.transcom.de
                                        Lagerstra�e 11-15 A8
                                        64807 Dieburg Germany

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