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[hylafax-users] Problem with ATS8=2 on olitec/rockwell modem

Dear all,

I am using Hylafax 4.0.2-14 on a debian 2.2 system, and I am experiencing some
troubles with the modem (which is an OLITEC Speed'Com 56000 modem which uses a
Rockwell K56 chipset). The problem occurs in the very begining of the
communication :

Nov 22 18:44:43 ornette FaxGetty[6479]: <-- [15:ATE0V1Q0S0=0H0\r]
Nov 22 18:44:43 ornette FaxGetty[6479]: --> [2:OK]
Nov 22 18:44:43 ornette FaxGetty[6479]: <-- [21:ATS8=2S7=60&K3&D3&C1\r]
Nov 22 18:44:43 ornette FaxGetty[6479]: --> [5:ERROR]
Nov 22 18:44:43 ornette FaxGetty[6479]: MODEM Command error

Experiencing with minicom, I found out that the offending command is indeed
"ATS8=2" which gives an ERROR (the modem doc says that S8 is set to 2 and is
non-modifiable which may be why the problem occurs). The problem is that I
don't see how to modify these initial commands in the config file (must be some
variable that is not present in the default config file).
Any advice ?

Olivier Cappe'
ENST, Dpt. TSI / CNRS URA 820           tel     +33 1 45 81 71 11
46 Rue Barrault                         fax     +33 1 45 88 79 35
75634 Paris Cedex 13                            mailto:cappe@tsi.enst.fr
France                                          http://www.tsi.enst.fr/~cappe

PS: My config.modem file looks likes :

# $Id: rockwell,v 1.2 1996/06/24 02:58:40 sam Rel $
# ...
# Configuration for a Rockwell-based modem not otherwise handled by
# another prototype configuration file.  This file assumes the modem
# is compatible with the Rc144AC, RC96AC or RC144DP.
# ...
ModemType:              Class2          # use class 2 interface
ModemRate:              38400
ModemFlowControl:       rtscts          # default
#ModemResetCmds:        AT&F2           # what you want for a Supra
ModemNoFlowCmd:         AT&K            # disable flow control cmd
ModemHardFlowCmd:       AT&K3           # hardware flow control cmd
ModemSoftFlowCmd:       AT&K4           # software flow control cmd
ModemSetupDTRCmd:       AT&D3           # DTR off causes modem to reset
#ModemSetupDTRCmd:      AT&D2S25=1S38=0 # Dynalink 1414VE needs this
ModemSetupDCDCmd:       AT&C1           # DCD follows carrier
ModemSetupAACmd:        AT+FAA=1+FCLASS=0 # enable in current class
ModemSendFillOrder:     LSB2MSB         # as expected
ModemRecvFillOrder:     MSB2LSB         # opposite of what makes sense
ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd: "<19200><xon>"  # modem switches on fax receive
# Caller ID configuration setup for Supra.
#QualifyCID:            etc/cid         # CID access control list file
#CIDNumber:             "NMBR = "       # pattern string for phone number info
#CIDName:               "NAME = "       # pattern string for identity info

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