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Re: [hylafax-users] E-mail to fax gateway for Hylafax?
The mail to fax gateway described is limited to users that use the sendmail
server as their first mail-gateway, usually only local users.
I hate altering the configuration of sendmail too and have been looking for
a way to fax a mailmessage from anywhere on the net. Just this morning i
succeeded for the first time.
It is based upon creating an faxgateway user on my server, who (using
procmail) accepts messages and uses faxmail to convert incoming messages and
send them out as faxes. The transport of the faxnumber is the difficult
thing because i did not want to go throug laborous scripting and i wanted to
make use of the default faxmail functionality that already defines a To,
From, Subject and date field taken directly from the incoming mail.
I found that the following syntax is allowed througout the mailservers in
the world:
where faxrelay is the faxgateway user on your server, the + is a separation
symbol and the extrainfo can be used to hold a faxnumber.
Give me another few days and i'll post the entire working description.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lee Howard [SMTP:faxguy@deanox.com]
> Sent: dinsdag 17 oktober 2000 6:16
> To: Vincent W.S. Tam; 'hylafax-users@hylafax.org'
> Subject: Re: [hylafax-users] E-mail to fax gateway for Hylafax?
> If you want to have the domain of the e-mail address in a fashion such as
> 1234567@fax.intranet then you need to mangle sendmail in such a way that
> the false domain is recognized as valid and deliverable through a HylaFAX
> dispatcher. Either that, or you need to set up a virtual domain, but in
> either case, sendmail has to know where to send the e-mail (which local
> fax-MDA) without using DNS.
> There are good examples of how this is done at:
> http://www.hylafax.org/howto/faxing.html#ss5.4
> From there, you need to develop some sort of script or program (that local
> fax-MDA) that will parse the e-mail and invoke sendfax as you may desire.
> HylaFAX comes with faxmail which others seem to use successfully in this
> fashion.
> However, my personal opinion is that this seems like a lot of work when in
> most situations the HylaFAX admin has root priviledges and could easily
> set
> up a dedicated "faxing user" account such as fax-out@yourdomain.org. No
> sendmail mangling need be done in this instance (the less I toy with
> sendmail the better off I am - call me timid). From there you use the MDA
> via the "faxing user's" preferences to invoke sendfax. This could be done
> with a .forward file or by using procmail's .procmailrc file. (The e-mails
> are sent to the new "faxing user".)
> There is a good example of such a file at:
> http://www.hylafax.org/howto/clients/.procmailrc
> Lee Howard
> At 09:27 AM 10/17/00 +0800, Vincent W.S. Tam wrote:
> >Hello,
> >
> >Is there any e-mail to fax gateway for Hylafax so that:
> >- When we e-mail a message to 1234567@fax.intranet, the e-mail will be
> >passed to Hylafax for faxing to 1234567.
> >- The e-mail "To:" field will become the receiver field of the coverpage
> >- The content of the e-mail will become the content of the coverpage
> >- Any attached tiff or pdf will also become part of the fax
> >
> >If no such gateway exists, is there any kind of method for us to write
> our
> >own?
> >
> >
> >Thanks for your help! Please reply a copy to my e-mail if possible!
> >Vincent
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