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Re: [hylafax-users] General Info

>>>>> On Fri, 25 Aug 2000, "darkskull" == darkskull wrote:

  darkskull> Sorry I had not seen any other message that had all ready told
  darkskull> this. I appologise. Odly enuff i spent alittle time talking to
  darkskull> some Solaris friends, and after looking thru the make files in
  darkskull> HylaFAX it does specificly use /usr/local/lib for lib files... So
  darkskull> i have absolutley no idea what is wrong. I dont know if its giving
  darkskull> me an error that has somthing to do with 3rd party package I
  darkskull> was suposed to install that either I didn't, or that was done
  darkskull> incorectly. Just so your aware I've never used HylaFAX before, I
  darkskull> admin a server running it tho i was not the one who setit up, and
  darkskull> I am trying to setup a newer version of it on a differant system.

Wow - you're hard work ;-)

You still have not tried my suggestion. I suspect the compile is working, but
the linking fails because ld.so can't find the dynamic libraries it needs to

So, for the third time:

Add /usr/local/lib to /etc/ld.so.conf or the slowlaris equivalent, and rerun
ldconfig, then try recompiling HylaFAX.

Any luck?


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