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[hylafax-users] Faxq Does not send my faxes...

I have several problems with my HylaFax, RedHat 6.2, Zoom 28.8 External

I've installed the Hylafax 4.1 Beta rpm distribution for i386. I also
installed the fax-gw Html client for hylafax.

I start the Hylafax with /etc/rc.d/init/hylafax start. I also have 
"s1:35:respawn:/usr/sbin/faxgetty ttyS1" on my inittab file.

At first I tried to send a fax from the fax-gw.html. I gave me an error
with the fonts which I solved relinking some dead font links. Afterward
the fax seem to get processed ok but the server didn;t send any faxes.
The document was in the docq direcotry but it never got sent. The status
was "Idle and Running". The files had several KB but after some time I
got this message on email.

Your facsimile job to 2327652 failed because:
    <no reason recorded>

    ---- Transcript of session follows ----

    No transcript available.

    ---- Unsent job status ----

   Destination: 2327652
         JobID: 10
       GroupID: 10
        Sender: root
      Mailaddr: root@sam.unah.hn
Submitted From: sam.unah.hn
    Page Width: 215 (mm)
   Page Length: 279 (mm)
    Resolution: 196 (lpi)
        Status:   (nothing available)
       Dialogs: 0 (exchanges with remote device)
         Dials: 0 (consecutive failed calls to destination)
         Calls: 0 (total phone calls placed)
         Pages: 0 (pages transmitted)
      TotPages: 0 (total pages to transmit)
      Attempts: 0 (attempts to send current page)
        Dirnum: 0 (directory of next page to send)

    ---- Documents submitted for transmission ----

Filename                 Size Type
docq/doc10.cover            0 PostScript cover page
docq/doc15.ps.10            0 PostScript

As you can see Hylafax thought it was a 0K file... Don;t know why. If I
restart Hylafax I get 2 faxq proceses and If I try to send a another fax
one of the faxq porcess hogs the processor but it never send anything.
uucp       688  0.0  0.8  3292 1880 ?        S    23:13   0:00
uucp       690  0.0  0.6  3064 1400 ?        S    23:13   0:00
/usr/sbin/hfaxd -
uucp       733  0.0  0.7  3228 1788 ?        S    23:13   0:00
uucp       983 94.3  0.8  3324 2024 ?        R    23:18   1:29

As you can see the second faxq has a CPU count of 94.3. I could get it
to send a file that had read permision for user uucp but if I try to fax
a file, say /etc/hosts I get the error. The fax that I was able to send
ended in an error though.

I tried to send a fax to the server and see how it recieves. It answers
the phone and all. The fax seems to get through on the fax machine but
ends witha comunicatione rror after it scaned the page. The resulting
tiff file is currupted and canot be read by a bitmap reader.
I don;t know what I'm doing worng. Pleas ehlp and I apologize for such a
long email.

Sergio Murillo

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