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[hylafax-users] So many problems that it's over my head

Hello World !

We have been using hylafax for 9 month by now but we are still having alot of
problems. I like to think about getting a new job because this takes all my
time. Our production environment sends 3000 faxes each day so even small
problems gives many customers calling us. I have listed some of the problems
below and i really hope that any of you guys can help me out here.

Os        Red Hat Linux 6.1

Hylafax   4.0pl2

Modems    Multitech Complete ISDN (30 modems).
          Connection to hylafax via TCP/IP.

Here is a list of our problems...

1.   In /var/log/messages i often get the message :
     Filesystem has SysV-style file creation semantics
     Does this means anything ?
     Can it be disabled ?

2.   We each day gets a few of :
     Error: sendfax failed FID: 20000608130629.58865887.obelix
     Info: 425 Cannot create data socket (,4558): Address already
in use.'

3.   Now and then faxes either gets switched around or one of them
     gets to the wrong destination (always to another customer)
     My guess is that the line never gets ATH'ed or similar.

4.   We get all sorts of errors often to the same customers,
     please help us solve the cause, the funny thing is that we
     could fax to all of them using our old OS/2 fax solution.
     (which got out of service because of year 2000)

     Some gets empty pages, some gets condens pages
     Some gets a blank page now and then, some gets nothing.

     Here is a few messages while sending to the same customer :

Time   tty     job  retcode p  ctime   stime   error (if any)
12:48  ttyb0   897  33030   4  2:48    2:21
12:50  ttyab   898  33030   4  3:06    2:22
14:57  ttyb3   1754 33030   5  3:24    2:58
15:43  ttyac   5143 33030   3  3:22    2:53    *1
16:03  ttya7   5143 33030   2  3:55    3:21
17:27  ttyb9   5433 33030   7  4:54    4:16
14:11  ttya1   7725 65535   0  3:10    0:00    *2
14:20  ttyb8   7725 33030   0  3:58    3:31    *3
14:29  ttyac   7725 33030   0  4:05    3:36    *3
14:38  ttya5   7725 33030   7  6:55    6:27
14:45  ttya5   7726 33030   5  7:27    6:52
08:17  ttya4   8880 33030   6  4:49    4:22    *4
08:27  ttya2   8880 65535   0  3:10    0:00    *5
08:35  ttyaa   8880 65535   0  3:10    0:00    *5
08:43  ttyb0   8880 65535   0  3:10    0:00    *5
08:52  ttya4   8880 65535   0  0:19    0:00    *6
08:58  ttyb1   8880 65535   0  3:10    0:00    *5
09:06  ttya8   8880 65535   0  3:11    0:00    *5
09:14  ttyaf   8880 33030   1  1:10    0:43
09:15  ttyaf   8881 33030   5  4:01    3:26
11:05  ttyb3   9738 65535   0  3:10    0:00    *5
11:13  ttyba   9738 33030   5  3:22    2:57

*1 "Modem protocol error (unknown post-page response)"
*2 "Unknown problem (check modem power)"
*3 "Failure to train at 2400 bps or +FMINSP value"
*4 "No response to EOP repeated 3 times"
*5 "Unknown problem (check modem power)"
*6 "No carrier detected"

5.   Sometimes it seems that a que is build up and no faxes gets sends
     It seems that each and every one of them fails but no error messages
     is given. I am talking about that it sends each fax until maxcount is

I really hope that you guys can help us here, cause it killing me.


Benjamin Petersen, system developer.
Dan Net A/S
Phone +45 45902086

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