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Owerhsip Problems???

I recently upgraded the version of Hylafax and whfc I've been using.  Everything
was fine before but now I'm having access problems from whfc when viewing files.
When I start whfc I can see the fax files that I've received sitting in the
/var/spool/fax/recvq directory.  However, when I click on the binocular icon to
view them I'm told that the viewing program can't locate them.  I believe the
real problem is the viewing program doesn't have access to the directory.

If I access the files through network neigborhood first it will work.  The
win98 system running whfc has the samba password saved and uses it.  Once
that's done once I can then go back and use whfc's viewer to look at the files.

How do I fix this?  

E-Mail: Gerry Doris <gdoris@home.com>
Date: 09-Jan-00
Time: 16:53:54

"The lyf so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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