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problems with sendfax -i
We are successfully running hylafax 4.0p12 on a FreeBSD machine using
a recommended multitech modem. I am unable to get the -i option to
work with the sendfax command. The -i option is documented to do the
-i identifier
Use the identifier string in any notification
messages instead of the usual job identifier
number. This option is useful for applica-
tions that cross reference notification mes-
sages against job submissions.
I understand that commands for sendfax MUST be in a particular order,
but have tried various combinations from the command line to no avail.
sendfax -n -i 7892 -d 8220666 /home/paden/foo.ps
request id is 48 (group id 48) for host localhost (1 file)
sendfax -i 7893 -n -d 8220666 /home/paden/foo.ps
request id is 49 (group id 48) for host localhost (1 file)
I am expecting the request id to show up as 7892 or 7893. Perhaps I
am misunderstand the documtation?
faxstat after submission of the above jobs yields:
bash-2.03# faxstat -d
HylaFAX scheduler on prodigy.ebody.com: Running
Modem cuaa0 (612.822.1500): Waiting for modem to come ready
JID Pri S Owner Number Pages Dials TTS Status
43 127 D root 8220666 1:1 1:12
47 127 D root 8220666 1:1 1:12
48 127 D root 8220666 1:1 1:12
49 127 D root 8220666 1:1 1:12
Here I am expected the JID to show up as 7892 or 7893 as well.
Please copy replies to paden@ebody.com as I am not a memeber of the list.