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Re: HylaFAX / Faxmaster
This is probably because there is an "alias" which is sending faxmaster to
Look for a "faxmaster" alias in (depending on how sendmail is configured)
(or whereever your aliases file is).
Of course, this is assuming you're using sendmail. I've not idea how exim
or smail or any other ones work...
On Sun, 16 May 1999, Ralf Gorholt wrote:
> Hi folks,
> please excuse me if my question is perhaps a little bit off-topic.
> I tried to setup HylaFAX so that it sends received faxes to a user named
> "faxmaster" on one of my machines. But, although this user is declared on
> the machine, "root" always gets the message. So I tried to send a message
> manually to "faxmaster", but it was again "root" who got it.
> Why doesn't "faxmaster" receive mails? Can anybody tell me, where in the
> configuration I have to look to find the error? Thanks in advance.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen/With kind regards
> Ralf Gorholt
Aidan Van Dyk Create like a god,
aidan@ottawa.com command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/ work like a slave.
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