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Re: Error message - unable to exec /usr/sbin/faxsend ??
Les Hazelton wrote:
> I installed hylafax-4.0pl2-3rh5 on my Linuc Mandrake 5.3 system using an
> rpm I got from
> ftp://ftp.hylafax.org/hylafax/binary/. My kernel is 2.2.6.
> I have run faxsetup and faxmodem to initialize the configuration. I can
> post those files if that would be helpful. I think it all installed
> correctly. The fax deamons appear to be running as is faxgetty.
> The problem is, I can't send a fax. Each time I try, the modem never
> dials and I get the following error report back in my local Linux mail:
> Subject: facsimile job 12 to 1-914-xxx-xxx failed
> Your facsimile job to 1-914-xxx-xxxx failed because:
> Send program terminated abnormally; unable to exec
> /usr/sbin/faxsend
> I tried a manual dial with minicom and also sendfax ... Those worked.
You say sendfax worked? What were you doing to try to send the fax when
you couldn't? Also, did your error message actually have that extra
carriage return in front of /usr/sbin/faxsend or is that just my/your
mail client wrapping it? (I'm thinking about some configuration file
edited on DOS/Windows...)