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No response to EOP? ROCKWELL AC/K56/v2.100-v90-2m_DLS

Hi everybody,
   I'm still trying to get Hylafax (hylafax-4.0pl2-3rh5 RPM for Redhat Linux
5.2, Kernel 2.2.5) working and am fairly successful now sending faxes to
a brand new Fax machine (Sharp FO5600) that we acquired.
   However, I have a great deal of difficulty sending to older machines.
In one case, the fax gets sent, truncated, sent, truncated, and again and
again until the software finally gives up.  The result is:

Apr 14 10:39:19.17: [21068]: SESSION BEGIN 00000042 3034971492
Apr 14 10:39:19.17: [21068]: SEND FAX: JOB 35 DEST 3034971492 COMMID 00000042
Apr 14 10:41:15.96: [21068]: SEND: No response to EOP repeated 3 times; Giving u
p after 3 attempts to send same page "docq/doc40.ps;31", dirnum 0
Apr 14 10:41:16.59: [21068]: SESSION END

    I have an external Viking modem with the ROCKWELL chipset
(ROCKWELL AC/K56/v2.100-v90-2M_DLS).
    Is this a problem with my configuration?  Any suggestions on things
to try (I've tried lower BAUD rates and setting the flow control to xonxoff)?
Thanks in advance.

--Tim Fredrick (fredrick@acd.ucar.edu)
  NCAR/ACD Computer Systems Administration

My config.ttyS0 file:

# $Id: rockwell,v 1.2 1996/06/24 02:58:40 sam Rel $
# HylaFAX Facsimile Software
# Copyright (c) 1990-1996 Sam Leffler
# ...
CountryCode:		1
AreaCode:		303
FAXNumber:		+1.303.554.6278
LongDistancePrefix:	1
InternationalPrefix:	011
DialStringRules:	etc/dialrules
ServerTracing:		1
SessionTracing:		11
#ServerTracing:         0x0f
#SessionTracing:                0x0f
RecvFileMode:		0600
LogFileMode:		0600
DeviceMode:		0600
RingsBeforeAnswer:	1
SpeakerVolume:		off
GettyArgs:		"-h %l %s"
LocalIdentifier:	acd
TagLineFont:		etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat:		"From %%l|%c|Page %%p of %%t"
MaxRecvPages:		25
# Modem-related stuff: should reflect modem command interface
# and hardware connection/cabling (e.g. flow control).
ModemType:		Class2		# use class 2 interface
ModemRate:		38400
ModemFlowControl:	rtscts		# default
#ModemResetCmds:	AT&F2		# what you want for a Supra
ModemNoFlowCmd:		AT&K0		# disable flow control cmd
ModemHardFlowCmd:	AT&K3		# hardware flow control cmd
ModemSoftFlowCmd:	AT&K4		# software flow control cmd
ModemSetupDTRCmd:	AT&D3		# DTR off causes modem to reset
#ModemSetupDTRCmd:	AT&D2S25=1S38=0	# Dynalink 1414VE needs this
ModemSetupDCDCmd:	AT&C1		# DCD follows carrier
ModemSetupAACmd:	AT+FAA=1 # enable in current class
ModemSendFillOrder:	LSB2MSB		# as expected
ModemRecvFillOrder:	MSB2LSB		# opposite of what makes sense
ModemAnswerFaxBeginCmd:	"<19200><xon>"	# modem switches on fax receive
Class2RecvDataTrigger:	"\022"		# character sent to modem to start recv

# Caller ID configuration setup for Supra.
#QualifyCID:		etc/cid		# CID access control list file
#CIDNumber:		"NMBR = "	# pattern string for phone number info
#CIDName:		"NAME = "	# pattern string for identity info

Report any problems to webmaster@hylafax.org

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