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faxmail PDF attachments: how?

I am trying to set up a script called


which should enable me to have PDF attachments to e-mail messages converted
and sent as fax pages. I can't find anything in the documentation that tells
me how this script is supposed to work (pipe? take named file and print to
stdout? take named file and send somewhere?) so I have used a script I
currently use for working around the postscript attachment problem (first
page printed as a thumbnail) as a template. That script was posted to the
mailing list some time ago, which was how I found it. In the postscript
converter, it seems that it takes the name of a file as an argument and
prints everything on stdout, so I tried that too by using ghostscript as

/usr/local/bin/gs -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=tiffg4 -sOutputFile=- $1

in an executable called /usr/local/sbin/faxmail/application/pdf
This script produces valid tiff files on stdout from a named (command line
argument) input pdf file, and the resulting tiff file can be sent directly
with sendfax. However, when using faxmail for mail messages with attached
PDF files, the PDF part disappears from the fax message. Where am I going
wrong? Please respond to my e-mail address, still not subscribing to mailing

Erik �sthols
TDB Project Coordinator
OECD/NEA Data Bank
12, bd. des �les
F-92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux
Tel: +33-(0)1-45 24 10 83
Fax: +33-(0)1-45 24 11 26
E-mail: erik.osthols@oecd.org or erik.osthols@nea.fr

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