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Re: SysV configuration patch
On Thu, 19 Nov 1998, Robert Colquhoun wrote:
> Believe me - you cannot do this automatically every system does this
> slighty differently
> ie for HP-UX it is /sbin/init.d and /sbin/rc*.d and the scripts range in
> value from 0 to 1000
> ie S905hylafax K095hylafax, HP also put rules about what numbers the
> scripts are allowed to be you are *not* allowed to include one as say
> S095hylafax for instance as that number range has been reserved by HP.
Not only that, but HP-UX runs the S* scripts for each level in order
[1..n] when bringing the system up, and runs the K* scripts for each level
in reverse order [n-1..0] to shut down. Which forces each level to be a
superset of the previous one. (I don't think any other unixes do this.)
The proper places are probably /sbin/rc4.d/S905hylafax and
/sbin/rc3.d/K095hylafax. That's not a typo; they go in different
Furthermore, HP-UX invokes the script as "S905hylafax start_msg" and
"K095hylafax stop_msg" expecting it to output strings which should be
displayed on its startup and shutdown screens. For example:
case $1 in
echo "Start hylafax server"
echo "Stop hylafax server"
# start the daemons...
# stop the daemons...
echo "usage: $0 {start|stop}"
> Also as always it is quite possible the sysadmin has further customised
> this, making it all but unrecognizable to an outsider/configure script to
> make sense of.
So I'll forgive you if you don't try to support HP's weird way of doing
things. :)
~ John Williams
p.s. hylafax runs as a client only on my HPs because their serial ports
suck too.