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Re: replacing an exchange fax server

Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
> [ Warning: could be considered not strictly
>   hylafax related ]
> Hi,
> I'm helping someone to replace an NT box with
> a RedHat system, and we're satisfied that we can
> get Linux to do everything that his current dying
> Small Business Server can, with the exception of
> fax services.
> His users work almost entirely from Outlook 98,
> and send faxes by mailing word documents as
> attachments to email addresses which look like
> '[fax:NUMBER]'


whfc has an ole interface. So you can write some
macros or VBA scripts which does the job. For
infos on ole and some examples see 

Ulrich Eckhardt                         Tr@nscom GbR 
http://people.frankfurt.netsurf.de/uli  http://www.transcom.de
                                        Lagerstra�e 11-15 A8
                                        64807 Dieburg Germany

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