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Re: unknown problem (check modem power)
Matthias Apitz wrote:
> > > Oct 19 14:21:26.95: [ 381]: DIAL 6001,33148060767
> > > Oct 19 14:21:26.95: [ 381]: <-- [21:ATDT6001,33148060767\r]
> > > Oct 19 14:21:27.78: [ 381]: --> [17:DELAYED 00:36:49]
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> faxsend(1M) is not awaiting the string "DELAYED...." as a result
> of a dial command. Check for how to disable such stuff in your
> modem manual (BTW: which modem?) or see the source faxd/ClassModem.c++
> for the method ClassModem.c++:ClassModem::isNoise() how to
> hard-code ignore this messages (I don't know what the message
> means at all and if it should/could be ignored);
I would hazard a guess that this might be some stuff that many countries
insist is put in modems to stop an automatic modem continuously dialing
the same number without success. The modem stores a list of "dud" phone
numbers and then refuses to call them for a certain amount of time
(maybe that is what the DELAYED) means. The normal return from a Hayes
type modem is "BLACKLISTED".
It is also possible that the modem is only considering the number before
the comma as the number being called. Thus if you fail to call an
international number (with the "6001," prefix) more than a few times,
you can't call any number prefixed with the "6001,". Maybe you could try
removing the comma (does it need a pause?).
I may of course be totally way off base though.
* Damian Ivereigh * || || * Cisco Systems, Inc. *
* MIS Printer Admin * .||||. .||||. * Sydney, Australia *
* Linux Bigot * ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. * +61 2 8448 7344 *
* damian@cisco.com * cisco Systems, Inc. * Fax: +61 2 8448 7228 *