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Re: spam fax
> and I sent ONE test email to testfax from my account on the localhost. It
> came out fine. I sent another ONE from a Win95 machine, and checked the fax
> machine for it. The fax machine had several (didn't bother to count) copies
> of the original in the tray, and another coming out. I killed the sendfax
> process on the HylaFAX server, but soon thereafter another one started. I
> repeated this foolishness for several sendfax processes until I turned off
> the modem to stop it from transmitting, but I ended up with an email box
> full of "facsimile job 28 to 93842553 failed" (where the job number
> increased into the hundreds).
Look at the sendmail log files to find out why sendmail thought this was
a temporary failure. Then fix it, or force a success return in the script,
or, if possible, reconfigure sendmail to treat errors from the program as