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Re: trace debugging help?

Gary Sabot wrote:
> I'm installing HylaFAX v4.0pl2 on Solaris 2.6/ultra 60 using gcc 2.8.1
> (with the hylafax-gcc-2.8.x.sh patches).
> I can talk to the modem fine with tip.  I set up hylafax outgoing
> only, with no other monitors interfering with it, but it can't seem to
> talk to the modem (multitech 5634zbav).  Right after a I do a send,
> the modem lights briefly flicker, then nothing, then a message from
> Hylafax that repeated attempts to initialize the modem have failed.
> There are no new files in /var/spool/fax/log, even though my config
You get only one when sending or receiving a fax and you aren't going to
this stage.
You'll find the messages in the syslog deamon files, (if you're using

> file sets ServerTracing to 11.

Which one ? There're 3 ServerTracing in Hylafax config :)

Use it without faxgetty? 

with faxgetty use this one and log via syslog:info

Maybe you have a problem in your config.<modem> , your modem dislikes
some AT commands.


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