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Hylafax and Creatix modem
Andreas wrote:
> I canīt get my Creatix Phonemaster VF144 modem working together with Hylafax4.0 under > Linux.
> Could you please help me to get the right initialisation codes (it has got a UMC
> chipset).
> None of the ones I found, worked right!
Here is my config file for Creatix LC144. It works for outgoing and incomming faxes.
CountryCode: 49
AreaCode: 69
FAXNumber: +xx.xx.xxxxxxx
LongDistancePrefix: 0
InternationalPrefix: 00
DialStringRules: etc/dialrules
ServerTracing: 1
SessionTracing: 63
RecvFileMode: 0600
LogFileMode: 0600
DeviceMode: 0600
RingsBeforeAnswer: 1
SpeakerVolume: Medium
GettyArgs: "%l"
LocalIdentifier: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
TagLineFont: etc/lutRS18.pcf
TagLineFormat: "Von %%l|%%n|%d.%m.%Y %R|Seite %%p von %%t"
QualifyTSI: ""
MaxRecvPages: 25
ModemType: Class2 # use this to supply a hint
ModemRate: 19200 # max rate for DCE-DTE communication
ModemFlowControl: xonxoff # XON/XOFF flow control assumed
ModemSetupDTRCmd: AT&D2 # setup so DTR drop resets modem
ModemSetupDCDCmd: AT&C1 # setup so DCD reflects carrier (or not)
ModemDialCmd: AT%%TCBDT%s # Keine Wahlsperre bei Fehlversuchen
ModemResetCmds: AT+FAA=1 # stuff to do when modem is reset
ModemResetDelay: 3500
ModemAnswerCmd: ATA # use this to answer phone
ModemNoFlowCmd: AT&K0 # disable flow control cmd
ModemHardFlowCmd: AT&K3 # hardware flow control cmd
ModemSoftFlowCmd: AT&K4 # software flow control cmd
ModemNoAutoAnswerCmd: ATS0=0 # disable auto-answer
ModemWaitForConnect: true # User-Name CONNECT existiert nicht
ModemSetVolumeCmd: "ATM0 ATL0M1 ATL1M1 ATL2M1 ATL3M1"
ModemEchoOffCmd: ATE0 # disable command echo
ModemVerboseResultsCmd: ATV1 # enable verbose command results
ModemResultCodesCmd: ATQ0 # enable result codes
ModemOnHookCmd: ATH0 # place phone on hook (hangup)
ModemSoftResetCmd: ATZ # do soft reset of modem
ModemWaitTimeCmd: ATS7=60 # wait 60 seconds for carrier
ModemCommaPauseTimeCmd: ATS8=2 # comma pause time is 2 seconds
ModemRecvFillOrder: MSB2LSB # bit order of received facsimile
ModemSendFillOrder: LSB2MSB # bit order modem expects for transmit
Use2D: No
Class2Cmd: AT+FCLASS=2 # command to enter class 2
Class2BORCmd: AT+FBOR=0 # bit order for phase B/C/D (direct)
Class2RELCmd: AT+FREL=1 # byte-align EOL codes on recv
Class2CQCmd: "" # commands to enable copy quality proc.
Class2AbortCmd: AT+FK # abort session command
Class2CQQueryCmd: AT+FCQ=? # query for copy quality capabilities
Class2DCCQueryCmd: AT+FDCC=? # query for modem capabilities
Class2TBCCmd: AT+FTBC=0 # setup stream mode
Class2CRCmd: AT+FCR=1 # enable capability to receive
Class2PHCTOCmd: AT+FPHCTO=30 # set phase C timeout parameter
Class2BUGCmd: AT+FBUG=1 # enable HDLC frame tracing
Class2LIDCmd: AT+FLID # set local identifier command
Class2DCCCmd: AT+FDCC # set modem capabilities command
Class2DISCmd: AT+FDIS # set session parameters command
Class2DDISCmd: AT+FDIS # Disable pre-dial DIS command hack
Class2CIGCmd: AT+FCIG # set polling identifier command
Class2PTSCmd: AT+FPTS # set post-page status command
Class2SPLCmd: AT+FSPL # set polling indicator command
Class2RecvDataTrigger: "\022" # character sent to modem to start recv
Class2XmitWaitForXON: no # if true, wait for XON before send
From: jay@dixonssurgical.co.uk (Jay Dixon)
To: flexfax@sgi.com
Subject: flexfax: Setup Problems
Date: Wed, 01 Oct 1997 16:11:25 GMT
Organization: Dixons Surgical Ltd
Reply-To: jay@dixonssurgical.co.uk
X-Mailer: Forte Agent 1.5/32.451
Sender: owner-flexfax@celestial.com
I am trying to set up a Hylafax v4.0pl1 server on FreeBSD 2.2.1 to
serve outgoing only for Win3.x/WinNT4.0 machines. I have a Hayes
ACCURA 56K External Speakerphone Modem on cuaa0. This is a class 1
fax device. The cuaa0 dev is also used for PPP dialup to my ISP using
userPPP within FreeBSD.
I have got the software installed but the setup is still shaky. I
have the hfaxd service setup in inetd on port 4559 and this is working
OK from boot (i.e. the Win machines can communicate and pass faxes
I am starting faxq from the following script at bootup in
/usr/local/etc/rc.d/hylafax.sh -
if [ -x /usr/local/sbin/faxq ]; then
/usr/local/sbin/faxq && echo 'Hylafax Server.'
The faxq starts up OK but when I send a fax through it sits there
saying 'Modem cuaa0 (+44.(0)1268.764615): Waiting for modem to come
If I then type '/usr/local/sbin/faxmodem cuaa0' at the command line
the modem then dials and sends the faxes OK. What am I missing and
Also after the modem has sent the fax it is staying in class1 mode and
I can't send data (i.e. make a PPP connection). I have tried the
following strings in the 'ModemResetCmds' variable of
/var/spool/fax/etc/config.cuaa0 with no joy -
AT+FCALSS=0 # Set to Fax Class 0 (Data)
ATF # Set to factory presets
Any ideas please?
Jay Dixon - Dixons Surgical Ltd - Wickford - Essex - England
jay@dixonssurgical.co.uk - http://www.dixonssurgical.co.uk