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Hi to everybody,

has anybody any clue why my sendfax doesn't seem to read the typerule
information (normal installation of 4.0pl1 in /usr/local/lib/fax on a
Linux 2.0.28 using a gcc 2.7.2) ...

Although the first line reads something like

0     string      %!     ps

a conversion into tiff format is attempted which ends in the warning
that the magic number (magically) doesn't match (no wonder :-) 

(btw, I have, or merely sendfax has, troubles converting normal ascii
files, too, so something might be buggy with the installation but I
can't figure out what - damn ;-/) 

Thanks for all hints, cheers, norbert.

A rattlesnake that doesn't bite teaches you nothing!  (Jessamyn West)
Dr Norbert Koch                   |  
Delta Industrie Informatik GmbH   |  phone:  +49.711.57.151.37
Schaflandstrasse 2                |  fax:    +49.711.57.151.65
D-70736 Fellbach                  |  email:  norbert.koch@delta-ii.de

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