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Re: Solaris SAC and faxgetty conflict

>>>>> On Thu, 10 Jul 1997, "AVD" == Aidan Van Dyk wrote:

  AVD> At 04:53 PM 7/10/97 +0100, you wrote:

  +> Hi, I'm running Hylafax 4.0pl1 under Sun Solaris 2.5.1. The "problem"
  +> is that this Sun also gets the company e-mail via uucp and answers data
  +> calls with the SAC (service acces controller). Hylafax is installed
  +> for sending only.. but it seems that hylafax doesn't work ok without
  +> faxgetty (If faxgetty isn't there, jobs in the queue don't get sent,
  +> even having the scheduler and the server running). BTW I've got a
  +> Supfrafax modem.  If I have faxgetty running, the modem lays in OK, and
  +> SAC won't answer data calls, but I'll be able to send faxes..  If I
  +> don't have faxgetty running, the modem lays in AA (autoanswer?), faxes
  +> will stay in the queue and probably never sent, but I'll be able to get
  +> data calls..  I like the way faxgetty works, And it seems it can also
  +> handle data calls some way.. Has anyone done this? (reciving data calls
  +> with faxgetty running under solaris?)  TIA

  AVD> You don't need faxgetty running.  If you want a send only environment
  AVD> (like me) you don't use faxgetty, but rather initialize each modem
  AVD> you are useing using "faxmodem device".  This initializes the faxq to
  AVD> use the modem without faxgetty.

Errr, not quite true Aidan ;-)  I realise the html docs are a bit 
contradictory on this issue, but according to faxq(8c):

       faxq  may  be  run by itself to provide outbound-only ser-
       vices  or  it  may  be  run  together  with  one  or  more
       faxgetty(8C)  processes,  in  which  case inbound services
       (e.g. receiving facsimile) are provided.  When faxq is run
       by  itself  the  set of available modems must be specified
       using the faxmodem(8C) command.  Each modem  specified  in
       this way is assumed to exist and to be capable of use as a
       facsimile modem.  When faxq is  run  in  conjunction  with
       faxgetty processes, it is not necessary to use faxmodem to
       specify modems; instead the programs communicate  informa-
       tion about the status and capabilities of each modem.  The
       latter setup provides a more robust  and  powerful  system
       and is the intended way for the software to operate.

That's the gospel, honest guv.


Attachment Converted: "c:\program files\eudora\attach\Re Solaris SAC and faxgetty co"

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