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Re: USR Courier V.everything and paging
>>>>> "j" == jonc <jonc@pinnacle.co.nz> writes:
j> On 27 May 1997, R.D. Thrush wrote:
>> How can I add paging functions to my existing environment without
>> slowing everything down to 1200 bps?
j> [snip]
j> Well, since no one else has answered.. You may try using the <1200>
j> command somewhere in your pager setup sequence to lock the baud-rate
j> [snip]
>> PagerSetupCmds: AT&N2&K0&M0 # 1200 baud.
j> How about:
j> PagerSetupCmds: <1200>
Bingo! Thanks very much. The following string is working perfectly.
PagerSetupCmds: <1200>AT&F0&N2&K0&M0 # 1200 baud.