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Automatic distribution of Received fax with a shared modem


Together with some friends, I have discussed the possibility to have auto=
matic =

distribution of incoming facsimiles when using a shared fax modem. We cam=
e up =

with the idea to "expand" the phone number with a 4-digit code and then l=
et =

this code decide who the fax was for by letting the modem read the 4 digi=
ts =

before going into "fax mode". =

What I now wonder is: is this technically possible at all? Or does it alr=
eady =

exist any distribution system that can take an incoming facsimile from an=
y =

sender and redistribute it to the correct receiver? =


						/Lars-=C5ke Larzon

| Lars-=C5ke Larzon               | Phone: +46-920-72885 (work)        |
| CDT/Dept. of Computer Science |        +46-920-49360 (home)        |
| University of Lule=E5           |   Fax: +46-920-72801 (work)        |
| S-971 87 Lule=E5                | Email: lln@sm.luth.se              | =

| SWEDEN                        |   WWW: http://www.sm.luth.se/~lln/ |

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