This directory contains precompiled executables of ghostview for various machines and operating systems: Filename OS version X version Notes -------- ---------- --------- ----- AViiON-DGUX DG/UX 5.4.1 Vendor(X11R4) Bobcat-BSD BSD 4.3+NFS X11R4 DECstation-Ultrix Ultrix 4.2a X11R5pl17 RS6000-AIX AIX 3.2 X11R5pl17 statically linked RT-AOS AOS 4.3 X11R5pl17 SGI-IRIX IRIX 4.0.1 Vendor SPARC-SunOS SunOS 4.1.2 X11R5pl17 X libs statically linked Sequent-Dynix Dynix 3.1.4 X11R4 Snake-BSD BSD 4.3+NFS X11R5pl17 Snake-HPUX HPUX 8.07 X11R5pl17 X libs statically linked VAX-Ultrix Ultrix 4.2 X11R4