/* * cddbd - CD Database Protocol Server * * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Steve Scherf (steve@moonsoft.com) * Portions Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by various authors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef LINT static char *const _sites_c_ident_ = "@(#)$Id: xmit.c,v 2006/04/18 22:10:24 joerg78 Exp $"; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "access.h" #include "cddbd.h" /* Preprocessor definitions. */ /* Sites file record type. */ #define SRT_CDDBP 0 #define SRT_SMTP 1 #define SRT_INFO 2 #define SRT_GROUP 3 /* Structures. */ typedef struct tfile { int tf_dir; unsigned int tf_discid; } tfile_t; /* Prototypes. */ void cddbd_catchup(char *, char *); void cddbd_do_catchup(char *, char *); void cddbd_do_put(csite_t *, char *); void cddbd_do_remote_cmd(csite_t *, char *, char *); void cddbd_do_remote_log(csite_t *); void cddbd_do_transmit(csite_t *); void cddbd_put(char *, char *); void cddbd_remote_cmd(char *, char *, char *); void cddbd_remote_log(char *); void cddbd_transmit(char *); void cddbd_write_history(char *, unsigned int); void getsitemark(void); void gfree(void *); void setsitemark(void); void tfree(void *); int cddbd_clean_history(void); int cddbd_do_merge_ulist(char *, int); int cddbd_oc_history(char *, int); int cddbd_open_history(char *); int cddbd_open_ulist(void); int cddbd_put_file(char *, char *, char *); int cddbd_read_history(char *, unsigned int *); int parse_coord(char *, coord_t *); int grp_comp(void *, void *); int tfile_comp(void *, void *); /* Global variables. */ FILE *site_fp = NULL; FILE *ulist_fp = NULL; char *histstr = "Start %s\n"; char *uhist; int hist_opened; int site_line; long sitemark = -1; lhead_t *hist; lhead_t *group; csite_t * getsitenam(char *site, int type) { csite_t *sp; endsitegrp(); setsiteent(); while((sp = getsiteent(type)) != NULL) if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(site, sp->st_name)) return sp; return NULL; } csite_t * getsiteent(int type) { int i; int ind; int srt; arg_t args; char *s; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; static csite_t site; if(site_fp == NULL) { setsiteent(); if(site_fp == NULL) return NULL; } while(fgets(args.buf, sizeof(args.buf), site_fp) != NULL) { site_line++; /* Skip comments and blanks. */ if(args.buf[0] == '#' || is_blank(args.buf, 0)) continue; cddbd_parse_args(&args, 0); if(args.nargs < 2) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Syntax error in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } cddbd_bzero((char *)&site, sizeof(site)); strncpy(site.st_name, args.arg[0], sizeof(site.st_name)); site.st_name[sizeof(site.st_name) - 1] = '\0'; site.st_port = 0; if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "cddbp")) srt = SRT_CDDBP; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "smtp")) srt = SRT_SMTP; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "info")) srt = SRT_INFO; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "group")) srt = SRT_GROUP; else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Unknown site record type \"%s\" in %s on line %d.", args.arg[1], sitefile, site_line); continue; } /* If we have a group filter, make sure the site is included. */ if(type != SITE_GROUP && group != 0 && list_find(group, (void *)site.st_name) == 0) continue; switch(type) { case SITE_XMIT: if(srt == SRT_CDDBP) site.st_proto = ST_PROTO_CDDBP; else if(srt == SRT_SMTP) site.st_proto = ST_PROTO_SMTP; else continue; break; case SITE_LOG: if(srt == SRT_CDDBP) site.st_proto = ST_PROTO_CDDBP; else continue; break; case SITE_INFO: if(srt == SRT_INFO) site.st_proto = ST_PROTO_NONE; else continue; break; case SITE_GROUP: if(srt == SRT_GROUP) site.st_proto = ST_PROTO_GROUP; else continue; break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error: unknown site type: %s.", type); continue; } switch(site.st_proto) { case ST_PROTO_CDDBP: case ST_PROTO_SMTP: if(args.nargs > 5) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Syntax error in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } site.st_port = 0; site.st_flags = 0; /* Get the port #. */ switch(site.st_proto) { case ST_PROTO_CDDBP: if(args.nargs > 2) { if(strcmp(args.arg[2], "-")) { site.st_port = atoi(args.arg[2]); } if(site.st_port < 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid port in %s on " "line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } } break; case ST_PROTO_SMTP: if(args.nargs < 3) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Missing address in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } strncpy(site.st_addr, args.arg[2], sizeof(site.st_addr)); break; default: break; } /* Get the flags. */ if(args.nargs > 3 && strcmp(args.arg[3], "-")) { for(s = args.arg[3]; *s != '\0'; s++) { switch(*s) { case 't': site.st_flags |= ST_FLAG_NOXMIT; break; case 'm': site.st_flags |= ST_FLAG_OMIME; break; case 'i': site.st_flags |= ST_FLAG_ONLYISO; break; case 'f': site.st_flags |= ST_FLAG_OFIELDS; break; default: break; } } if(*s != '\0') { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid flag '%c' in %s on line " "%d.", *s, sitefile, site_line); continue; } } /* Get the password label. */ if(args.nargs > 4) { site.st_flags |= ST_FLAG_PWDLBL; cddbd_snprintf(site.st_pwdlbl, sizeof(site.st_pwdlbl), "%s", args.arg[4]); } break; case ST_PROTO_GROUP: if(args.nargs < 3) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Syntax error in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } if(group == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error: no group" "list in group search."); quit(1); } /* This isn't the group we're looking for. */ if(strcmp((char *)group->lh_data, site.st_name)) continue; for(i = 2; i < args.nargs; i++) { if(list_find(group, (void *)args.arg[i]) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Site \"%s\" " "multiply defined in group \"%s\"" " in %s on line %d.", args.arg[i], (void *)group->lh_data, sitefile, site_line); quit(1); } s = strdup(args.arg[i]); if(s == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to allocate" "group list string."); quit(1); } if(list_add_cur(group, (void *)s) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to allocate" "group list entry."); quit(1); } } break; case ST_PROTO_NONE: if(args.nargs < 8) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Syntax error in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } if((ind = get_serv_index(args.arg[2])) < 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid service %s in %s on line %d.", args.arg[2], sitefile, site_line); continue; } site.st_proto = ind; strncpy(site.st_pname, args.arg[2], (sizeof(site.st_pname) - 1)); site.st_pname[strlen(site.st_pname)] = '\0'; if(cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[3], "-")) { site.st_port = atoi(args.arg[3]); if(site.st_port <= 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid port in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } } else site.st_port = ntohs(get_serv_port(0, ind)); strncpy(site.st_addr, args.arg[4], (sizeof(site.st_addr) - 1)); site.st_addr[strlen(site.st_addr)] = '\0'; strncpy(buf, args.arg[5], (sizeof(buf) - 1)); buf[strlen(buf)] = '\0'; if(!parse_coord(buf, &site.st_lat)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Malformed coordinate in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } strncpy(buf, args.arg[6], (sizeof(buf) - 1)); buf[strlen(buf)] = '\0'; if(!parse_coord(buf, &site.st_long)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Malformed coordinate in %s on line %d.", sitefile, site_line); continue; } site.st_desc[0] = '\0'; for(i = 7; i < args.nargs; i++) { if(strlen(site.st_desc) + strlen(args.arg[i]) + 2 > sizeof(site.st_desc)) break; strcat(site.st_desc, args.arg[i]); if(i != (args.nargs - 1)) strcat(site.st_desc, " "); } break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error: impossible default case."); break; } return(&site); } return NULL; } void endsiteent(void) { if(site_fp != NULL) { fclose(site_fp); site_fp = NULL; } } void setsiteent(void) { if(site_fp == NULL) { if(sitefile[0] == '\0') return; if((site_fp = fopen(sitefile, "r")) == NULL) return; } else rewind(site_fp); site_line = 0; } int setsitegrp(char *grp) { int found; endsitegrp(); setsiteent(); group = list_init(grp, grp_comp, gfree, 0); if(group == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to allocate list head."); quit(1); } found = 0; while(getsiteent(SITE_GROUP) != NULL) found++; if(!found) endsitegrp(); setsiteent(); return found; } void setsitemark(void) { if((site_fp != NULL) && (sitemark != -1)) (void)fseek(site_fp, sitemark, SEEK_SET); } void getsitemark(void) { if(site_fp == NULL) return; sitemark = ftell(site_fp); } void endsitegrp(void) { if(group != 0) { list_free(group); group = 0; } } void gfree(void *p) { free(p); } int grp_comp(void *g1, void *g2) { return(strcmp((char *)g1, (char *)g2)); } void tfree(void *p) { free(p); } int tfile_comp(void *t1, void *t2) { int x; x = ((tfile_t *)t1)->tf_dir - ((tfile_t *)t2)->tf_dir; if(x != 0) return x; if(((tfile_t *)t1)->tf_discid > ((tfile_t *)t2)->tf_discid) return 1; if(((tfile_t *)t1)->tf_discid < ((tfile_t *)t2)->tf_discid) return -1; return 0; } void cddbd_rmt_op(int op, char *site, char *arg, char *arg2) { int type; /* T2D: check arguments */ switch(op) { case RMT_OP_LOG: type = SITE_LOG; break; default: type = SITE_XMIT; break; } if(strcmp(site, "all") && !setsitegrp(site) && (getsitenam(site, type) == NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Site \"%s\" is not defined in %s.", site, sitefile); return; } switch(op) { case RMT_OP_LOG: cddbd_remote_log(site); break; case RMT_OP_CMD: cddbd_remote_cmd(site, arg, arg2); break; case RMT_OP_CATCHUP: (void)cddbd_clean_history(); endsiteent(); cddbd_catchup(site, arg); break; case RMT_OP_PUT: cddbd_put(site, arg); break; case RMT_OP_TRANSMIT: (void)cddbd_clean_history(); endsiteent(); cddbd_transmit(site); break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal server error: unknown remote op: %d.", op); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } void cddbd_transmit(char *site) { pid_t f; int xcnt; csite_t *sp; if(strcmp(site, "all") && !setsitegrp(site)) { if((sp = getsitenam(site, SITE_XMIT)) != NULL) cddbd_do_transmit(sp); } else { setsiteent(); for(xcnt = 0;;) { if((sp = getsiteent(SITE_XMIT)) == NULL) break; if(max_xmits > 1) { if(xcnt >= max_xmits) { while(wait(0) < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; xcnt--; } f = cddbd_fork(); if(f < 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't fork child for xmit (%d).", errno); return; } /* The child does the transmit. */ if(f == 0) { cddbd_do_transmit(sp); quit(QUIT_OK); } xcnt++; } else cddbd_do_transmit(sp); } endsitegrp(); endsiteent(); while(xcnt > 0) { while(wait(0) < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; xcnt--; } } } void cddbd_do_transmit(csite_t *sp) { int bps; int xmit; int fail; int tcnt; int files; int use_proto = 1; int db_enc=-1; int flags= MF_NONE; int dbflags; db_t *db; time_t xtime; FILE *fp; char *tmail; FILE *tfp= (FILE *) 0; lhead_t *li; ct_key_t *key; struct stat sbuf; unsigned int discid; char dir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char subj[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char errstr[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char xmit_email[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_NOXMIT) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Remote host %s is not configured for transmits.", sp->st_name); return; } if(!cddbd_open_history(sp->st_name)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to open history file %s.", servfile[SF_HIST]); return; } files = list_count(hist); if(files > 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Beginning file transmission to %s.", sp->st_name); } else { if(verbose) cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Remote host %s is up to date.", sp->st_name); return; } key = 0; switch(sp->st_proto) { case ST_PROTO_CDDBP: if(!cddbp_open(sp)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to open %s for file transmission.", sp->st_name); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } return; } if (!(use_proto=cddbp_setproto())) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to determine and set protocol level on %s for file transmission.", sp->st_name); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } return; } break; case ST_PROTO_SMTP: if(sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_PWDLBL) { if((key = getpasswd(sp->st_pwdlbl)) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "No password " "label \"%s\" found for site: %s", sp->st_pwdlbl, sp->st_name); return; } } /* This is for supporting older sites. */ if(sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_OMIME) flags = MF_ENC; else flags = MF_MULTI; if(!smtp_open()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to open SMTP for file transmission to %s.", sp->st_name); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } return; } cddbd_snprintf(xmit_email, sizeof(xmit_email), "%s@%s", sp->st_addr, sp->st_name); break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Internal error: unknown transmit protocol (%d).", sp->st_proto); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } quit(QUIT_ERR); } li = list_init(0, 0, 0, 0); if(li == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't malloc linked list."); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } quit(QUIT_ERR); } xmit = 0; fail = 0; tcnt = 0; xtime = time(0); while(cddbd_read_history(dir, &discid)) { cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s/%08x", cddbdir, dir, discid); if(stat(file, &sbuf) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't stat DB file: %s (%d).", file, errno); continue; } /* Don't transmit the same file twice. */ if(list_find(li, ino_t_as_ptr (sbuf.st_ino)) != 0) { files--; continue; } if(list_add_cur(li, ino_t_as_ptr (sbuf.st_ino)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc linked list entry."); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } quit(QUIT_ERR); } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT dbflags = file_df_flags | DF_WIN; if((fp = db_prepare_unix_read(file)) != NULL) { #else dbflags = file_df_flags; if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { #endif cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Transmission failed for %s %08x: No such CD entry in database.", dir, discid); continue; } db = db_read(fp, errstr, dbflags); fclose(fp); if(db == 0) { switch(db_errno) { case DE_INVALID: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Invalid DB file: %s: %s.", file, errstr); break; case DE_FILE: default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't read DB file: %s: %s (%d).", file, errstr, errno); break; } continue; } switch(sp->st_proto) { case ST_PROTO_CDDBP: switch(cddbp_transmit(db, dir, discid, use_proto)) { case -1: /* DB file was corrupt. */ break; case 0: /* Something wrong with server. */ fail++; break; default: /* File transferred. */ xmit++; tcnt += sbuf.st_size; break; } break; case ST_PROTO_SMTP: cddbd_snprintf(subj, sizeof(subj), "cddb %s %08x", dir, discid); /**************************************************/ /* check whether the remote server supports utf-8 */ /* (this is set via a flag in the sites-file), */ /* convert charset accordingly and set db_enc */ /* variable (so the email can get the correct */ /* charset-header later */ /**************************************************/ if(sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_ONLYISO) { convert_db_charset_proto(db, UNICODE_LEVEL-1); if (db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) db_enc=CC_US_ASCII; else if (db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) db_enc=CC_ISO_8859; else db_enc=-1; } else { convert_db_charset_proto(db, UNICODE_LEVEL); db_enc=CC_UTF_8; } /**********************************************/ /* set use_proto depending on whether or not */ /* we may send the DYEAR and DGENRE lines */ /* (this is set via a flag in the sites file) */ /**********************************************/ if(sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_OFIELDS) use_proto=4; else use_proto=MAX_PROTO_LEVEL; tmail = cddbd_mktemp(); /*********************************************/ /* Write the database entry to a tmp-file */ /* so we can send it via email */ /* (smtp_transmits needs the entry in a file */ /*********************************************/ if((tfp = fopen(tmail, "w+")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't open mail tmp file %s (%d)", tmail, errno); fail++; break; } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if(db_write(tfp, db, use_proto, 0) == 0) { #else if(db_write(tfp, db, use_proto) == 0) { #endif cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't write mail tmp file: %s", tmail); fclose(tfp); unlink(tmail); break; } /* Put the pointer back to the start of the file for reading. */ rewind(tfp); /* try to send the transmission email */ if(!smtp_transmit(tfp, db_enc, subj, xmit_email, xmit_email, admin_email, 0, flags, (int) sbuf.st_size, key)) fail++; else { xmit++; tcnt += sbuf.st_size; /* Be nice, wait an arbitrary amount of time. */ if(email_time > 0) cddbd_delay(email_time); } if (tfp != (FILE *) 0) fclose(tfp); cddbd_freetemp(tmail); break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Internal error: unknown transmit protocol (%d).", sp->st_proto); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } quit(QUIT_ERR); } db_free(db); if(fail) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to transmit DB file: %s/%08x.", dir, discid); /* Put the entry back in the history list. */ cddbd_write_history(dir, discid); break; } } list_free(li); xtime = time(0) - xtime; if(xtime == 0) xtime = 1; if(fail) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Aborting transmit to %s.", sp->st_name); } else cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Completed transmit to %s.", sp->st_name); bps = tcnt / xtime; cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Transmitted %d of %d files, %d bytes in %d sec (%d.%dK/sec).", xmit, files, tcnt, xtime, (int)(bps / 1024.0), (int)((bps % 1024) / 1024.0 * 10)); switch(sp->st_proto) { case ST_PROTO_CDDBP: cddbp_close(); break; case ST_PROTO_SMTP: smtp_close(); break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Internal error: unknown transmit protocol (%d).", sp->st_proto); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to update the history for: %s.", sp->st_name); } } void cddbd_remote_log(char *site) { int first; csite_t *sp; if(strcmp(site, "all") && !setsitegrp(site)) { if((sp = getsitenam(site, SITE_LOG)) != NULL && sp->st_proto == ST_PROTO_CDDBP) cddbd_do_remote_log(sp); return; } for(first = 1;; first = 0) { if((sp = getsiteent(SITE_LOG)) == NULL) break; if(sp->st_proto != ST_PROTO_CDDBP) continue; if(!first) printf("\n\n"); cddbd_do_remote_log(sp); } endsitegrp(); endsiteent(); } void cddbd_do_remote_log(csite_t *sp) { printf("Log statistics for %s:\n\n", sp->st_name); if(!cddbp_open(sp)) { printf("Unknown host %s or host unavailable.\n", sp->st_name); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to open %s for log acquisition.", sp->st_name); return; } if(!cddbp_log_stats()) printf("Unable to get log stats.\n"); cddbp_close(); } void cddbd_remote_cmd(char *site, char *rcmd, char *plev) { int first; csite_t *sp; if(strcmp(site, "all") && !setsitegrp(site)) { if((sp = getsitenam(site, SITE_XMIT)) != NULL) cddbd_do_remote_cmd(sp, rcmd, plev); return; } for(first = 1;; first = 0) { if((sp = getsiteent(SITE_XMIT)) == NULL) break; if(!first) printf("\n\n"); cddbd_do_remote_cmd(sp, rcmd, plev); } endsitegrp(); endsiteent(); } void cddbd_do_remote_cmd(csite_t *sp, char *rarg, char *plev) { int lev; char xmit_email[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(verbose) printf("Issuing command to %s:\n\n", sp->st_name); if(strcmp(plev, "default")) lev = atoi(plev); else lev = DEF_PROTO_LEVEL; switch(sp->st_proto) { case ST_PROTO_CDDBP: if(!cddbp_open(sp)) { printf("Unknown host %s or host unavailable.\n", sp->st_name); return; } if(!cddbp_command(rarg, lev)) printf("Unable to issue command.\n"); cddbp_close(); break; case ST_PROTO_SMTP: if(!smtp_open()) { printf("Unknown host %s or host unavailable.\n", sp->st_name); return; } cddbd_snprintf(xmit_email, sizeof(xmit_email), "%s@%s", sp->st_addr, sp->st_name); if(!smtp_command(sp, rarg, lev, xmit_email, admin_email)) printf("Unable to issue command.\n"); smtp_close(); printf("Email command sent to %s, return addr %s.\n", xmit_email, admin_email); break; default: printf("Unsupported command protocol.\n"); break; } } void cddbd_put(char *site, char *file) { csite_t *sp; if(strcmp(site, "all") && !setsitegrp(site)) { if((sp = getsitenam(site, SITE_XMIT)) != NULL && sp->st_proto == ST_PROTO_CDDBP) cddbd_do_put(sp, file); return; } for(;;) { if((sp = getsiteent(SITE_XMIT)) == NULL) break; if(sp->st_proto != ST_PROTO_CDDBP) continue; cddbd_do_put(sp, file); } endsitegrp(); endsiteent(); } void cddbd_do_put(csite_t *sp, char *file) { if(!cddbp_open(sp)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Failed to open %s for putting.", sp->st_name); return; } (void)cddbd_put_file(sp->st_name, workdir, file); cddbp_close(); } int cddbd_put_file(char *site, char *dir, char *file) { int ret; FILE *fp; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; struct stat sbuf; char pfile[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char *bfile; cddbd_snprintf(pfile, sizeof(pfile), "%s/%s", dir, file); if(stat(pfile, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't stat file: %s (%d).", pfile, errno); return 0; } if(S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { if((dirp = opendir(pfile)) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't open directory: %s (%d).", pfile, errno); } while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if(is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) continue; /* Transmit, and stop if there was a server error. */ if(cddbd_put_file(site, pfile, dp->d_name) == 0) break; } closedir(dirp); ret = 1; } else if(S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Putting %s on %s.", pfile, site); if((fp = fopen(pfile, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't open file for reading: %s (%d)", pfile, errno); ret = -1; } else { if((bfile = strrchr(file, '/')) == NULL) bfile = file; ret = cddbp_put(fp, bfile); fclose(fp); } } else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't put %s on %s: not a regular file", pfile, site); ret = -1; } return ret; } void cddbd_catchup(char *site, char *when) { csite_t *sp; csite_t sitebuf; if(strcmp(site, "all") && !setsitegrp(site)) { cddbd_do_catchup(site, when); return; } /* Catching up uses getsiteent, so be careful here. */ setsiteent(); for(;;) { if((sp = getsiteent(SITE_XMIT)) == NULL) break; sitebuf = *sp; cddbd_do_catchup(sitebuf.st_name, when); if(getsitenam(sitebuf.st_name, SITE_XMIT) == NULL) break; } endsitegrp(); endsiteent(); } void cddbd_do_catchup(char *site, char *when) { int i; time_t t; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; csite_t *sp; struct stat sbuf; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char cdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if((sp = getsitenam(site, SITE_XMIT)) != NULL && (sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_NOXMIT)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Remote host %s is not configured for transmits.", sp->st_name); return; } /* Don't scan the database if they want to catch everything up. */ if(!strcmp("now", when)) { t = time(0); strcpy(buf, make_time2(localtime(&t))); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Resetting transmit history for %s to %s.", site, buf); if(!cddbd_open_ulist()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to update history for %s.", site); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } else { strcpy(buf, make_time2(date_to_tm(when))); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Resetting transmit history for %s to %s.", site, buf); for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { cddbd_snprintf(cdir, sizeof(cdir), "%s/%s", cddbdir, categlist[i]); if((dirp = opendir(cdir)) == NULL) continue; while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", cdir, dp->d_name); /* Make sure this is a database file. */ if(strlen(dp->d_name) != CDDBDISCIDLEN) { if(!is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Non-CDDB file: %s", file); } continue; } if(stat(buf, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't stat DB file: %s (%d).", file, errno); continue; } /* If the file is too old, continue. */ cvt_time(sbuf.st_mtime, buf); if(strcmp(when, buf) > 0) continue; if(!cddbd_write_ulist(categlist[i], dp->d_name)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to update history for %s.", site); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } closedir(dirp); } } if(!cddbd_merge_ulist(site, 0)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to update history for %s.", site); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } int cddbd_oc_history(char *name, int oflag) { int dir; int insite; char *p; FILE *fp; FILE *tfp; link_t *lp; tfile_t *tf; unsigned int discid; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char *thist; /* Don't open if we already have, or close if we're not open. */ if(oflag && hist_opened) return 0; if(!oflag && !hist_opened) return 0; (void)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_HIST], 1); close(open(servfile[SF_HIST], O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, file_mode)); (void)cddbd_fix_file(servfile[SF_HIST], file_mode, uid, gid); if((fp = fopen(servfile[SF_HIST], "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open history file: %s.", servfile[SF_HIST]); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_HIST]); return 0; } thist = cddbd_mktemp(); if((tfp = fopen(thist, "w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open tmp history file: %s.", thist); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_HIST]); return 0; } if(oflag) { p = strdup(name); if(p == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't malloc list string."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } hist = list_init(p, tfile_comp, tfree, tfree); if(hist == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't malloc linked list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } insite = 0; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { if(sscanf(buf, histstr, buf2) == 1) { if(!strcmp(name, buf2)) { insite = 2; continue; } else { if(fputs(buf, tfp) == EOF) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't write tmp history file: %s.", thist); quit(QUIT_ERR); } insite = 1; continue; } } else if(sscanf(buf, "%[^/]/%08x", buf2, &discid) != 2) continue; dir = categ_index(buf2); if(dir < 0) continue; switch(insite) { case 0: default: break; case 1: if(fprintf(tfp, "%s/%08x\n", buf2, discid) == EOF) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't write tmp history file: %s.", thist); quit(QUIT_ERR); } break; case 2: cddbd_write_history(buf2, discid); break; } } if(!oflag && list_count(hist) > 0) { if(fprintf(tfp, histstr, (char *)hist->lh_data) == EOF) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't write tmp history file: %s.", thist); quit(QUIT_ERR); } for(list_rewind(hist), list_forw(hist); !list_rewound(hist); list_forw(hist)) { lp = list_cur(hist); tf = (tfile_t *)lp->l_data; if(fprintf(tfp, "%s/%08x\n", categlist[tf->tf_dir], tf->tf_discid) == EOF) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't write tmp history file: %s.", thist); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } } fclose(fp); fclose(tfp); if(unlink(servfile[SF_HIST]) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't unlink %s (%d).", servfile[SF_HIST], errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(cddbd_link(thist, servfile[SF_HIST]) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't link %s to %s (%d).", thist, servfile[SF_HIST], errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(oflag) { hist_opened = 1; list_rewind(hist); } else { hist_opened = 0; list_free(hist); } cddbd_freetemp(thist); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_HIST]); return 1; } int cddbd_read_history(char *dir, unsigned int *discid) { link_t *lp; tfile_t *tf; if(list_count(hist) == 0) return 0; lp = list_first(hist); tf = (tfile_t *)lp->l_data; *discid = tf->tf_discid; strcpy(dir, categlist[tf->tf_dir]); list_delete(hist, lp); return 1; } void cddbd_write_history(char *dir, unsigned int discid) { tfile_t *tf; if((tf = (tfile_t *)malloc(sizeof(tfile_t))) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't malloc transmit list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } tf->tf_dir = categ_index(dir); tf->tf_discid = discid; if(list_find(hist, (void *)tf) != 0) { free(tf); } else if(list_add_back(hist, (void *)tf) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_XMIT, "Can't malloc linked list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } int cddbd_close_history(void) { if(!hist_opened) return 0; return(cddbd_oc_history((char *)hist->lh_data, 0)); } int cddbd_open_history(char *site) { return(cddbd_oc_history(site, 1)); } int cddbd_count_history(char *site) { FILE *fp; int cnt; int insite; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; (void)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_HIST], 1); if((fp = fopen(servfile[SF_HIST], "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open history file: %s.", servfile[SF_HIST]); return -1; } cnt = 0; insite = 0; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { /* If we found a nonexistent site, clear it. */ if(sscanf(buf, histstr, buf2) == 1) { if(!strcmp(site, buf2)) insite = 1; else insite = 0; continue; } if(insite) cnt++; } fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_HIST]); return cnt; } int cddbd_clean_history(void) { int ret; FILE *fp; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; csite_t *sp; /* No history file yet. */ if(access(servfile[SF_HIST], F_OK)) return 1; (void)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_HIST], 1); ret = 1; for(fp = NULL; fp == NULL;) { if((fp = fopen(servfile[SF_HIST], "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open history file: %s.", servfile[SF_HIST]); ret = 0; break; } /* Scan the file for nonexistent sites. */ while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { /* If we found a nonexistent site, clear it. */ if(sscanf(buf, histstr, buf2) == 1 && ((sp = getsitenam(buf2, SITE_XMIT)) == NULL || (sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_NOXMIT))) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; /* This clears the history for the site. */ if(cddbd_open_history(buf2)) { hist_opened = 0; list_free(hist); } break; } } } endsiteent(); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_HIST]); return ret; } /* return values: 0..error; 1..ok */ int cddbd_merge_ulist(char *site, int merge) { int ret; csite_t *sp; if(ulist_fp == NULL) return 1; /* Make sure this is not a group. */ if(setsitegrp(site)) { endsitegrp(); return 0; } if(strcmp(site, "all")) { if((sp = getsitenam(site, SITE_XMIT)) != NULL) ret = cddbd_do_merge_ulist(sp->st_name, merge); else ret= 0; /* Note, BUG: ret would be undefined! */ } else { ret = 1; setsiteent(); for(;;) { if((sp = getsiteent(SITE_XMIT)) == NULL) break; if(!cddbd_do_merge_ulist(sp->st_name, merge)) ret = 0; } } fclose(ulist_fp); cddbd_freetemp(uhist); ulist_fp = NULL; endsiteent(); return ret; } /* return values: 0..error; 1..ok */ int cddbd_do_merge_ulist(char *site, int merge) { unsigned int discid; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char dir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(!cddbd_open_history(site)) return 0; /* Clear the history and reopen the file if we're erasing first. */ if(!merge) { hist_opened = 0; list_free(hist); if(!cddbd_open_history(site)) return 0; } rewind(ulist_fp); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ulist_fp) != NULL) if(sscanf(buf, "%s%08x", dir, &discid) == 2) cddbd_write_history(dir, discid); if(!cddbd_close_history()) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Failed to update history for %s.", site); return 0; } return 1; } int cddbd_open_ulist(void) { if(ulist_fp == NULL) { uhist = cddbd_mktemp(); if((ulist_fp = fopen(uhist, "w+")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Can't open update-history file: %s.", uhist); return 0; } } return 1; } int cddbd_write_ulist(char *dir, char *disc) { if(!cddbd_open_ulist()) return 0; if(fprintf(ulist_fp, "%s %s\n", dir, disc) == EOF) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Can't write update-history file: %s.", uhist); return 0; } return 1; } int parse_coord(char *buf, coord_t *cp) { if(sscanf(buf, "%c%d.%d\n", &cp->co_compass, &cp->co_degrees, &cp->co_minutes) != 3) return 0; if(cp->co_compass == 'N' || cp->co_compass == 'S') { if(cp->co_degrees > 90) return 0; } else if(cp->co_compass == 'W' || cp->co_compass == 'E') { if(cp->co_degrees > 180) return 0; } else return 0; if(cp->co_degrees < 0 || cp->co_minutes > 59 || cp->co_minutes < 0) return 0; return 1; } void copy_coord(char *buf, coord_t *cp) { cddbd_snprintf(buf, CDDBBUFSIZ, "%c%03d.%02d", cp->co_compass, cp->co_degrees, cp->co_minutes); } ct_key_t * getpasswd(char *lbl) { int len; int line; FILE *fp; ct_key_t *key; struct stat sbuf; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(pwdfile[0] == '\0') { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "No password file defined."); return NULL; } if(stat(pwdfile, &sbuf) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't stat password file: %s (%d)", pwdfile, errno); return NULL; } if(sbuf.st_mode & (S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Insecure permissions (%04o) on password file: %s", (sbuf.st_mode & 0777), pwdfile); return NULL; } if((fp = fopen(pwdfile, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't stat password file: %s (%d)", pwdfile, errno); return NULL; } line = 0; key = NULL; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { line++; if(buf[0] == '#' || is_blank(buf, 0)) continue; if(sscanf(buf, "%s", buf2) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Illegal label %s in password file %s on line %d", lbl, pwdfile, line); break; } len = strlen(buf2) - 1; if(buf2[len] != ':') { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Syntax error in password file %s on line %d", pwdfile, line); } buf2[len] = '\0'; if(len > CDDBPLBLSIZ) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Label %s too long in password file %s on line %d", lbl, pwdfile, line); break; } if(strcmp(buf2, lbl)) continue; if(sscanf(buf, "%*s%s", buf2) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Missing password %s in password " "file %s on line %d", lbl, pwdfile, line); break; } if((key = strtokey(buf2)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Illegal password for %s in password" " file %s on line %d", lbl, pwdfile, line); key = NULL; } break; } fclose(fp); return key; }