/* * cddbd - CD Database Protocol Server * * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Steve Scherf (steve@moonsoft.com) * Portions Copyright (C) 2001-2006 by various authors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef LINT static char *const _db_c_ident_ = "@(#)$Id: db.c,v 2006/04/19 16:49:05 joerg78 Exp $"; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cddbd.h" #include "patchlevel.h" /* Prototypes. */ unsigned int db_gen_discid(db_t *); void asy_decode(char *); int db_classify(char *, int *, char **); int db_col(db_t *, db_t *); int db_cmp(db_t *, db_t *); int db_merge(db_t *, db_t *); int db_parse_discid(char **, unsigned int *); int db_strlen(char *); int db_strip_list(lhead_t *); int db_strip_multi(lhead_t *); int db_sum_discid(int); int db_write_multi(FILE *, lhead_t *, db_parse_t *); int db_write_num(FILE *, lhead_t *, db_parse_t *); int db_write_str(FILE *, lhead_t *, db_parse_t *, int); int is_blank(char *, int); int is_numeric(char *); int is_xnumeric(char *); void db_cleanup(FILE *, db_t *, int, int); void db_free_multi(void *); void db_free_string(void *); char *db_field(db_t *, int, int); db_content_t *db_content_check(db_t *, int, int); #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT int db_merge_to_windb(char *, char *, int); /* Variables. */ /* for win format - current/last disc id from #FILENAME=... */ unsigned int db_curr_discid; /* for win format - next disc id from #FILENAME=... */ unsigned int db_next_discid; #endif /** * The current abolute line position within the file * being currently processed. */ unsigned int db_line_counter = 0; int db_errno; int hdrlen; int prclen; int sublen; int trklen; char *hdrstr = " xmcd"; char *lenstr = " Disc length: %hd"; char *offstr = "%d"; char *trkstr = " Track frame offsets:"; char *revstr = " Revision: %d"; char *substr = " Submitted via:"; char *prcstr = " Processed by:"; char *db_errmsg[] = { "no error", "out of memory", "file access error", "system call error", "internal server error", "invalid DB entry" }; db_parse_t parstab[] = { { "#", "comment", "#", PF_IGNORE }, { "DISCID", "DISCID", "DISCID=", (PF_NUMERIC | PF_REQUIRED) }, { "DTITLE", "DTITLE", "DTITLE=", (PF_REQUIRED | PF_CKTIT) }, { "DYEAR", "DYEAR", "DYEAR=", PF_OPTIONAL | PF_NUMBER }, { "DGENRE", "DGENRE", "DGENRE=", PF_OPTIONAL }, { "TTITLE", "TTITLE", "TTITLE%d=", (PF_MULTI | PF_ONEREQ | PF_CKTRK) }, { "EXTD", "EXTD", "EXTD=", 0 }, { "EXTT", "EXTT", "EXTT%d=", (PF_MULTI | PF_OSTRIP) }, { "PLAYORDER", "PLAYORDER", "PLAYORDER=", PF_STRIP } }; lhead_t * list_init(void *data, int (*comp_func)(void *, void *), void (*free_func)(void *), void (*hfree_func)(void *)) { lhead_t *lh; lh = (lhead_t *)malloc(sizeof(lhead_t)); if(lh == 0) return 0; lh->lh_count = 0; lh->lh_data = data; lh->lh_comp = comp_func; lh->lh_free = free_func; lh->lh_hfree = hfree_func; lh->lh_cur = (link_t *)lh; lh->lh_list.l_forw = (link_t *)lh; lh->lh_list.l_back = (link_t *)lh; return lh; } void list_free(lhead_t *lh) { list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); while(!list_empty(lh)) list_delete(lh, list_cur(lh)); if(lh->lh_hfree != 0) (*lh->lh_hfree)(lh->lh_data); free(lh); } link_t * list_find(lhead_t *lh, void *data) { int cmp; link_t *lp; for(list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(lh->lh_comp != 0) { cmp = (*lh->lh_comp)(lp->l_data, data); if(cmp == 0) return lp; else if(cmp > 0) return 0; } else if(ptr_as_uint (lp->l_data) == ptr_as_uint (data)) return lp; else if(ptr_as_uint (lp->l_data) > ptr_as_uint (data)) return 0; } return 0; } void list_delete(lhead_t *lh, link_t *lp) { if(lh->lh_free != 0) (*lh->lh_free)(lp->l_data); lp->l_forw->l_back = lp->l_back; lp->l_back->l_forw = lp->l_forw; lh->lh_count--; if(lh->lh_cur == lp) lh->lh_cur = lp->l_forw; free(lp); } link_t * list_add_back(lhead_t *lh, void *data) { link_t *lp; lp = (link_t *)malloc(sizeof(link_t)); if(lp == 0) return 0; lp->l_data = data; lp->l_forw = &lh->lh_list; lp->l_back = lh->lh_list.l_back; lp->l_back->l_forw = lp; lp->l_forw->l_back = lp; lh->lh_count++; return lp; } link_t * list_add_forw(lhead_t *lh, void *data) { link_t *lp; lp = (link_t *)malloc(sizeof(link_t)); if(lp == 0) return 0; lp->l_data = data; lp->l_forw = lh->lh_list.l_forw; lp->l_back = &lh->lh_list; lp->l_back->l_forw = lp; lp->l_forw->l_back = lp; lh->lh_count++; return lp; } link_t * list_add_cur(lhead_t *lh, void *data) { link_t *lp; lp = (link_t *)malloc(sizeof(link_t)); if(lp == 0) return 0; lp->l_data = data; /* NOTE: lh->lh_cur is initially a pointer to lh which is really a lhead_t! */ lp->l_forw = lh->lh_cur; lp->l_back = lh->lh_cur->l_back; lp->l_back->l_forw = lp; lp->l_forw->l_back = lp; lh->lh_count++; return lp; } /** * Counts number of records in each CDDB category. * * @return vector of record counts in each category */ int * cddbd_count(void) { int i; int cnt; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; FILE *fp = NULL; #endif DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; char cdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; static int counts[CDDBMAXDBDIR + 1]; counts[0] = 0; for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { cddbd_snprintf(cdir, sizeof(cdir), "%s/%s", cddbdir, categlist[i]); if((dirp = opendir(cdir)) == NULL) continue; cnt = 0; while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if(strlen(dp->d_name) == WINFILEIDLEN && !is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) { cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(cdir), "%s/%s", cdir, dp->d_name); if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open DB file <%s>", file); continue; } while(!db_skip(fp, NULL)) cnt++; fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } #else if(strlen(dp->d_name) == CDDBDISCIDLEN && !is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) cnt++; #endif counts[0] += cnt; counts[i + 1] = cnt; closedir(dirp); } return counts; } /** * Updates the database from the post directory * * Goes through all \/\/\ (parses to db, closes), * tries to get corresponding \/\/\ (parses as db2, * closes), compares them which is newer (based on revision) and updates/merges * appropriately db, then - based on the status - it writes the record to: * - \/\/\ if it is a duplicit record and * configured so * - \/\/\ - i.e. updates the live database * * Note that for Windows format it is solved similarly as in #db_post * (i.e. write in Unix format and the using #db_merge_to_windb merge into * the Windows DB files). */ void cddbd_update(void) { int i; int x; int copy; int merge; int dup; int bad; int duped; int noread; int updated; int failed; int entries; int dowrite; char cdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char pdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char ddir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char file2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char file3[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char errstr[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char errstr2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct stat sbuf; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; FILE *fp; db_t *db; db_t *db2; int db_utf8; int db2_utf8; email_hdr_t eh; /* No update necessary. */ if(!strcmp(cddbdir, postdir)) return; if(!cddbd_lock(locks[LK_UPDATE], 0)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Update or database check already in progress."); quit(QUIT_RETRY); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Updating the database:"); bad = 0; duped = 0; noread = 0; updated = 0; failed = 0; entries = 0; db = 0; db2 = 0; db_utf8 = 0; db2_utf8 = 0; /* loop through all categories, treating each one as directory */ for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { /* database directory */ cddbd_snprintf(cdir, sizeof(cdir), "%s/%s", cddbdir, categlist[i]); /* post directory */ cddbd_snprintf(pdir, sizeof(pdir), "%s/%s", postdir, categlist[i]); /* set duplicate directory if permitted */ if(dup_ok) cddbd_snprintf(ddir, sizeof(ddir), "%s/%s", dupdir, categlist[i]); /* if this post dir/category is non existent, next... */ if((dirp = opendir(pdir)) == NULL) continue; /* OK lets get busy */ cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Updating %s.", cdir); db = 0; db2 = 0; while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { copy = 0; dup = 0; merge = 0; /* clean db, db2 from prev looping */ if(db != 0) { db_free(db); db = 0; } if(db2 != 0) { db_free(db2); db2 = 0; } cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", pdir, dp->d_name); /* Make sure this is a database file. */ if(strlen(dp->d_name) != CDDBDISCIDLEN) { if(!is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) { if(stat(file, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: " "can't stat %s", file); continue; } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* A safety measure in case of stray Windows format files. */ if(strlen(dp->d_name) != WINFILEIDLEN) if(S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) rmdir(file); else unlink(file); #endif bad++; cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_UPDATE, "Non-CDDB file: %s", file); } continue; } if(stat(file, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: " "can't stat %s", file); continue; } if(sbuf.st_size == 0) { /* skip empty files */ cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Info: Will skip zero size file: %s", file); continue; } /* got a db entry in a post dir/category */ entries++; /* get the db (database formatted entry) on the "posted entry" */ if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_UPDATE, "Can't read CDDB file: %s", file); continue; } db = db_read(fp, errstr, file_df_flags); fclose(fp); if(db == 0) { switch(db_errno) { case DE_INVALID: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Invalid DB file: %s: %s", file, errstr); bad++; unlink(file); break; case DE_FILE: default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Can't read %s: %s (%d)", file, errstr, errno); noread++; break; } continue; } /* OK, now see if we have an entry already with this CDID */ cddbd_snprintf(file2, sizeof(file2), "%s/%s", cdir, dp->d_name); /* get the db (database formatted entry) on the "existing entry" */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if((fp = db_prepare_unix_read(file2)) != NULL) { db2 = db_read(fp, errstr, file_df_flags | DF_WIN); #else if((fp = fopen(file2, "r")) != NULL) { db2 = db_read(fp, errstr, file_df_flags); #endif fclose(fp); if(db2 == 0) { if(db_errno != DE_INVALID) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Can't read %s: %s (%d)", file2, errstr, errno); continue; } } } /*******************************************************/ /* zeke - OK, process the posted entry based on policy */ /*-----------------------------------------------------*/ /* db = posted entry */ /* db2 = database entry (if exists) */ /*******************************************************/ /* Pick up extended info & plug into email header, */ /* in case we need to send an email to the submitter */ eh.eh_flags = -1; if(db->db_eh.eh_charset != -1 && db->db_eh.eh_encoding != -1) { eh.eh_flags = 0; eh.eh_class = EC_SUBMIT; eh.eh_charset = db->db_eh.eh_charset; eh.eh_encoding = db->db_eh.eh_encoding; strcpy(eh.eh_to, db->db_eh.eh_to); strcpy(eh.eh_rcpt, db->db_eh.eh_rcpt); strcpy(eh.eh_host, db->db_eh.eh_host); } switch(dup_policy) { case DUP_NEVER: /* copy when no existing entry, else a dup */ if(db2 == 0) copy++; else dup++; break; case DUP_ALWAYS: /* always copy, existing entry is replaced */ copy++; break; case DUP_COMPARE: /* copy / merge based on if new entry is better */ if(db2 == 0) /* no existing, just copy */ copy++; else { /* if disc collision, treat as dup */ if (db_col(db, db2)) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr2, CDDBBUFSIZ,"Discid collision in category %s", categlist[i]); dup++; } /* else compare the revisions of the entries */ else { /* compare the revisions */ x = db_cmp(db, db2); if(x == 0) /* same revision, make the best of both */ merge++; else if(x > 0) /* new one is more current */ copy++; else { /* new one is older, or mis-matched */ cddbd_snprintf(errstr2, CDDBBUFSIZ, "Existing entry found with higher revision (%d) than submitted (%d)", db2->db_rev, db->db_rev); dup++; } } } break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Unknown dup policy: %d", dup_policy); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /* switch(dup_policy) */ failed++; if(copy || merge) { /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* zeke - after this process - "db", not "db2", is the entry */ /* to keep. Remember "db" is pointing to the memory */ /* structure for the posted entry info, and that "db2" */ /* is pointing to the memory structure for the database */ /* entry info - if it exists. The outcome of this sequence */ /* will write the "db" entry info into "file2" on the disk. */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* db = posted entry db2 = database entry (if exists) */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if(db2 != 0) { /* db->db_eh.eh_charset has charset submission value */ /* CC_US_ASCII or CC_ISO_8859 or CC_UTF_8 -- 0, 1, 2 */ int cs = db->db_eh.eh_charset; /* zeke - convert both entries to Latin1 if possible */ if ((db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) && !(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) && !db_utf8_latin1_exact(db)) if (db_looks_like_utf8(db)) db_latin1_utf8(db); if ((db2->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) && !(db2->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) && !db_utf8_latin1_exact(db2)) if (db_looks_like_utf8(db2)) db_latin1_utf8(db2); /* cs != -1 --> we have the charset info from the email header */ if (cs != -1) { /* if db2 entry is utf8 && !ascii && cs != utf8 === reject */ if ((db2->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) && !(db2->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) && (cs != CC_UTF_8)) { /* toss the posted entry now */ db_free(db); db = db2; db2 = 0; cddbd_snprintf(errstr2, CDDBBUFSIZ, "Submission is not utf8, existing database entry is utf8"); /* the entry is a dup, therefore we must correct the respective variables */ copy = 0; merge = 0; dup++; } } /* (cs != -1) */ if (!dup) { /* we only need to merge, if we have no dup */ /* to merge, convert entries to UTF8 as needed */ if (db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) { db_latin1_utf8(db); } if (db2->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) { db_latin1_utf8(db2); } /* merge posted info "db" into database info "db2" */ if (merge) { (void)db_merge(db2, db); /* E <= P */ db_free(db); db = db2; db2 = 0; } /* copy - merge database info "db2" into posted info "db" */ else { (void)db_merge(db, db2); /* P <= E */ } } /* !dup */ } /* db2 != 0 */ /* Convert to appropriate charset for saving. */ if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) ; else if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) switch (file_charset) { case FC_ONLY_ISO: db_utf8_latin1(db); break; case FC_PREFER_ISO: if (!db_utf8_latin1_exact(db)) if (db_looks_like_utf8(db)) db_latin1_utf8(db); break; default: break; } else if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) switch (file_charset) { default: case FC_ONLY_ISO: break; case FC_PREFER_ISO: if (db_looks_like_utf8(db)) db_latin1_utf8(db); break; case FC_PREFER_UTF: case FC_ONLY_UTF: db_latin1_utf8(db); break; } } dowrite = 0; /* update the entry based on findings */ if(copy || merge) { dowrite++; } else if(dup) { /* zeke - dup entry, now email a rejection */ /* re-open posted file to send as body of email */ if(eh.eh_flags != -1 && eh.eh_rcpt[0] != 0) { fp = fopen(file, "r"); return_mail(fp, &eh, MF_FAIL, errstr2); fclose(fp); } if(dup_ok) { /* If a dupdir is specified, i.e. we want to keep dups */ /* Check for dupdir, and create it as needed. */ if(stat(dupdir, &sbuf)) { if(mkdir(dupdir, (mode_t)db_dir_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Failed to create dup dir %s (%d).", dupdir, errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } (void)cddbd_fix_file(dupdir, db_dir_mode, db_uid, db_gid); } else if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "%s is not a directory.", dupdir); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /* Check for category dir, and create it as needed. */ if(stat(ddir, &sbuf)) { if(mkdir(ddir, (mode_t)db_dir_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Failed to create category dir %s (%d).", file3, errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } (void)cddbd_fix_file(ddir, db_dir_mode, db_uid, db_gid); } else if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "%s is not a directory.", ddir); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /******************************************************/ /* zeke - in case of "dup", "file2" now is going to */ /* be placed in the dup dir. This replaces the */ /* "file2" handle created above that pointed */ /* to the live "db" entry, then "dowrite++" */ /* will allow this file to be written to dup */ /* dir and not over the live db entry. */ /******************************************************/ cddbd_snprintf(file2, sizeof(file2), "%s/%s", ddir, dp->d_name); /* we continue processing to allow dup entry to */ /* be created (dup_ok) in the dup directory */ dowrite++; } else { unlink(file); duped++; } } /* green light to write an entry to the disk */ if(!dowrite) continue; /* Write the new file. */ if((fp = fopen(file2, "w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Can't write CDDB file: %s", file2); continue; } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if(db_write(fp, db, MAX_PROTO_LEVEL, DISCID_EMPTY) == 0) { #else if(db_write(fp, db, MAX_PROTO_LEVEL) == 0) { #endif cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Can't write CDDB file: %s", file2); fclose(fp); unlink(file2); } /* Note if we can't set stats, but continue. */ (void)cddbd_fix_file(file2, db_file_mode, db_uid, db_gid); if(copy || merge) { #ifndef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT db_link(db, cdir, dp->d_name, 1); #endif if(!cddbd_write_ulist(categlist[i], dp->d_name)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Warning: couldn't update the" " history for %s/%08x", categlist[i], dp->d_name); } if(verbose) cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Updated %s.", file2); updated++; } else { if(verbose) cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Duped %s.", file2); duped++; } failed--; fclose(fp); /* Remove the old file. */ unlink(file); } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* Merge the UNIX format entries in the current category. */ if(db_merge_to_windb(cdir, cdir, 1)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Failed to merge in %s.", cdir); quit(QUIT_ERR); } #endif closedir(dirp); } if(db != 0) { db_free(db); db = 0; } if(db2 != 0) { db_free(db2); db2 = 0; } if(!cddbd_merge_ulist("all", 1)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Warning: couldn't merge the xmit history update."); } cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_UPDATE]); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Processed %d database entries.", entries); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Updated %d, %d duplicate, %d bad, %d unreadable.", updated, duped, bad, noread); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Done updating the database."); } /** * Links matching entries. * * Called by #main when used option -e */ void cddbd_match(void) { int i; int bad; int links; int count; int noread; int entries; int found; int first; int cross; int match; int matched; db_t *db; FILE *fp; DIR *dirp; struct stat sbuf; struct stat sbuf2; struct dirent *dp; unsigned int discid; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char file2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char cdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char errstr[CDDBBUFSIZ]; link_t *lp; lhead_t *fuz; lhead_t **fuz_ino; lhead_t **fuz_categ; fmatch_t *fm; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Checking the database for matching entries does not make"); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "sense for the Windows format due to the multirecord format."); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "I.e. there are no links. Exiting."); quit(1); #endif cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Checking the database for matching entries."); bad = 0; links = 0; count = 0; cross = 0; match = 0; matched = 0; noread = 0; entries = 0; if((fuz_categ = (lhead_t **)malloc(categcnt * sizeof(lhead_t))) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate list heads."); quit(1); } for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { fuz_categ[i] = list_init(0, 0, 0, 0); if(fuz_categ[i] == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can allocate list head."); quit(1); } } if((fuz_ino = (lhead_t **)malloc(categcnt * sizeof(lhead_t))) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate list heads."); quit(1); } for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { fuz_ino[i] = list_init(0, 0, 0, 0); if(fuz_ino[i] == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc linked list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { cddbd_snprintf(cdir, sizeof(cdir), "%s/%s", cddbdir, categlist[i]); if((dirp = opendir(cdir)) == NULL) { /* not used for win format */ cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open %s for reading.", cdir); quit(QUIT_ERR); } while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { /* not used for win format */ cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", cdir, dp->d_name); if(stat(file, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't stat file: %s", file); noread++; continue; } if(!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) { if(!is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: ignoring non-file: %s", file); } continue; } /* Make sure this is a database file. */ if(strlen(dp->d_name) != CDDBDISCIDLEN) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: ignoring non-DB entry: %s", file); continue; } entries++; sscanf(dp->d_name, "%08x", &discid); if(list_add_cur(fuz_categ[i], uint_as_ptr (discid)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc linked list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(sbuf.st_nlink > 1 && list_find(fuz_ino[i], ino_t_as_ptr (sbuf.st_ino)) != 0) { links++; continue; } if(list_add_cur(fuz_ino[i], ino_t_as_ptr (sbuf.st_ino)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc linked list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't read CDDB file: %s", file); noread++; continue; } db = db_read(fp, errstr, file_df_flags); fclose(fp); if(db == 0) { switch(db_errno) { case DE_INVALID: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: invalid DB file: %s: %s", file, errstr); bad++; break; case DE_FILE: default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: Can't read %s: %s (%d)", file, errstr, errno); noread++; break; } continue; } /* Count the database entry. */ count++; if((fuz = fuzzy_search(db->db_trks, db->db_offset, db->db_disclen)) == 0) { db_free(db); continue; } found = 0; first = 1; for(list_rewind(fuz), list_forw(fuz); !list_rewound(fuz); list_forw(fuz)) { lp = list_cur(fuz); fm = (fmatch_t *)lp->l_data; /* We've already checked this DB entry. */ if(list_find(fuz_categ[fm->fm_catind], uint_as_ptr (fm->fm_discid))) continue; db_strcpy(db, DP_DTITLE, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(fm->fm_catind != i) { if(first) { first = 0; if(match) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "----------------"); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "--> " "%s/%08x: %s", categlist[i], discid, buf); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "* %s/%08x: %s", categlist[fm->fm_catind], fm->fm_discid, fm->fm_dtitle); match++; cross++; continue; } cddbd_snprintf(file2, sizeof(file2), "%s/%08x", cdir, fm->fm_discid); if(stat(file2, &sbuf2)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't " "stat file: %s", file2); continue; } /* This entry is a link to the current one. */ if(list_find(db->db_phase[DP_DISCID], uint_as_ptr (discid)) && (sbuf.st_ino == sbuf2.st_ino)) continue; match++; found++; if(first) { first = 0; if(match) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "----------------"); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "--> %s/%08x: %s", categlist[i], discid, buf); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, " %s/%08x: %s", categlist[fm->fm_catind], fm->fm_discid, fm->fm_dtitle); } if(found) matched++; list_free(fuz); db_free(db); } closedir(dirp); } for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { list_free(fuz_ino[i]); list_free(fuz_categ[i]); } if(count == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "No valid database entries."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Found %d matches and %d cross-categorizations for %d database " "entries of %d.", match, cross, matched, entries); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Ignored %d files: %d links, %d invalid, %d unreadable.", (entries - count), links, bad, noread); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Done checking the database."); } /* ARGSUSED */ void cddbd_check_db(int check_level, int fix_level) { int i; int bad; int post; int flags; int links; int count; int noread; int entries; int islink; db_t *db; FILE *fp; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT unsigned int start, stop, curr; #endif DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; lhead_t *lh; struct stat sbuf; unsigned int discid; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char file2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char errstr[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(!cddbd_lock(locks[LK_UPDATE], 0)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Update or database check already in progress."); quit(QUIT_RETRY); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Checking the database."); bad = 0; links = 0; islink = 0; count = 0; noread = 0; entries = 0; fp = NULL; for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { cddbd_snprintf(file2, sizeof(file2), "%s/%s", cddbdir, categlist[i]); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Scanning %s.", file2); if((dirp = opendir(file2)) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open %s for reading.", file2); quit(QUIT_ERR); } lh = list_init(0, 0, 0, 0); if(lh == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc linked list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", file2, dp->d_name); if(stat(file, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't stat file: %s", file); noread++; continue; } if(!S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) { if(!is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: ignoring non-file: %s", file); } continue; } /* Make sure this is a database file. */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if(strlen(dp->d_name) != WINFILEIDLEN && strlen(dp->d_name) != CDDBDISCIDLEN) { #else if(strlen(dp->d_name) != CDDBDISCIDLEN) { #endif if(!is_parent_dir(dp->d_name)) { if(fix_level >= FL_REMOVE) { unlink(file); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Removing non-CDDB file: " "%s", file); } else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: ignoring non-CDDB" "file: %s", file); } } continue; } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT start = 0; stop = 0; if (strlen(dp->d_name) == CDDBDISCIDLEN) { /* make sure the file is a valid standard format database file*/ if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't read possible CDDB file: %s", file); noread++; continue; } db = db_read(fp, errstr, file_df_flags); fclose(fp); if(db == 0) { switch(db_errno) { case DE_INVALID: if(fix_level >= FL_REMOVE) { unlink(file); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Removing invalid DB file:" " %s: %s", file, errstr); } else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: invalid DB file:" " %s: %s", file, errstr); } bad++; break; case DE_FILE: default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: Can't read %s: %s (%d)", file, errstr, errno); noread++; break; } continue; } else { db_free(db); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Ignoring standard format CDDB file: " "%s", file); continue; } } else { if(sscanf(dp->d_name, "%02xto%02x", &start, &stop) != 2) { if(fix_level >= FL_REMOVE) { unlink(file); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Removing non-CDDB file: " "%s", file); } else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: ignoring non-CDDB" "file: %s", file); } continue; } } #endif islink = 0; #ifndef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT entries++; #endif if(sbuf.st_nlink > 1) { if(list_find(lh, ino_t_as_ptr (sbuf.st_ino)) != 0) { links++; islink++; continue; } else if(list_add_cur(lh, ino_t_as_ptr (sbuf.st_ino)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc linked list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } /* Check the file permissions. */ if((sbuf.st_mode & 0777) != db_file_mode) { if(fix_level >= FL_REPAIR) { if(chmod(file, (mode_t)db_file_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Warning: Couldn't change " "perms on %s.", file); } else cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Set file mode on DB file:" " %s", file); } else cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: incorrect" " mode %04o on DB file: %s", (sbuf.st_mode & 0777), file); } /* Check the file ownership. */ if(sbuf.st_uid != db_uid || sbuf.st_gid != db_gid) { if(fix_level >= FL_REPAIR) { if(chown(file, db_uid, db_gid)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Warning: Couldn't change " "owner on DB file: %s", file); } else cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Set owner/grp on DB file:" " %s", file); } else cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: incorrect " "owner/group on DB file: %s", file); } if(sbuf.st_size == 0) { /* check empty files */ if(fix_level >= FL_REMOVE) { unlink(file); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Removing empty CDDB file: " "%s", file); } else cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Warning: ignoring empty CDDB file:" " %s", file); continue; } if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't read CDDB file: %s", file); noread++; continue; } flags = DF_SUBMITTER | DF_CK_SUBMIT | file_df_flags; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* initialise the multirecord read */ db_line_counter = 0; if(db_skip(fp, NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't skip record separator in %s", file); fclose(fp); fp = NULL; continue; } do { /* cycle through the multirecord file */ entries++; db = db_read(fp, errstr, flags | DF_WIN); #else db = db_read(fp, errstr, flags); fclose(fp); #endif if(db == 0) { switch(db_errno) { case DE_INVALID: #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: invalid DB entry %s in file:" " %s: %s", db_curr_discid, file, errstr); #else if(fix_level >= FL_REMOVE) { unlink(file); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Removing invalid DB file:" " %s: %s", file, errstr); } else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: invalid DB file:" " %s: %s", file, errstr); } #endif bad++; break; case DE_FILE: default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: Can't read %s: %s (%d)", file, errstr, errno); noread++; break; } continue; } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT curr = (db_curr_discid >> 24) & 0xff; discid = db_curr_discid; if(currstop) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Warning: The record %08x does not belong to this" " CDDB file %s (record near line %u)", db_curr_discid, file, db_line_counter); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Warning: CDDBD will not be able find this record." " Fix it manually and rerun the check."); } #else sscanf(dp->d_name, "%08x", &discid); #endif if(fix_level >= FL_REPAIR) { post = 0; /* Make sure discid is in the DB entry. */ if(!list_find(db->db_phase[DP_DISCID], uint_as_ptr (discid))) { /* Add the discid to the entry. */ if(!list_add_cur( db->db_phase[DP_DISCID], uint_as_ptr (discid))) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc list entry"); quit(QUIT_ERR); } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Added %s %08x to DB entry: %s", parstab[DP_DISCID].dp_name, uint_as_ptr (discid), file); post++; } else { #ifndef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* Make any missing links. */ db_link(db, file2, dp->d_name, 1); #endif } /* Write it out if we added a rev string. */ if(!(db->db_flags & DB_REVISION)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Added revision to DB entry: %s", file); post++; } /* Write it out if we added a proc string. */ /* if(!(db->db_flags & DB_PROCESSOR)) post++; */ if(strip_ext && (db->db_flags & DB_STRIP)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Stripping optional fields" " in DB entry: %s", file); if(!db_strip(db)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to allocate memory" " to strip entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } post++; } if(post && !db_post(db, file2, discid, errstr)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't fix DB entry: %s", file); } } else { /* Make sure discid is in the DB entry. */ if(!list_find(db->db_phase[DP_DISCID], uint_as_ptr (discid))) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: DB entry %s missing %s", parstab[DP_DISCID].dp_name, dp->d_name); } if(verbose && !(db->db_flags & DB_REVISION)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: DB entry missing rev: %s", file); } if(verbose && strip_ext && (db->db_flags & DB_STRIP)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: strippable optional " "fields in DB entry: %s", file); } #ifndef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* Verify the links. */ db_link(db, file2, dp->d_name, 0); #endif } /* Count the database entry. */ if(!islink) count++; db_free(db); #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* while it is not the last one in the file and no error occurred */ } while(fp != NULL && !feof(fp) && !ferror(fp) ); /* end of cycle through the multirecord file */ fclose(fp); fp = NULL; #endif } list_free(lh); closedir(dirp); } if(count == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "No valid database entries."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_UPDATE]); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Checked %d database entries.", entries); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Found %d normal files, %d links, %d invalid, %d unreadable.", count, links, bad, noread); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Done checking the database."); } /** * Skips to the given record within the opened file in the DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT * * The file remains opened just after the corresponding #FILENAME= line (i.e. * it is ready to be read in the Unix way). Also the following global variables * are set: * - #db_curr_discid - set to the record we are ready to read * - #db_next_discid - set to the record we are ready to read * * @param fp opened file * @param discid disc ID we want to skip to within the file. If NULL just * skip to the next record. * * @return 0 when OK */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT int db_skip(FILE *fp, char *discid) { char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; unsigned int tmpdiscid; if(debug && verbose) cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Skipping to <%s>", discid); if (discid != NULL && sscanf(discid, "%08x", &tmpdiscid) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't parse skip discid from <%s>", discid); return 1; } for(;;) { if(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) return 1; db_line_counter++; if(strncmp(buf, STARTTAG, STARTTAGLEN) == 0) { db_next_discid = 0; if(discid == NULL) { /* just parse the discid */ if(sscanf(buf+STARTTAGLEN, "%08x", &db_next_discid) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't parse discid from <%s>", buf+STARTTAGLEN); continue; } db_curr_discid = db_next_discid; return 0; /* we are done, next record was found */ } else { if(strncmp(buf+STARTTAGLEN, discid, 8) == 0) { db_next_discid = tmpdiscid; db_curr_discid = tmpdiscid; return 0; } } } } } #endif /* DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT */ /** * Seeks to the DB record in a UNIX fashion while in the DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT * * I.e. opens the corresponding file and seeks just after the tag * FILENAME=discid (the rest of the procesing is the same as for the UNIX * format). * * @param filename record filename in "UNIX" format to be opened. E.g. * "/usr/local/cddb/blues/01234567" * * @return NULL if no such record, valid pointer otherwise */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT FILE * db_prepare_unix_read(char *filename) { FILE *fp = NULL; char tmpBuff[250]; char tmpBuffRange[250]; int filenameLen; char * dirNameEnd; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; unsigned int start, end, curr; filenameLen = strlen(filename); if(filenameLen >= 250) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Filename <%s> too long for db_prepare_unix_read.", filename); return NULL; } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT_USE_RANGES /* initialise the buffer */ tmpBuff[0] = '\0'; /* make a copy since we don't know what opendir/readdir will do to it */ strcpy(tmpBuffRange, filename); /* get the "highest" byte of the discid */ tmpBuffRange[filenameLen-6] = '\0'; /* does not matter for dirname */ curr = strtol(tmpBuffRange+filenameLen-8, NULL, 16); /* First open the genre directory ... */ /* there are some problems with dirname in Cygwin so doing it manually */ dirNameEnd = tmpBuffRange+filenameLen-9; if(*dirNameEnd != '/') { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Wrong directory/filename %s.", tmpBuffRange); return NULL; } *dirNameEnd = '\0'; if((dirp = opendir(tmpBuffRange)) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open the genre directory %s for reading.", tmpBuffRange); return NULL; } /* ... and then try to find the corresponding file */ while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if(strlen(dp->d_name) != WINFILEIDLEN) continue; if(sscanf(dp->d_name, "%02xto%02x", &start, &end) != 2) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't parse db filename %s - ignoring", dp->d_name); continue; } if(start<=curr && curr<=end) { /* this is our file */ strcpy(tmpBuff, tmpBuffRange); strcat(tmpBuff, "/"); strcat(tmpBuff, dp->d_name); break; } } closedir(dirp); if(dp == NULL) { /* the range file was not found */ cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not find range file for %s (inconsistent DB?).", filename); return NULL; } #else strcpy(tmpBuff, filename); tmpBuff[filenameLen-6] = 't'; tmpBuff[filenameLen-5] = 'o'; tmpBuff[filenameLen-4] = tmpBuff[filenameLen-8]; tmpBuff[filenameLen-3] = tmpBuff[filenameLen-7]; tmpBuff[filenameLen-2] = '\0'; #endif cddbd_log(LOG_ACCESS | LOG_INFO, "Trying to open <%s>", tmpBuff); db_line_counter = 0; if((fp = fopen(tmpBuff, "r")) != NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ACCESS | LOG_INFO, "Successfully opened <%s>", tmpBuff); if(db_skip(fp, filename+filenameLen-8)) { fclose(fp); fp = NULL; } } return fp; } #endif /* DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT */ /** * Reads a DB record from the given file * * @param fp already opened file from which we will read * @param errstr string used for error logging * @param flags flags * * @return parsed database record (allocated here) */ db_t *db_read(FILE *fp, char *errstr, int flags) { int i; int j; int n; int fc; int off; int loff; int line; /* the current line in the DB record being read */ int pcnt; int trks; int phase; int class; int optional; /* used to look for optional fields */ unsigned int discid; unsigned int tmpdiscid; db_t *db; lhead_t *lh; lhead_t *lh2; link_t *lp; void (*func)(); db_parse_t *dp; db_content_t *dc; char *p; char *p2; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /* clear global error flag... */ db_errno = 0; db = (db_t *)malloc(sizeof(db_t)); if(db == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't get memory for DB entry"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, flags); return 0; } /* zeke - make sure no junk in entry passed back */ db->db_flags = 0; db->db_rev = 0; db->db_trks = 0; db->db_disclen = 0; db->db_eh.eh_charset = -1; db->db_eh.eh_encoding = -1; db->db_eh.eh_to[0] = 0; db->db_eh.eh_rcpt[0] = 0; db->db_eh.eh_host[0] = 0; /* zeke - based on passed in flags, set db->db_flags */ db->db_flags = DB_ENC_ASCII; if (flags & DF_ENC_LATIN1) db->db_flags |= DB_ENC_LATIN1; if (flags & DF_ENC_UTF8) db->db_flags |= DB_ENC_UTF8; /* init phase table */ for(i = 0; i < DP_NPHASE; i++) db->db_phase[i] = 0; pcnt = 0; line = 0; phase = 0; /* process the db entry... */ for(;;) { if(flags & DF_STDIN) { if(cddbd_gets(buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL) { break; } } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT else { if(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) { if(flags & DF_WIN) { db_curr_discid = db_next_discid; db_next_discid = 0; } break; } if(flags & DF_WIN) db_line_counter++; } if(flags & DF_WIN) { /* check for next record within the file */ if(strncmp(buf, STARTTAG, STARTTAGLEN) == 0) { tmpdiscid = db_next_discid; if(sscanf(buf+STARTTAGLEN, "%08x", &db_next_discid) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't parse discid from <%s>", buf); /* we couldn't parse the discid, so let db_skip find the next valid entry */ db_skip(fp, NULL); } db_curr_discid = tmpdiscid; break; } } #else else { if(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) break; } #endif line++; dp = &parstab[phase]; if(line > max_lines) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "too many lines in input, max %d (reached at line %u, %d relative)", max_lines, db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "too many lines in input, max %d", max_lines); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } if(db_strlen(buf) > DBLINESIZ) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "input too long on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "input too long on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } /* zeke - each line tested for the correct charset, based */ /* on allowable in db_flags (set up above). if not */ /* acceptable, remove charset supp from db_flags. */ if((db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) && !charset_is_valid_ascii(buf)) db->db_flags &= ~DB_ENC_ASCII; if((db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) && !charset_is_valid_latin1(buf)) db->db_flags &= ~DB_ENC_LATIN1; if((db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) && !charset_is_valid_utf8(buf)) db->db_flags &= ~DB_ENC_UTF8; /* must have at least one standing, or hosed up line & quit! */ if(!(db->db_flags & (DB_ENC_ASCII | DB_ENC_LATIN1 | DB_ENC_UTF8))) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "garbage character on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "garbage character on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } if(is_dot(buf)) { if(!(flags & DF_STDIN)) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "illegal input on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter,line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "illegal input on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } else if(phase < (DP_NPHASE - 1)) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected end on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected end on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } break; } if(is_blank(buf, 0)) { if(phase == (DP_NPHASE - 1) && (!(flags & DF_STDIN))) break; if(phase == 0 && db->db_phase[phase] == 0) continue; if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "blank line in input on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "blank line in input on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } /* pick-up email info added in posting process */ sscanf(buf, "## Cs: %d", &db->db_eh.eh_charset); sscanf(buf, "## En: %d", &db->db_eh.eh_encoding); sscanf(buf, "## To: %s", &db->db_eh.eh_to); sscanf(buf, "## Rc: %s", &db->db_eh.eh_rcpt); sscanf(buf, "## Ho: %s", &db->db_eh.eh_host); /* zeke - look for valid marker on line, else bad line entry... */ class = db_classify(buf, &n, &p); if(class < 0) { if(phase == (DP_NPHASE - 1) && (!(flags & DF_STDIN))) break; /* Skip junk at beginning of email. */ if(phase == 0 && db->db_phase[phase] == 0 && (flags & DF_MAIL)) continue; if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unrecognized input on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unrecognized input on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } /* If email and we found the entry, start counting again. */ if(phase == 0 && db->db_phase[phase] == 0 && (flags & DF_MAIL)) line = 1; if(n >= CDDBMAXTRK) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "invalid numerical argument in %s on line %u (%d within the record)", dp->dp_name, db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "invalid numerical argument in %s on line %d", dp->dp_name, line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } if(class < phase) { if(parstab[class].dp_flags & PF_IGNORE) continue; /* Can't go backwards. */ if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing expected %s on line %u (%d within the record)", dp->dp_name, db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing expected %s on line %d", dp->dp_name, line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } else if(class > phase) { /* Are we skipping a phase? */ if(db->db_phase[phase] == 0 || class > (phase + 1)) { /* verify if all skipped entries are optional */ optional = 1; for(i=phase+1; (idb_phase[phase] == 0))) { phase = class - 1; /* skip all optional fields */ } else { if(parstab[class].dp_flags & PF_IGNORE) continue; if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing expected %s on line %u (%d within the record)", parstab[phase + 1].dp_name, db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing expected %s on line %d", parstab[phase + 1].dp_name, line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } } phase++; dp = &parstab[phase]; } if(!(dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) && n >= 0) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected track # `%d'in %s on line %u (%d within the record)", n, dp->dp_name, db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected track # `%d'in %s on line %d", n, dp->dp_name, line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } /* Get a list head for this phase. */ if(db->db_phase[phase] == 0) { if((dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI)) func = db_free_multi; else if((dp->dp_flags & PF_NUMERIC)) func = 0; else func = db_free_string; db->db_phase[phase] = list_init(0, 0, func, 0); if(db->db_phase[phase] == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list head"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, flags); return 0; } pcnt = 0; } lh = db->db_phase[phase]; /* Deal with phases that have multiple subphases. */ if(dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) { /* Can't go backwards. */ if(n < pcnt) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected track # `%d' in %s on line %u (%d within the record)", n, dp->dp_name, db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected track # `%d' in %s on line %d", n, dp->dp_name, line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } else if(n > pcnt) { pcnt++; /* Can't skip a subphase. */ if(list_count(lh) < pcnt || n > pcnt) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected track # `%d' in %s on " "line %u (%d within the record)", n, dp->dp_name, db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected track # `%d' in %s on " "line %d", n, dp->dp_name, line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } } /* Initialize list head for subphase. */ if(list_count(lh) == pcnt) { lh2 = list_init(0, 0, db_free_string, 0); if(lh2 == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list head"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, flags); return 0; } /* Add subphase to the list. */ if(list_add_back(lh, (void *)lh2) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, flags); return 0; } lh = lh2; } else { list_rewind(lh); lh = (lhead_t *)list_last(lh)->l_data; } } /* Note if strippable fields are not emtpy. */ if(dp->dp_flags & PF_OSTRIP && !is_blank(p, 0)) db->db_flags |= DB_STRIP; if(dp->dp_flags & PF_NUMBER) { for (i=0;idp_name); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } } } if(dp->dp_flags & PF_NUMERIC) { do { if(db_parse_discid(&p, &discid) != 0) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "bad disc ID on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "bad disc ID on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } if(list_find(lh, uint_as_ptr (discid)) != 0) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "duplicate disc ID on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "duplicate disc ID on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, flags); return 0; } if(list_add_cur(lh, uint_as_ptr (discid)) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, flags); return 0; } } while(*p != '\0'); } else { /* Strip data from certain entries. */ if(dp->dp_flags & PF_STRIP) { /* Empty out the list. */ if(list_count(lh) > 0) { list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); while(!list_empty(lh)) list_delete(lh, list_cur(lh)); } p = "\n"; } p = (char *)strdup(p); if(p == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list data"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, flags); return 0; } /* Put string in the list. */ if(list_add_back(lh, (void *)p) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, flags); return 0; } } } /* Make sure we went through all the phases. */ if(phase != (DP_NPHASE - 1)) { if(flags & DF_WIN) cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected end on line %u (%d within the record)", db_line_counter, line); else cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unexpected end on line %d", line); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } p2 = (char *)strdup("\n"); if(db->db_phase[DP_DYEAR]==0) { db->db_phase[DP_DYEAR] = list_init(0, 0, db_free_string, 0); if(list_add_back(db->db_phase[DP_DYEAR], (void *)p2) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); free(p2); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } } p2 = (char *)strdup("\n"); if(db->db_phase[DP_DGENRE]==0) { db->db_phase[DP_DGENRE] = list_init(0, 0, db_free_string, 0); if(list_add_back(db->db_phase[DP_DGENRE], (void *)p2) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); free(p2); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } } /* Check the comments. */ /* Check for the header. */ lh = db->db_phase[DP_COMMENT]; list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); lp = list_cur(lh); if(strncmp((char *)lp->l_data, hdrstr, hdrlen)) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing header"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Look for the revision. */ list_rewind(lh); list_back(lh); for(; !list_rewound(lh); list_back(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(sscanf((char *)lp->l_data, revstr, &db->db_rev) == 1) break; } /* We have a revision. */ if(!list_rewound(lh)) { /* Make sure the revision is positive. */ if(db->db_rev < 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "revision in comments less 0 (%d)", db->db_rev); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } db->db_flags |= DB_REVISION; /* Delete extra revisions. */ for(list_back(lh); !list_rewound(lh);) { lp = list_cur(lh); list_back(lh); if(sscanf((char *)lp->l_data, revstr, &n) == 1) { list_delete(lh, lp); db->db_flags &= ~DB_REVISION; } } } else { cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), revstr, CDDBMINREV); strcat(buf, "\n"); p = (char *)strdup(buf); if(p == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list data"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Put string in the list. */ if(list_add_back(lh, (void *)p) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } } /* Look for the submitter. */ list_rewind(lh); list_back(lh); for(; !list_rewound(lh); list_back(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(!strncmp((char *)lp->l_data, substr, sublen)) break; } /* Do we have a submitter? */ if(list_rewound(lh)) { /* No submitter, this may be an error. */ if(flags & DF_SUBMITTER) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing submitter in comments"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } if((flags & DF_CK_SUBMIT) && ck_client_perms("", "", IF_SUBMIT) != CP_ALLOW) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing submitter in comments"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } } else { /* Make sure the submitter is valid. */ if(sscanf(&((char *)lp->l_data)[sublen], "%s%s", buf, buf2) != 2) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "invalid submitter definition"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } if(flags & DF_CK_SUBMIT && ck_client_perms(buf, buf2, IF_SUBMIT) != CP_ALLOW) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "unauthorized client/revision: %s %s", buf, buf2); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } db->db_flags |= DB_SUBMITTER; /* Delete extra submitters. */ for(list_back(lh); !list_rewound(lh);) { lp = list_cur(lh); list_back(lh); if(!strncmp((char *)lp->l_data, substr, sublen)) { list_delete(lh, lp); db->db_flags &= ~DB_SUBMITTER; } } } /* Look for the last software to process this entry. */ list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); for(; !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(!strncmp((char *)lp->l_data, prcstr, prclen)) break; } /* Do we have a processor? */ if(!list_rewound(lh)) { db->db_flags |= DB_PROCESSOR; list_rewind(lh); /* Delete all processors. */ for(list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh);) { lp = list_cur(lh); list_forw(lh); if(!strncmp((char *)lp->l_data, prcstr, prclen)) { list_delete(lh, lp); db->db_flags &= ~DB_PROCESSOR; } } } cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s ", prcstr); cddbd_snprintf(buf2, sizeof(buf2), verstr2, VERSION, PATCHLEVEL); strcat(buf, buf2); strcat(buf, "\n"); p = (char *)strdup(buf); if(p == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list data"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Put it after the revision. */ list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); for(; !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(sscanf((char *)lp->l_data, revstr, &db->db_rev) == 1) break; } /* No rev, put it before the terminating blanks. */ if(list_rewound(lh)) { for(list_back(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_back(lh)) if(!is_blank((char *)list_cur(lh)->l_data, 0)) break; } list_forw(lh); /* Put string in the list. */ if(list_add_cur(lh, (void *)p) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Make sure the last line is blank. */ list_rewind(lh); if(!is_blank((char *)list_back(lh)->l_data, 0)) { p = (char *)strdup("\n"); if(p == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list data"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Put string in the list. */ if(list_add_back(lh, (void *)p) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "can't malloc list entry"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_NOMEM, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } } /* Are there track offsets in the comments? */ list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); for(list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(!strncmp((char *)lp->l_data, trkstr, trklen)) break; } /* Fail if not. */ if(list_rewound(lh)) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing TOC information in comments"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Make sure there is an offset list. */ list_forw(lh); lp = list_cur(lh); if(sscanf((char *)lp->l_data, offstr, &off) != 1) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "non-TOC content found between TOC marker and " "TOC information or no TOC information in comments"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } list_back(lh); loff = -1; trks = 0; for(list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh), trks++) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(sscanf((char *)lp->l_data, offstr, &off) != 1) break; /* Too many tracks. */ if(trks >= CDDBMAXTRK) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "too many track offsets in comments (%d), max %d", trks, CDDBMAXTRK); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* No negative or zero offsets. */ if(off <= 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "negative or zero offset (%d) in comments", off); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Offsets must be monotonically increasing. */ if(off <= loff) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "offset (%d) less than or equal to previous " "offset (%d) in comments", off, loff); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } db->db_offset[trks] = off; loff = off; } db->db_flags |= DB_OFFSET; /* Count the number of tracks. */ db->db_trks = (char)trks; /* Look for the disclen. */ list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); list_forw(lh); for(; !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(sscanf((char *)lp->l_data, lenstr, &db->db_disclen) == 1) break; } /* We have no disclen. */ if(list_rewound(lh)) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "missing disc length in comments"); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Delete extra revisions. */ for(list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh);) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(sscanf((char *)lp->l_data, lenstr, &n) == 1) list_delete(lh, lp); else list_forw(lh); } /* Make sure the disclen is positive. */ if(db->db_disclen <= 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "disc length in comments less than or equal to 0 (%d)", db->db_disclen); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Make sure the disclen isn't too short. */ if((loff / CDDBFRAMEPERSEC) > db->db_disclen) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "disc length in comments is too short (%d)", db->db_disclen); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } db->db_flags |= DB_DISCLEN; /* Ensure the discid is in the DB entry. */ discid = db_gen_discid(db); if(list_find(db->db_phase[DP_DISCID], uint_as_ptr (discid)) == 0) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "disc ID generated from track offsets (%08x) not found " "in %s", discid, parstab[DP_DISCID].dp_name); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } /* Ensure the discids are legal. */ lh = db->db_phase[DP_DISCID]; list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); for(; !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); discid = ptr_to_uint32 (lp->l_data); if((discid & 0xFF) != db->db_trks) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "invalid disc ID %08x in %s", discid, parstab[DP_DISCID].dp_name); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } } /* Check the fields for various things. */ for(i = 0; i < DP_NPHASE; i++) { lh = db->db_phase[i]; dp = &parstab[i]; /* Make sure multi fields match the track count. */ if((dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) && db->db_trks != lh->lh_count) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "# of %s fields (%d) does not match # of trks (%d)", dp->dp_name, lh->lh_count, db->db_trks); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } if(dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) fc = lh->lh_count; else fc = 1; /* Make sure the field contents aren't bogus. */ for(j = 0, n = 0; j < fc; j++) { /* Check for invalid stuff. */ dc = db_content_check(db, i, j); if(dc->dc_flags & CF_INVALID) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "invalid %s", db_field(db, i, j)); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } if((dp->dp_flags & PF_REQUIRED) && (dc->dc_flags & CF_BLANK)) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "empty %s", db_field(db, i, j)); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } if(!(dc->dc_flags & CF_BLANK)) n++; } /* Check fields that must have at least one nonempty entry. */ if((dp->dp_flags & PF_ONEREQ) && n == 0 && db->db_trks > 1) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "no valid %s in entry", dp->dp_name); db_cleanup(fp, db, DE_INVALID, (flags | DF_DONE)); return 0; } else if(n != i) db->db_flags |= DB_EMPTY; } return db; } /** * Write one record to an open file. * * The functions which reference it can be grouped as: * - which need the original UNIX format * - #cddbd_do_transmit - only single temporary file at a time * - #cddbp_transmit - writes to a socket * - #do_cddb_read - writes to stdout * . * - which need the Windows format when compiled for Windows * (Unix otherwise) * - #cddbd_update - file (insert/update, uses discid when Win.) * - #db_post - file (insert/update, uses discid when Win.) * . * . * * @param fp opened file the record will be written to * @param db DB record to be written * @param level actually not used * @param discid the discid of the record. If nonzero a "Windows" line * #FILENAME=discid will be prepended. * * @return 1 if success, 0 otherwise */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT int db_write(FILE *fp, db_t *db, int level, unsigned int discid) #else int db_write(FILE *fp, db_t *db, int level) #endif { int i; int x; lhead_t *lh; db_parse_t *dp; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if(discid > 0) { fprintf(fp, "%s%08x\n", STARTTAG, discid); } #endif for(i = 0; i < DP_NPHASE; i++) { dp = &parstab[i]; lh = db->db_phase[i]; if (PROTO_ENAB(P_READ) || ((i != DP_DYEAR) && (i != DP_DGENRE))) { if(dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) x = db_write_multi(fp, lh, dp); else if(dp->dp_flags & PF_NUMERIC) x = db_write_num(fp, lh, dp); else x = db_write_str(fp, lh, dp, 0); if(x == 0) return 0; } } return 1; } int db_write_multi(FILE *fp, lhead_t *lh, db_parse_t *dp) { int i; link_t *lp; for(i = 0, list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); i++, list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(db_write_str(fp, (lhead_t *)lp->l_data, dp, i) == 0) return 0; } return 1; } int db_write_num(FILE *fp, lhead_t *lh, db_parse_t *dp) { int i; int n; char *s; link_t *lp; /* Compute how many discids we can put on a line. */ n = DBLINESIZ - strlen(dp->dp_pstr); n /= CDDBDISCIDLEN + 1; for(i = 0, list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); i < list_count(lh); i++, list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(!(i % n) && fputs(dp->dp_pstr, fp) == EOF) return 0; if(fprintf(fp, "%08x", ptr_to_uint32 (lp->l_data)) == EOF) return 0; if(i == (list_count(lh) - 1) || !((i + 1) % n)) { if(fp == stdout) s = "\r\n"; else s = "\n"; } else { s = ","; } if(fputs(s, fp) == EOF) return 0; } return 1; } int db_write_str(FILE *fp, lhead_t *lh, db_parse_t *dp, int trk) { link_t *lp; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; for(list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(fprintf(fp, dp->dp_pstr, trk) == EOF) return 0; if(fp == stdout) { strncpy(buf, (char *)lp->l_data, sizeof(buf)); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; strip_crlf(buf); if(fprintf(fp, "%s\r\n", buf) == EOF) return 0; } else { if(fputs((char *)lp->l_data, fp) == EOF) return 0; } } return 1; } /** * Compares two unsigned int arguments (used for qsort) * * @param a first argument * @param b second argument * * @return comparsion result (<, ==, >0 when ab). */ int comp_uint(const void * a, const void * b) { unsigned int x = *((unsigned int *)a); unsigned int y = *((unsigned int *)b); if(x < y) return -1; if(x == y) return 0; return 1; } /** * Copies one record from opened file src to opened file dest. * * Reads one record from the src (up to the EOF or #FILENAME tag) * and appends it to the dest using the Windows format (hence the input * parameter srcDiscid). If another record in src was encountered after * this one (due to the tag #FILENAME), the corresponding discid is returned * in nextDiscid, zero otherwise (note that zero is not a valid discid). * When no output required the nextDiscid can be NULL. * * Both files remain opened, the src is just after the line #FILENAME (if * found). The global variables #db_curr_discid and * #db_next_discid are NOT affected by this function. * * @param dest destination opened file the record will be written to * @param src source file from which the record will be copied * @param srcDiscid discid of the record for the #FILENAME tag * @param nextDiscid returns next encountered value of (if any) #FILENAME * * @return 0 when success */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT int db_copy_entry(FILE *dest, FILE *src, unsigned int srcDiscid, unsigned int * nextDiscid) { char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; fprintf(dest, "%s%08x\n", STARTTAG, srcDiscid); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), src) != NULL) { if(strncmp(buf, STARTTAG, STARTTAGLEN) == 0) { if(nextDiscid != NULL) { if(sscanf(buf+STARTTAGLEN, "%08x", nextDiscid) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't parse discid from <%s>", buf+STARTTAGLEN); *nextDiscid = 0; return 1; } return 0; /* found/parsed next #FILENAME=discid */ } return 0; /* found/parsed next #FILENAME= */ } if(fputs(buf, dest) == EOF) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't write to file"); return 1; } } if(nextDiscid != NULL) { *nextDiscid = 0; } return 0; } #endif /* DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT */ /** * Merge Unix format files into a (existing) Windows database. * * All the records from unixDir are merged into Windows DB file(s) winDir. * The unixDir records take precedence over the original ones (i.e. these * will be overwritten). * * @param unixDir source directory containing the records (in Unix format) * to be merged in. This can be the same as winDir. * @param winDir output directory - where the Unix records should be merged in. * it can be also empty. It is assumed that the records in * the already existing files are sorted. * @param delete if != 0 the source files in unixDir will be deleted afterwards. * * @return 0 if success */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT int db_merge_to_windb(char * unixDir, char * winDir, int delete) { unsigned int discIDs[WINMAXPOSTRECORDS+10]; DIR *dir; struct dirent *dp; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /**< result file of a operation */ char unixFile[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /**< Unix file to be merged in */ char srcWinFile[CDDBBUFSIZ];/**< Source Win file we are merging in */ FILE *fp; /**< result file of a operation */ FILE *fpUnix; /**< Unix file to be merged in */ FILE *srcWin; /**< Source Win file we are merging in */ unsigned int numRecords; unsigned int discid; unsigned int start, stop; unsigned int winDiscid; int dstDBmap[0xff][2]; /**< maps high discid byte to filename*/ int a, ci, highByte, nextHighByte; /* First of all, get the lock for merging in the current directory. */ if((ci = categ_index(cddbd_basename(winDir))) == -1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Windows directory %s to merge into " "does not correspond to a category.", winDir); quit(QUIT_ERR); } cddbd_lock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE], 1); for(a=0; a<0xff; ++a) dstDBmap[a][0] = dstDBmap[a][1] = -1; /* * Prepare a list of Unix files to merge. I.e. go through the directory * and note all the Unix format filenames to discIDs and sort it afterwards. */ if((dir = opendir(unixDir)) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't open dir. <%s>", unixDir); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } numRecords = 0; while((dp = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { if(strlen(dp->d_name) != CDDBDISCIDLEN) { continue; } if(sscanf(dp->d_name, "%08x", &discid) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: ignoring non-CDDB" "file: %s", file); continue; } if(numRecords > WINMAXPOSTRECORDS) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: too many files (%d) in %s, expected max. %d", numRecords, unixDir, WINMAXPOSTRECORDS); break; } discIDs[numRecords++] = discid; } closedir(dir); qsort(discIDs, numRecords, sizeof(discIDs[0]), comp_uint); /* * Prepare the destination Windows file map. I.e. dstDBmap will contain * for each "high byte" (possible highest value of the discid) start and * stop value of the corresponding Windows range file (if exists). * Otherwise the limits -1 from the initialisation will be there. */ if((dir = opendir(winDir)) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't open dir. <%s>", winDir); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } while((dp = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", winDir, dp->d_name); if(strlen(dp->d_name) != WINFILEIDLEN) { continue; } start = 0; stop = 0; if(sscanf(dp->d_name, "%02xto%02x", &start, &stop) != 2) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: ignoring non-CDDB" "file: %s", file); continue; } for(a=start; a<=stop; ++a) { dstDBmap[a][0] = start; dstDBmap[a][1] = stop; } } closedir(dir); /* * Now the merge phase. There are two cases: * - there is no corresponding Windows file (i.e. we will create one) * - there is already a corresponding Windows file so we need to merge it in */ fpUnix = fp = NULL; a = 0; while(a < numRecords) { highByte = nextHighByte = (discIDs[a] >> 24) & 0xff; if(dstDBmap[highByte][0] < 0 ) { /* * File does not exist. So we create a Windows file xxtoxx and write there * all Unix files with that high byte. */ cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%02xto%02x", winDir, highByte, highByte); if((fp=fopen(file,"w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot create file: %s", file); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } do /* copy all the records for this new Win file */ { highByte = nextHighByte; cddbd_snprintf(unixFile, sizeof(unixFile), "%s/%08x", unixDir, discIDs[a]); if((fpUnix=fopen(unixFile, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot open file: %s", unixFile); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } if(db_skip(fpUnix, NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot skip to record in file: %s", unixFile); fclose(fpUnix); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } if(db_copy_entry(fp, fpUnix, discIDs[a], NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot copy over one record - file: %s", unixFile); fclose(fpUnix); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } fclose(fpUnix); /* it is already copied over */ if(delete) { if(unlink(unixFile)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot unlink file: %s", unixFile); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } } ++a; if(a >= numRecords) /* last record? */ break; nextHighByte = (discIDs[a] >> 24) & 0xff; } while(nextHighByte == highByte); /* are we still within the Win file? */ fclose(fp); fp = NULL; (void)cddbd_fix_file(file, db_file_mode, db_uid, db_gid); } else { /* * File already exists. Create a temp file xxtoyy_temp, merge into it original * xxtoyy and corresponding Unix files and finaly rename the xxtoyy_temp * to xxtoyy. */ start = dstDBmap[highByte][0]; /* start of this Win file */ stop = dstDBmap[highByte][1]; /* stop of this Win file */ cddbd_snprintf(srcWinFile, sizeof(srcWinFile), "%s/%02xto%02x", winDir, dstDBmap[highByte][0], dstDBmap[highByte][1]); cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%02xto%02x_temp", winDir, dstDBmap[highByte][0], dstDBmap[highByte][1]); if((srcWin=fopen(srcWinFile, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot open file: %s", srcWinFile); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } if((fp=fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot create file: %s", file); fclose(srcWin); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } /* do the merging magic */ if(db_skip(srcWin, NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot skip to record in file: %s", srcWinFile); fclose(fp); fclose(srcWin); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } winDiscid = db_curr_discid; do { if(winDiscid < discIDs[a]) { /* take it from the srcWin (lower discid) */ if(db_copy_entry(fp, srcWin, winDiscid, &winDiscid)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot copy over one record - file: %s", srcWinFile); fclose(srcWin); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } if(winDiscid == 0) { /* the src win file is exhausted */ fclose(srcWin); srcWin = NULL; winDiscid = 0xffffffff; } } else { /* write the Unix record and decide later whether to skip Win */ cddbd_snprintf(unixFile, sizeof(unixFile), "%s/%08x", unixDir, discIDs[a]); if((fpUnix=fopen(unixFile, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot open file: %s", unixFile); if(srcWin != NULL) fclose(srcWin); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } if(db_skip(fpUnix, NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot skip to record in file: %s", unixFile); fclose(fpUnix); if(srcWin != NULL) fclose(srcWin); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } if(db_copy_entry(fp, fpUnix, db_curr_discid, NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot copy over one record - file: %s", unixFile); fclose(fpUnix); if(srcWin != NULL) fclose(srcWin); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } fclose(fpUnix); /* eventually delete the unix file */ if(delete) { if(unlink(unixFile)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot unlink file: %s", unixFile); if(srcWin != NULL) fclose(srcWin); fclose(fp); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } } if(winDiscid == discIDs[a]) { /* We are "overwriting" with the Unix record (same discid) => skip the record in the srcWinFile */ if(db_skip(srcWin, NULL)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot skip to record in file: %s", srcWinFile); fclose(fp); if(srcWin != NULL) fclose(srcWin); } winDiscid = db_curr_discid; } ++a; if(a >= numRecords) /* last record? */ break; highByte = (discIDs[a] >> 24) & 0xff; } } while(highByte <= stop); /* are we still within this Win file? */ /* copy the rest of the srcWin to file */ if(srcWin != NULL) { while(winDiscid > 0) { if(db_copy_entry(fp, srcWin, winDiscid, &winDiscid)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot copy over one record - file: %s", srcWinFile); fclose(srcWin); fclose(fp); } } fclose(srcWin); srcWin = NULL; } fclose(fp); fp = NULL; /* and finally rename file to srcWinFile (overwrite the original one) */ if(rename(file, srcWinFile)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: cannot rename file %s to %s (%d)", file, srcWinFile, errno); cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 1; } (void)cddbd_fix_file(srcWinFile, db_file_mode, db_uid, db_gid); /* to be sure */ } } cddbd_unlock(categlocks[ci][CATLK_MERGE]); return 0; } #endif /** * Posts (creates/updates) a new DB record. * * Used by: * - #cddbd_submit - just add/update (by email submission in post dir.) * - #do_cddb_write - just add/update (directly writes to the post dir.) * - #cddbd_check_db - update in the live database * * Note that even for Windows format it creates a Unix format entry and * it is merged into the database using #db_merge_to_windb. * * @param db DB record * @param dir directory where it should be "posted" * @param discid discid of the DB record. Also see #db_write * @param errstr error string * * @return 0 if successful */ int db_post(db_t *db, char *dir, unsigned int discid, char *errstr) { FILE *fp; int link = 0; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char name[CDDBDISCIDLEN + 1]; struct stat sbuf; /* Convert to appropriate charset for saving. */ if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) ; else if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) switch (file_charset) { case FC_ONLY_ISO: db_utf8_latin1(db); break; case FC_PREFER_ISO: if (!db_utf8_latin1_exact(db)) if (db_looks_like_utf8(db)) db_latin1_utf8(db); break; default: break; } else if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) switch (file_charset) { default: case FC_ONLY_ISO: break; case FC_PREFER_ISO: if (db_looks_like_utf8(db)) db_latin1_utf8(db); break; case FC_PREFER_UTF: case FC_ONLY_UTF: db_latin1_utf8(db); break; } else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error in db_post."); return 0; } cddbd_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%08x", discid); /* Make sure discid is in the DB entry. */ if(!list_find(db->db_phase[DP_DISCID], uint_as_ptr (discid))) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "discid %s is not in the DB entry", name); db_errno = DE_INVALID; return 0; } /* Check to see if we're writing to the database directly */ if(!strcmp(cddbd_dirname(dir), cddbdir)) link = 1; /* direct write to db */ /* If writing to the database directly, remove existing file and all linked files. Nice idea, but is inconsistent with what happens in cddbd_update. Radically unlinking in cddbd_update as well is no solution, since we don't want to remove other entries if they are not linked, but independent entries for other discs. Link-handling is really a mess, so it's best to keep the damage as small as possible until someone rewrites a lot of code for linked entries or gets rid of linking alltogether! if(link) db_unlink(dir, name); */ if(stat(dir, &sbuf)) { if(mkdir(dir, (mode_t)db_dir_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create post dir %s.", dir); cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "file access failed"); db_errno = DE_FILE; return 0; } (void)cddbd_fix_file(dir, db_dir_mode, db_uid, db_gid); } else if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "%s is not a directory.", dir); cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "file access failed"); db_errno = DE_FILE; return 0; } /* Open file to be written. */ cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", dir, name); /* file to be created/updated */ if((fp = fopen(file, "w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't open post file: %s (%d).", file, errno); cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "file access failed"); db_errno = DE_FILE; return 0; } #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if(!db_write(fp, db, MAX_PROTO_LEVEL, discid)) { #else if(!db_write(fp, db, MAX_PROTO_LEVEL)) { #endif cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "server filesystem full"); db_errno = DE_FILE; fclose(fp); unlink(file); return 0; } /* zeke - if we have header info, add this to the end of the db */ /* submission - but do not add if post dir == db dir. */ if (!link && db->db_eh.eh_charset != -1 && db->db_eh.eh_encoding != -1) { char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ * 4]; cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "## Cs: %01d\n## En: %01d\n## To: %s\n## Rc: %s\n## Ho: %s\n", db->db_eh.eh_charset, db->db_eh.eh_encoding, db->db_eh.eh_to, db->db_eh.eh_rcpt, db->db_eh.eh_host); if(fputs(buf, fp) == EOF) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "server filesystem full"); db_errno = DE_FILE; fclose(fp); unlink(file); return 0; } } fclose(fp); /* Create any needed links. */ if(link) db_link(db, dir, name, 1); /* Note if we can't set stats, but continue. */ (void)cddbd_fix_file(file, db_file_mode, db_uid, db_gid); #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* If we're writing directly to the database, merge the posted entry here since cddbd_update() will short-circuit when postdir is the same as cddbdir */ if(link && db_merge_to_windb(dir, dir, 1)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_UPDATE, "Failed to merge in %s.", dir); quit(QUIT_ERR); } #endif db_errno = DE_NO_ERROR; return 1; } void db_free(db_t *db) { int i; if (db == 0){ return; } for(i = 0; i < DP_NPHASE; i++) if(db->db_phase[i] != 0) list_free(db->db_phase[i]); free(db); } void db_free_string(void *p) { free(p); } void db_free_multi(void *lh) { list_free((lhead_t *)lh); } int db_classify(char *buf, int *n, char **p) { int i; int len; db_parse_t *dp; char kbuf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; for(i = 0; i < DP_NPHASE; i++) if(!strncmp(parstab[i].dp_str, buf, strlen(parstab[i].dp_str))) break; if(i == DP_NPHASE) return -1; dp = &parstab[i]; if(dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) { if(sscanf(buf, dp->dp_pstr, n) != 1) return -1; cddbd_snprintf(kbuf, sizeof(kbuf), dp->dp_pstr, *n); } else { *n = -1; strcpy(kbuf, dp->dp_pstr); } len = strlen(kbuf); if(strncmp(kbuf, buf, len)) return -1; *p = &buf[len]; return i; } int db_parse_discid(char **p, unsigned int *discid) { if(sscanf(*p, "%08x", discid) != 1) return 1; if(strlen(*p) < CDDBDISCIDLEN) return 1; *p += CDDBDISCIDLEN; if(**p == '\r') (*p)++; if(**p != ',' && **p != '\n' && **p != '\0') return 1; if(**p != '\0') (*p)++; return 0; } int db_sum_discid(int n) { int ret; char *p; char buf[12]; cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%lu", (unsigned int)n); for(ret = 0, p = buf; *p != '\0'; p++) ret += *p - '0'; return ret; } unsigned int db_gen_discid(db_t *db) { int i; int n; int t; int offtab[CDDBMAXTRK + 1]; /* Convert to seconds. */ for(i = 0; i < db->db_trks; i++) offtab[i] = db->db_offset[i] / CDDBFRAMEPERSEC; /* Compute the discid. */ for(i = 0, t = 0, n = 0; i < (db->db_trks - 1); i++) { n += db_sum_discid(offtab[i]); t += offtab[i + 1] - offtab[i]; } n += db_sum_discid(offtab[i]); t += db->db_disclen - offtab[i]; return(((n % 0xff) << 24) | (t << 8) | db->db_trks); } void db_cleanup(FILE *fp, db_t *db, int err, int flags) { char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /* Eat input until we hit the end. */ if(!(flags & DF_DONE)) { #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if (flags & DF_WIN) db_curr_discid = db_next_discid; #endif for(;;) { if((flags & DF_STDIN) && !cddbd_timer_sleep(timers)) continue; if(flags & DF_STDIN) { /* reading from stdin - cddb write */ if(cddbd_gets(buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL) /* I don't think this can ever happen */ break; if(is_dot(buf)) /* terminating dot found - done with eating */ break; } else { /* reading from file */ if(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) == NULL) /* EOF */ break; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if (flags & DF_WIN) { db_line_counter++; if(strncmp(buf, STARTTAG, STARTTAGLEN) == 0) { if(sscanf(buf+STARTTAGLEN, "%08x", &db_next_discid) != 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't parse discid from <%s>", buf+STARTTAGLEN); continue; } break; } } #endif } } } db_free(db); db_errno = err; } void db_strcpy(db_t *db, int phase, int n, char *to, int size) { int len; int rsize; link_t *lp; lhead_t *lh; lh = db->db_phase[phase]; if(parstab[phase].dp_flags & PF_MULTI) { list_rewind(lh); while(n >= 0) { list_forw(lh); n--; } lp = list_cur(lh); lh = (lhead_t *)lp->l_data; } list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); /* Make space for the null terminator. */ size--; rsize = size; to[0] = '\0'; for(; !list_rewound(lh) && size > 0; list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); len = strlen((char *)lp->l_data); if(len > size) len = size; strncat(to, (char *)lp->l_data, len); strip_crlf(to); to[rsize] = '\0'; size -= len; } } int db_strlen(char *p) { const char *t = p; int i = 0; while(*t != '\0') { /* parse_utf8 advances p for utf8 characters, */ /* returns -1 for not valid as utf8 */ if (parse_utf8(&t) == -1) t++; /* count character */ i++; } return i; } /* zeke - split this out to check disc collision vs rev checking */ /* (rev checking could ret -1 as well, so need to seperate these) */ int db_col(db_t *db1, db_t *db2) { /* Same CDID, but not same data = collision */ if(db1->db_trks != db2->db_trks || !is_fuzzy_match(db1->db_offset, db2->db_offset, db1->db_disclen, db2->db_disclen, db1->db_trks)) return 1; return 0; } int db_cmp(db_t *db1, db_t *db2) { /* Check for the magic unalterable revision. */ if(db1->db_rev == DB_MAX_REV && db2->db_rev != DB_MAX_REV) return 1; if(db2->db_rev == DB_MAX_REV && db1->db_rev != DB_MAX_REV) return -1; /* Otherwise, compare the revision. */ return(db1->db_rev - db2->db_rev); } /* unlink an entry and all other entries listed on it's DISCID line */ /* currently unused (See comment in db_post) void db_unlink(char *dir, char *name) { FILE *fp; db_t *db; link_t *lp; lhead_t *lh; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", dir, name); if((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) { unlink(buf); return; } db = db_read(fp, buf, file_df_flags); fclose(fp); if(db == 0) { unlink(buf); } else { lh = db->db_phase[DP_DISCID]; for(list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%08x", dir, ptr_to_uint32 (lp->l_data)); unlink(buf); } db_free(db); } } */ void db_link(db_t *db, char *dir, char *name, int fix) { #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT return; /* it does not make sense for the Windows format */ } #else link_t *lp; lhead_t *lh; struct stat sbuf; struct stat sbuf2; char dbname[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char dblink[CDDBBUFSIZ]; cddbd_snprintf(dbname, sizeof(dbname), "%s/%s", dir, name); if(stat(dbname, &sbuf) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't stat DB entry: %s.", dbname); return; } lh = db->db_phase[DP_DISCID]; for(list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); cddbd_snprintf(dblink, sizeof(dblink), "%s/%08x", dir, ptr_to_uint32 (lp->l_data)); /* This should already exist. */ if(!strcmp(dbname, dblink)) continue; /* The link exists already. */ if(stat(dblink, &sbuf2) == 0) { if(verbose && sbuf.st_ino != sbuf2.st_ino) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Warning: %s (ino %u) not linked to %s " "(ino %u)", dblink, sbuf2.st_ino, dbname, sbuf.st_ino); } continue; } /* Can't stat it, so complain. */ if(errno != ENOENT) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't stat DB entry: %s", dblink); continue; } if(fix) { /* Create the link. */ if(cddbd_link(dbname, dblink) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't link %s to %s", dblink, dbname); } if(verbose) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Linked %s to %s.", dblink, dbname); } } else { if(verbose) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Link from %s to %s missing.", dblink, dbname); } } } } #endif /* zeke - left param is target, right param is source */ /* so merging (to)tdb with info (from)fdb... */ int db_merge(db_t *tdb, db_t *fdb) { int merged; link_t *lp; lhead_t *tlh; lhead_t *flh; link_t *tlp; link_t *flp; int i; int mergephase[] = { DP_DYEAR, DP_DGENRE }; merged = 0; tlh = tdb->db_phase[DP_DISCID]; flh = fdb->db_phase[DP_DISCID]; for(list_rewind(flh), list_forw(flh); !list_rewound(flh); list_forw(flh)) { lp = list_cur(flh); if(list_find(tlh, lp->l_data) == 0) { if(list_add_cur(tlh, lp->l_data) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc linked list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } merged++; } } for (i=0; i<2; i++) { tlh = tdb->db_phase[mergephase[i]]; list_rewind(tlh); list_forw(tlh); tlp = list_cur(tlh); flh = fdb->db_phase[mergephase[i]]; list_rewind(flh); list_forw(flh); flp = list_cur(flh); if (((char *)tlp->l_data)[0]=='\n') { free(tlp->l_data); tlp->l_data = strdup(flp->l_data); if(tlp->l_data == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't malloc string list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } /* zeke - unset the ASCII bit if non ASCII detected... */ if ((tdb->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) && !charset_is_valid_ascii(tlp->l_data)) { tdb->db_flags &= ~DB_ENC_ASCII; } } return merged; } int db_strip(db_t *db) { int i; int x; lhead_t *lh; db_parse_t *dp; x = 1; for(i = 0; i < DP_NPHASE; i++) { dp = &parstab[i]; if(!(dp->dp_flags & PF_OSTRIP)) continue; lh = db->db_phase[i]; if(dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) x = db_strip_multi(lh); else x = db_strip_list(lh); } return x; } int db_strip_multi(lhead_t *lh) { link_t *lp; for(list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); if(!db_strip_list((lhead_t *)lp->l_data)) return 0; } return 1; } int db_strip_list(lhead_t *lh) { char *p; if(list_count(lh) <= 0) return 1; /* Empty out the list. */ list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); while(!list_empty(lh)) list_delete(lh, list_cur(lh)); p = (char *)strdup("\n"); if(p == 0) return 0; /* Put string in the list. */ if(list_add_back(lh, (void *)p) == 0) { return 0; } return 1; } db_content_t * db_content_check(db_t *db, int phase, int subphase) { int n; arg_t args; db_parse_t *dp; static db_content_t dc; dp = &parstab[phase]; cddbd_bzero((char *)&dc, sizeof(dc)); if(!(dp->dp_flags & PF_NUMERIC)) { db_strcpy(db, phase, subphase, args.buf, sizeof(args.buf)); cddbd_parse_args(&args, 0); if(is_blank(args.buf, 1)) dc.dc_flags |= CF_BLANK; } /* check TTITLE track title field */ if(dp->dp_flags & PF_CKTRK) { if( args.nargs >= 1 && (!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "track") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "audiotrack"))) { if(args.nargs == 1) { dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; } else if(args.nargs == 2 && is_numeric(args.arg[1])) { n = atoi(args.arg[1]); if(n == subphase || n == (subphase + 1)) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; } } else if(args.nargs >= 1 && (!strcmp(args.arg[0], "MSG:"))) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; else if(args.nargs == 1 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "-")) { dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; } else if(args.nargs == 2 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "empty") && !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "track")) { dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; } else if(args.nargs == 2 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "new") && !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[2], "track")) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; } /* check DTITLE disc title */ if(dp->dp_flags & PF_CKTIT) { if(args.nargs == 0) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; else if(args.nargs == 1 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "empty")) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; else if(args.nargs >= 1 && !strcmp(args.arg[0], "MSG:")) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; else if(args.nargs >= 2 && (!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "new") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "nieuwe") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "no")) && (!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "artist") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "titel"))) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; else if(args.nargs == 3 && (!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "unknown") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], "unbekannt")) && (!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[1], "/")) && (!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[2], "unknown") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[2], "unbekannt"))) dc.dc_flags |= CF_INVALID; } return &dc; } /* ARGSUSED */ char * db_field(db_t *db, int phase, int subphase) { db_parse_t *dp; static char name[CDDBPHASESZ]; dp = &parstab[phase]; if(dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) cddbd_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s %d", dp->dp_name, subphase); else cddbd_snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%s", dp->dp_name); return name; } /* Check for a blank line. */ int is_blank(char *buf, int slash) { while(*buf != '\0' && (isspace(*buf) || (slash && (*buf == '/')))) { /* Only allow one of these. */ if(*buf == '/') slash = 0; buf++; } if(*buf == '\n') buf++; if(*buf == '\0') return 1; return 0; } /* Check for numeric input. */ int is_numeric(char *buf) { while(*buf != '\0') { if(!isdigit(*buf)) return 0; buf++; } return 1; } /* Check for hex input. */ int is_xnumeric(char *buf) { while(*buf != '\0') { if(!isxdigit(*buf)) return 0; buf++; } return 1; } /* Check for a terminating period. */ int is_dot(char *buf) { return(!strcmp(buf, ".\n") || !strcmp(buf, ".\r\n")); } /* Check for a terminating period or two. */ int is_dbl_dot(char *buf) { return(is_dot(buf) || !strncmp(buf, "..", 2)); } int is_crlf(int c) { return(c == '\r' || c == '\n'); } int is_wspace(int c) { return(c == ' ' || c == '\t'); } int categ_index(char *categ) { int i; for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) if(!strcmp(categ, categlist[i])) return i; return -1; } int is_parent_dir(char *name) { return(!strcmp(name, ".") || !strcmp(name, "..")); } void asy_decode(char *p) { int c; char *p2; char *p3; while(*p != '\0') { /* If we have a mapping, unmap it and compress. */ c = octet_to_char((unsigned char *)p, '%'); if(c >= 0) { p3 = p; *p = (char)c; p++; p2 = p + 2; while(*p2 != '\0') { *p = *p2; p++; p2++; } *p = '\0'; p = p3; } p++; } } int asy_encode(char *buf, char **out) { int len; char *p; char *o; static char *obuf; static int size = 0; len = (strlen(buf) * 3) + 1; if(len > size) { if(size != 0) free(obuf); obuf = (char *)malloc(len); if(obuf == NULL) { size = 0; return 0; } } for(p = obuf; *buf != '\0'; buf++) { if(asy_mappable((unsigned char)*buf)) { o = char_to_octet((unsigned char)*buf, '%'); len = strlen(o); strncpy(p, o, len); p += len; } else { *p = *buf; p++; } } *p = '\0'; *out = obuf; return 1; } int asy_mappable(unsigned char c) { return(c == '&' || c == '+' || c == '?' || c == '%' || !isprint((int)c)); } /* * Apply the func to each string in db, * and stop if the func returns non-zero. */ int db_strings_multi(lhead_t *lh, db_parse_t *dp, int (*func)(char **p, void *x), void *arg); int db_strings_str(lhead_t *lh, db_parse_t *dp, int trk, int (*func)(char **p, void *x), void *arg); int db_strings(db_t *db, int (*func)(char **p, void *x), void *arg) { int i; int x; lhead_t *lh; db_parse_t *dp; for (i = 0; i < DP_NPHASE; i++) { dp = &parstab[i]; lh = db->db_phase[i]; if (dp->dp_flags & PF_MULTI) x = db_strings_multi(lh, dp, func, arg); else if (dp->dp_flags & PF_NUMERIC) x = 0; else x = db_strings_str(lh, dp, 0, func, arg); if (x) return x; } return 0; } int db_strings_multi(lhead_t *lh, db_parse_t *dp, int (*func)(char **p, void *x), void *arg) { int i; int x; link_t *lp; for (i = 0, list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); i++, list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); x = db_strings_str((lhead_t *)lp->l_data, dp, i, func, arg); if (x) return x; } return 0; } int db_strings_str(lhead_t *lh, db_parse_t *dp, int trk, int (*func)(char **p, void *x), void *arg) { link_t *lp; int x; for (list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); x = (*func)((char **)&lp->l_data, arg); if (x) return x; } return 0; } int db_latin1_utf8_aux(char **p, void *unused) { char *s; charset_latin1_utf8(*p, &s); free(*p); *p = s; return 0; } /* Convert from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8. */ void db_latin1_utf8(db_t *db) { if (!(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error in db_latin1_utf8."); return; } db_strings(db, &db_latin1_utf8_aux, 0); db->db_flags &= ~(DB_ENC_UTF8 | DB_ENC_LATIN1); db->db_flags |= DB_ENC_UTF8; } int db_utf8_latin1_aux(char **p, void *_inexact) { int *inexact = (int *)_inexact; char *s; int r; r = charset_utf8_latin1(*p, &s); if (r == -1) return 1; if (r) *inexact = 1; free(*p); *p = s; return 0; } /* Convert from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1. Return 0 if exact, 1 if inexact, -1 if error. */ int db_utf8_latin1(db_t *db) { int inexact = 0; if (!(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error in db_utf8_latin1."); return -1; } if (db_strings(db, db_utf8_latin1_aux, &inexact)) return -1; if (inexact) ; /* XXX add warning? */ db->db_flags &= ~(DB_ENC_UTF8 | DB_ENC_LATIN1); db->db_flags |= DB_ENC_LATIN1; return inexact; } int db_utf8_latin1_exact_aux(char **p, void *unused) { char *s; int r; r = charset_utf8_latin1(*p, &s); free(s); return r; } /* Convert from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 if exact. Return 0 if exact, 1 if inexact (not converted), -1 if error. */ int db_utf8_latin1_exact(db_t *db) { int unused; int r; if (!(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8)) cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error in db_utf8_latin1_exact."); r = db_strings(db, db_utf8_latin1_exact_aux, 0); if (r) return r; db_strings(db, db_utf8_latin1_aux, &unused); db->db_flags &= ~(DB_ENC_UTF8 | DB_ENC_LATIN1); db->db_flags |= DB_ENC_LATIN1; return 0; } int db_looks_like_utf8_aux(char **p, void *unused) { return !charset_is_utf8(*p); } /* Return non-zero if well-formed UTF-8. */ int db_looks_like_utf8(db_t *db) { /* zeke - always returns "1" if non-illegal chars found */ /* zeke - init parse flags, set in scans in "parse_utf8" */ if (db_strings(db, db_looks_like_utf8_aux, 0)) return 0; return 1; } /* Check and disambiguate the charset. This is called after reading input from a client. */ int db_disam_charset(db_t *db) { if(!(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII)) { if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) db->db_flags &= ~DB_ENC_LATIN1; if((db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) && utf_as_iso != UAI_ACCEPT) if (db_looks_like_utf8(db)) return 1; } return 0; }