/* * cddbd - CD Database Protocol Server * * Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Steve Scherf (steve@moonsoft.com) * Portions Copyright (C) 1999-2006 by various authors * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * */ #ifndef LINT static char *const _cddbd_c_ident_ = "@(#)$Id: cddbd.c,v 2006/04/18 22:10:25 joerg78 Exp $"; #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "patchlevel.h" #include "access.h" #include "cddbd.h" /** * \todo The windows version needs to be properly tested. */ /* Preprocessor definitions. */ /* Used for getting command-line args in main. */ #define NEXTARG(ag) \ i++; \ if(argc <= i) \ usage(name); \ (ag) = *(argv + i) /* Definitions used by do_log(). */ #define LH_CLNT_CONN 0 #define LH_CLNT_USER 1 #define LH_IFACE_CONN 2 #define LH_READ 3 #define LH_NHEAD 4 /* Prototypes. */ void cddbd_access_err(int); void cddbd_access_to(void); void cddbd_block_sigs(void); void cddbd_cddbp_cmd(void); void cddbd_cgi_cmd(void); void cddbd_check_nus(void); void cddbd_cleantemp(void); void cddbd_connect_to(void); void cddbd_db_init(void); void cddbd_init(void); void cddbd_input_to(void); void cddbd_lock_free_lk(void *); void cddbd_log_prim(FILE *, int, char *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *, void *); void cddbd_mk_servfiles(void); void cddbd_mk_workdirs(void); void cddbd_read_access(char *, int); void cddbd_strip(char *, char); void cddbd_timer_init(ctimer_t *); void cddbd_translate(char *, char, char); void count_log(lhead_t *, char *, char *); void do_cddb(arg_t *); void do_cddb_hello(arg_t *); void do_cddb_query(arg_t *); void do_discid(arg_t *); void do_cddb_lscat(arg_t *); void do_cddb_read(arg_t *); /* void do_cddb_srch(arg_t *); */ void do_cddb_unlink(arg_t *); void do_cddb_write(arg_t *); void do_get(arg_t *); void do_help(arg_t *); void do_log(arg_t *); void do_motd(arg_t *); void do_validate(arg_t *); void do_proto(arg_t *); void do_put(arg_t *); void do_quit(arg_t *); void do_sites(arg_t *); void do_stat(arg_t *); void do_update(arg_t *); void do_ver(arg_t *); void do_whom(arg_t *); void free_cperm(void *); void free_hperm(void *); void free_log(void *); void modify_perms(hperm_t *); void reduce_rev(char *, char *, char *, int *); void sighand(int); void trunc_log(void); void usage(char *); void usage2(char *name, char *extra); void usage_uid(void); static void finish_header(char *charset); int _do_cddb_hello(arg_t *); int _do_validate(char *, uint32_t); int cddbd_is_cgi(void); int cddbd_locked(clck_t *); int cddbd_nus(int); int cddbd_parse_access(arg_t *, int); int cddbd_parse_iface(char *, char *, int, char *); int cddbd_secure(void); int cddbd_strcasecmp(char *, char *); int comp_log(void *, void *); int comp_logdata(const void *, const void *); int comp_rev(char *, char *); int cvt_date(char *, char *); int get_conv(char **, char *); int has_parent_dir(char *); int make_year(int); int match_rev(char *, char *, int); char *cddbd_safenv(char *); char *cddbd_dirname(char *); logdata_t **sort_log(lhead_t *); extern void asy_decode(char *); /* truly global variables. */ int verbose; /* Verbose mode if true. */ clck_t *locks[LK_NUMLOCKS]; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT clck_t ***categlocks; #endif /* global variables with module-wide scope. These should be static! */ static int build_fuzzy; /* Build the fuzzy match hash file.*/ int categcnt; /* Category count. */ int interface; /* Interface proto (cddbp/http/mail). */ static int check; /* Check the database. */ static int db_access; /* Database was accessed. */ int db_dir_mode; /* DB directory creation mode. */ int db_file_mode; /* DB file creation mode. */ int debug; /* Debug mode if true (global var). */ static int make_key; /* If true, make a new key. */ static int make_pwd; /* If true, make a new key. */ int delay_time; /* How much time to delay. */ static int skip_log; /* Don't log connection if true. */ int dir_mode; /* Directory creation mode. */ int dup_ok; /* Dup directory exists if true. */ int dup_policy; /* How to treat duplicate entries. */ int elapse_time; /* How much time to work. */ int email_time; /* How long to delay between emails. */ int file_charset; /* Charset used in files. */ int file_df_flags; /* Flags for db_read from a file. */ int file_mode; /* File creation mode. */ int fuzzy_div; /* Fuzzy matching divisor. */ int fuzzy_factor; /* Fuzzy matching factor. */ static int hang_time; /* How long to hold clients. */ static int hello; /* Handshake done if true. */ static int level; /* Protocol level we're running at. */ static int lock_time; /* Wait between lock retries. */ static int lock_wait; /* Max # seconds to wait for a lock. */ static int logging; /* Logging in progress. */ static int log_hiwat; /* Log file high water mark. */ static int log_lowat; /* Log file low water mark. */ static int match_entries; /* Find entries that match. */ static int max_hangs; /* Max # of concurrent hangs. */ int max_lines; /* Max # of lines in a cddb entry. */ static int max_users; /* Max # of simultaneous users. */ int max_xmits; /* Max # of simultaneous transmits. */ static int mode; /* Mode of operation. */ static int nus; /* Number of current users. */ static int put_size; /* Max input size on a file put. */ static int quiet; /* Don't log messages, if true. */ static int secure; /* If true, not running setuid. */ static int standalone; /* Standalone mode, if true. */ int strip_ext; /* Strip extended data , if true. */ static int test_mail; /* Mail server test mode. */ static int tmpcount; /* Number of temp files we've got. */ static int update; /* Update database with new entries. */ int ck_berzerk; /* Check for berzerk clients. */ int utf_as_iso; /* See the documentation. */ int xmit_time; /* Transmit timeout in seconds. */ static uint32_t cksum; /* Saved username checksum. */ uid_t db_uid; /* DB user-id. */ static uid_t euid; /* Effective user-id. */ uid_t uid; /* Owner user-id. */ static uid_t ruid; /* Real user-id. */ gid_t db_gid; /* DB group-id. */ static gid_t egid; /* Effective group-id. */ gid_t gid; /* Owner group-id. */ static gid_t rgid; /* Real group-id. */ char altaccfile[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char *categlist[CDDBMAXDBDIR + 1]; char admin_email[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char bounce_email[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char cddbdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char dupdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char host[CDDBHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; char apphost[CDDBHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; static char lockfile[CDDBBUFSIZ]; static char motdfile[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char postdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char pwdfile[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char rhost[CDDBHOSTNAMELEN + 1]; char *servfile[SF_NUMSERVFILES]; char sitefile[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char smtphost[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char test_email[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char user[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char workdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; static char *workdirs[WD_NUMWORKDIRS]; static char *accessfile = ACCESSFILE; static char *lockprefix = "db_lck"; static char *tmp_prefix = "cddbd_"; static char *tmpdir = TMPDIR; static char *cgi_request_method = "REQUEST_METHOD"; static char *cgi_query_string = "QUERY_STRING"; static char *cgi_content_len = "CONTENT_LENGTH"; static char *cgi_gateway_iface = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE"; static char *workdir_name[WD_NUMWORKDIRS] = { "locks", "server", "tmp" }; static char *servfile_name[SF_NUMSERVFILES] = { "fuzzy_index", "history", "log" }; static char *lock_name[LK_NUMLOCKS] = { "fuzzy", "mkfuzz", "hist", "log", "nus", "put", "update" }; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT static char *categlock_name[CATLK_NUMLOCKS] = { "catmerge" }; #endif char *asy_prefix[ASY_MAXPREFIX] = { "cmd=", "hello=", "proto=" }; static char *put_list[] = { altaccfile, motdfile, sitefile, 0 }; static char *rejectstr = "Rejected connect [%s]: %s@%s (%s) using %s %s"; static char *hrejectstr = "Rejected connect [%s]: %s"; static char *hellostr = "Connect [%s]: %s@%s (%s) using %s %s"; static char *hellosstr = "%*s %*s %*s Connect [%127[^]]]: %127[^@]@%*s %*[(]%127[^)]%*s using %127s"; static char *readstr = "Read: %s %08x user:%08x %.65s"; static char *readsstr = "%*s %*s %*s Read: %*s %*08x user:%08x %65[^\r\n]"; static char *verstr = "cddbd v%sPL%d Copyright (c) 1996-2006 Steve Scherf et al."; char *verstr2 = "cddbd v%sPL%d Copyright (c) Steve Scherf et al."; char *saltstr = "salt="; static pid_t curpid; /* Our current pid. */ static int log_flags; /* Logging flags. */ static long lastsecs; hperm_t hperm; /* Global host permissions. */ static lhead_t *lock_head; /* Lock list head. */ /* Interface table. */ static iface_t iface_map[IF_NIFACE] = { { "submit_mail", 's', (IFL_NOCOUNT | IFL_NOCONN | IFL_NOLOG) }, { "email", 'e', (IFL_NOCONN | IFL_CMD) }, { "cddbp", 'c', IFL_CMD }, { "http", 'h', IFL_CMD }, { "Unknown", '\0', (IFL_NOCONN | IFL_NOHEAD) }, { "none", '\0', (IFL_NOCONN | IFL_NOHEAD | IFL_NOLOG) } }; /* Access file fields. */ static access_t acctab[] = { { "altaccfile", altaccfile, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "apphost", apphost, AC_STRING, 0, (ad_t)host }, { "motdfile", motdfile, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "sitefile", sitefile, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "pwdfile", pwdfile, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "workdir", workdir, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "cddbdir", cddbdir, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "dupdir", dupdir, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "postdir", postdir, AC_PATH, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "smtphost", smtphost, AC_STRING, 0, (ad_t)LHOST }, { "admin_email", admin_email, AC_STRING, AF_NODEF,(ad_t)(char *)0 }, { "bounce_email",bounce_email, AC_STRING, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "test_email", test_email, AC_STRING, 0, (ad_t)"" }, { "elapse_time", &elapse_time, AC_NUMERIC, 0, (ad_t)DEF_ELAPSE_TIME }, { "delay_time", &delay_time, AC_NUMERIC, 0, (ad_t)DEF_DELAY_TIME }, { "xmit_time", &xmit_time, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_XMIT_TO }, { "email_time", &email_time, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_EMAIL_TIME }, { "lock_time", &lock_time, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_LOCK_TIME }, { "hang_time", &hang_time, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_HANG_TIME }, { "max_hangs", &max_hangs, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_MAX_HANG }, { "lock_wait", &lock_wait, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_LOCK_WAIT }, { "transmits", &max_xmits, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_MAX_XMITS }, { "post_lines", &max_lines, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_MAX_LINES }, { "put_size", &put_size, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_MAX_SIZE }, { "users", &max_users, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_MAX_USERS }, { "fuzzy_factor",&fuzzy_factor,AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_FUZZ_FACT }, { "fuzzy_div", &fuzzy_div, AC_NUMERIC, AF_NONZ, (ad_t)DEF_FUZZ_DIV }, { "log_hiwat", &log_hiwat, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_LOG_HIWAT }, { "log_lowat", &log_lowat, AC_NUMERIC, AF_ZERO, (ad_t)DEF_LOG_LOWAT }, { "user", &uid, AC_USER, AF_NODEF,(ad_t)(uid_t)0 }, { "group", &gid, AC_GROUP, AF_NODEF,(ad_t)(gid_t)0 }, { "file_mode", &file_mode, AC_MODE, 0, (ad_t)DEF_FILE_MODE }, { "dir_mode", &dir_mode, AC_MODE, 0, (ad_t)DEF_DIR_MODE }, { "db_user", &db_uid, AC_USER, AF_NODEF,(ad_t)(uid_t)0 }, { "db_group", &db_gid, AC_GROUP, AF_NODEF,(ad_t)(gid_t)0 }, { "db_file_mode",&db_file_mode,AC_MODE, 0, (ad_t)DEF_FILE_MODE }, { "db_dir_mode", &db_dir_mode, AC_MODE, 0, (ad_t)DEF_DIR_MODE }, { "strip_ext", &strip_ext, AC_BOOL, 0, (ad_t)DEF_STRIP_EXT }, { "ck_berzerk", &ck_berzerk, AC_BOOL, 0, (ad_t)DEF_CK_BERZERK }, { 0 } }; /* Protocol flags. */ proto_t proto_flags[MAX_PROTO_LEVEL + 1] = { 0, 0, P_QUOTE, P_SITES, P_QUERY, P_READ, P_UTF8 }; /* Log flags. */ static log_t log[] = { { LOG_NONE, 0, 0, "none", 0, }, { LOG_INPUT, 0, 0, "input", 0, }, { LOG_INFO, 0, 0, "info", 0, }, { (unsigned int)LOG_ALL, 0, 0, "all", 0, }, { LOG_ACCESS, 0, 0, "access", "Accesses", }, { LOG_QUERY, 0, 0, "", " Successful queries", }, { LOG_UQUERY, 0, 0, "", " Unsuccessful queries", }, { LOG_FUZZY, 0, 0, "", " Fuzzy matches", }, { LOG_READ, 0, 0, "", " Entries read", }, { LOG_WRITE, 0, L_NOSHOW, "post", " Entries posted", }, { LOG_SITES, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Site list downloads", }, { LOG_GET, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Admin downloads", }, { LOG_ERR, 0, 0, "errors", "Errors", }, { LOG_XMIT, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Transmit errors", }, { LOG_NET, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Network errors", }, { LOG_LOCK, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Locking errors", }, { LOG_HASH, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Hash file errors", }, { LOG_UPDATE, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Update errors", }, { LOG_MAIL, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", " Mail errors", }, { LOG_INTERN, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", "Internal errors", }, { LOG_REJECT, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", "Rejected connections", }, { LOG_COLLIS, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", "Disc ID collisions", }, { LOG_PASSWD, 0, L_NOSHOW, "", "Validation attempts", }, { LOG_HELLO, 0, 0, "hello", "Connections", }, { 0 } }; /* Timer array. */ ctimer_t timers[] = { { "input", cddbd_input_to, CT_INPUT_RST, DEF_INPUT_TO, 0, 0 }, { "access", cddbd_access_to, CT_ACCESS_RST, DEF_ACCESS_TO, 0, 0 }, { "connect", cddbd_connect_to, CT_WRITE_DIS, DEF_CONNECT_TO, 0, 0 }, { 0 } }; /* Help strings. */ static char **help[] = { cddb_help, discid_help, get_help, help_help, log_help, motd_help, proto_help, put_help, quit_help, sites_help, stat_help, update_help, validate_help, ver_help, whom_help, 0 }; static char **chelp[] = { hello_help, lscat_help, query_help, read_help, /* srch_help, */ unlink_help, write_help, 0 }; /* Command definitions. */ static cmd_t cmd[] = { { "cddb", do_cddb, cddb_help, (CF_SUBCMD | CF_ASY) }, { "get", do_get, get_help, (CF_ASY | CF_SECURE) }, { "help", do_help, help_help, CF_ASY }, { "log", do_log, log_help, CF_ASY }, { "motd", do_motd, motd_help, CF_ASY }, { "validate", do_validate, validate_help, CF_SECURE }, { "proto", do_proto, proto_help, 0 }, { "put", do_put, put_help, CF_SECURE }, { "quit", do_quit, quit_help, 0 }, { "sites", do_sites, sites_help, CF_ASY }, { "stat", do_stat, stat_help, CF_ASY }, { "update", do_update, update_help, CF_SECURE }, { "ver", do_ver, ver_help, CF_ASY }, { "whom", do_whom, whom_help, CF_ASY }, { "discid", do_discid, discid_help, CF_ASY }, { 0 } }; static cmd_t cddb_cmd[] = { { "hello", do_cddb_hello, hello_help, 0 }, { "query", do_cddb_query, query_help, (CF_HELLO | CF_ACCESS | CF_ASY) }, { "read", do_cddb_read, read_help, (CF_HELLO | CF_ACCESS | CF_ASY) }, /* { "srch", do_cddb_srch, srch_help, (CF_HELLO | CF_ACCESS | CF_ASY) },*/ { "write", do_cddb_write, write_help, (CF_HELLO | CF_ACCESS | CF_SECURE)}, { "lscat", do_cddb_lscat, lscat_help, (CF_HELLO | CF_ACCESS | CF_ASY)}, { "unlink", do_cddb_unlink, unlink_help, (CF_HELLO | CF_ACCESS | CF_SECURE)}, { 0 } }; /* Month table. */ static month_t month[] = { { "Jan", 31 }, { "Feb", 29 }, { "Mar", 31 }, { "Apr", 30 }, { "May", 31 }, { "Jun", 30 }, { "Jul", 31 }, { "Aug", 31 }, { "Sep", 30 }, { "Oct", 31 }, { "Nov", 30 }, { "Dec", 31 } }; /* Day table. */ static char *day[] = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; /* Convert charset for sending to client. */ void convert_db_charset_proto(db_t *db, int plevel) { if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) ; else if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_UTF8) { if(!(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_ASCII) && plevel < UNICODE_LEVEL) db_utf8_latin1(db); } else if(db->db_flags & DB_ENC_LATIN1) { if(plevel >= UNICODE_LEVEL) db_latin1_utf8(db); } } /* Convert charset for sending to client. */ void convert_db_charset(db_t *db) { convert_db_charset_proto(db, level); } /* ARGSUSED */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; int port= 0; /* indicates "default" port */ int nmode; int fix_level= MIN_FIX_LEVEL; int check_level= MIN_CHECK_LEVEL; char *p; char *name; char when[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /* remote operations */ int rmt_op = RMT_OP_NONE; int nrmt_op = RMT_OP_NONE; char *rarg = (char *) 0; char *rarg2 = (char *) 0; char *remote = (char *) 0; /* Set the default interface type. */ interface = IF_NONE; name = argv[0]; mode = MODE_NONE; nmode = MODE_NONE; level = DEF_PROTO_LEVEL; ruid = getuid(); rgid = getgid(); euid = geteuid(); egid = getegid(); secure = cddbd_secure(); if(cddbd_is_cgi()) mode = MODE_CGI; else while(*++argv) { argc--; if(**argv != '-') usage(name); i = 0; /* number of following arguments processed */ while(*++(*argv)) { switch(**argv) { case 'a': /* Don't allow rogues to change accessfile .*/ if(!secure) usage_uid(); NEXTARG(accessfile); break; case 'c': nmode = MODE_DB; check++; NEXTARG(p); /** printf ("option c: p=%s\n", p); **/ if(p == 0) usage2(name, "1. p=0"); if(!strcmp(p, "default")) { check_level = MIN_CHECK_LEVEL; } else { check_level = atoi(p); if(check_level < MIN_CHECK_LEVEL) usage2(name, "check_level < MIN_CHECK_LEVEL"); if(check_level > MAX_CHECK_LEVEL) usage2(name, "check_level > MAX_CHECK_LEVEL"); } NEXTARG(p); if(p == 0) usage2(name, "2. p=0"); if(!strcmp(p, "default")) { fix_level = MIN_FIX_LEVEL; } else { fix_level = atoi(p); if(fix_level < MIN_FIX_LEVEL) usage2(name, "fix_level < MIN_FIX_LEVEL"); if(fix_level > MAX_FIX_LEVEL) usage2(name, "fix_level > MAX_FIX_LEVEL"); } break; case 'C': nmode = MODE_DB; nrmt_op = RMT_OP_CMD; NEXTARG(remote); NEXTARG(rarg); NEXTARG(rarg2); break; case 'd': debug++; break; case 'e': nmode = MODE_DB; match_entries++; break; case 'f': nmode = MODE_DB; build_fuzzy++; break; case 'k': nmode = MODE_IMMED; make_key++; break; case 'l': nmode = MODE_DB; nrmt_op = RMT_OP_LOG; NEXTARG(remote); break; case 'm': nmode = MODE_MAIL; break; case 'M': nmode = MODE_MAIL; test_mail++; break; case 'p': nmode = MODE_DB; nrmt_op = RMT_OP_PUT; NEXTARG(remote); NEXTARG(rarg); if(remote == 0 || rarg == 0) usage(name); break; case 'P': nmode = MODE_IMMED; make_pwd++; break; case 'q': quiet++; break; case 's': nmode = MODE_SERV; standalone++; NEXTARG(p); if(p == 0) usage(name); if(!strcmp(p, "default")) { port = 0; } else { port = atoi(p); if(port <= 0) usage(name); } break; case 'T': nmode = MODE_DB; rmt_op = RMT_OP_CATCHUP; NEXTARG(remote); if(remote == 0) usage(name); NEXTARG(p); if(p == 0) usage(name); if(!strcmp("now", p)) { strcpy(when, p); } else { if(cvt_date(p, when) == 0) usage(name); } rarg = when; break; case 't': nmode = MODE_DB; nrmt_op = RMT_OP_TRANSMIT; NEXTARG(remote); break; case 'u': nmode = MODE_DB; update++; break; case 'v': verbose++; break; default: usage(name); } if(i > 0 && *(argv + i) == 0) usage(name); if(nrmt_op != RMT_OP_NONE) { if(rmt_op != RMT_OP_NONE) usage(name); rmt_op = nrmt_op; nrmt_op = RMT_OP_NONE; } if(nmode != MODE_NONE) { if(mode != MODE_NONE && mode != nmode) usage(name); mode = nmode; nmode = MODE_NONE; } } argv += i; } /* Make a new key. */ if(make_key) { generate_key(); exit(QUIT_OK); } /* Make a password. */ if(make_pwd) { generate_pwd(); exit(QUIT_OK); } /* The default mode is server mode. */ if(mode == MODE_NONE) mode = MODE_SERV; switch(mode) { case MODE_SERV: interface = IF_CDDBP; break; case MODE_CGI: interface = IF_HTTP; break; case MODE_DB: interface = IF_NONE; break; case MODE_MAIL: default: interface = IF_UNKNOWN; break; } /* If we're not secure, we can only function as a server. */ if(!secure && !(mode & MFL_SERV)) usage_uid(); /* Initialize data structures. */ cddbd_init(); /* Set up the signal handler. */ for(i = 0; i < NSIG; i++) { switch(i) { case SIGCHLD: case SIGHUP: /* Ignore these signals just in case. */ signal(i, SIG_IGN); break; case SIGPIPE: /* Ignore this if we don't have a connection. */ if(iface_map[interface].if_flags & IFL_NOCONN) { signal(i, SIG_IGN); break; } /* FALLTHROUGH */ default: signal(i, sighand); break; } } /* Wait for connections. */ if(standalone) { cddbd_stand(port); standalone = 0; } else { /* Get the configuration. */ cddbd_check_access(); /* If no interface, we need to check perms here. */ if(interface == IF_NONE) hperm = *ck_host_perms(interface); } /* Find the remote hostname if we're a server. */ if(mode != MODE_MAIL) get_rmt_hostname(0, 0, rhost); /* Set effective uid/gid if needed/possible. */ cddbd_setuid(); /* Initialize the database. */ cddbd_db_init(); /* Clean up the database. */ if(check) cddbd_check_db(check_level, fix_level); /* Update the database with new entries. */ if(update) cddbd_update(); /* Link matching entries. */ if(match_entries) cddbd_match(); /* Build the fuzzy matching hash table. */ if(build_fuzzy) cddbd_build_fuzzy(); /* Perform remote ops. */ if(rmt_op != RMT_OP_NONE) cddbd_rmt_op(rmt_op, remote, rarg, rarg2); /* Be a mail filter. */ if(mode == MODE_MAIL) { if(test_mail) cddbd_mail(MF_TEST); else cddbd_mail(0); } /* Be a CGI program. */ if(mode == MODE_CGI) { /* Make sure there aren't too many users. */ cddbd_check_nus(); /* Perform CGI mode service. */ cddbd_cgi_cmd(); } /* Be an Internet server. */ if(mode == MODE_SERV) { /* Make sure there aren't too many users. */ cddbd_check_nus(); /* Start serving. */ cddbd_cddbp_cmd(); } quit(QUIT_OK); return 0; } int cddbd_secure(void) { int i; struct passwd *pw; for(i = 0; secure_users[i] != 0; i++) { pw = getpwnam(secure_users[i]); if(pw != NULL && pw->pw_uid == ruid) break; } /* If we're a trusted user, or not running setuid, we're secure. */ return(secure_users[i] != 0 || ruid == euid || ruid == 0); } void cddbd_setuid(void) { /* If we're root, and we want to run under a different gid, change. */ if(euid == 0 && egid != gid && gid == db_gid) { if(setgid(gid) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't change gid: effective %d, wanted %d.", egid, gid); quit(QUIT_ERR); } egid = getegid(); } /* If we're root, and we want to run under a different uid, change. */ if(euid == 0 && euid != uid && uid == db_uid) { if(setuid(uid) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't change uid: effective %d, wanted %d.", euid, uid); quit(QUIT_ERR); } euid = geteuid(); } } void cddbd_cddbp_cmd(void) { int pf; char *p; cmd_t *c; arg_t args; int errcnt; /* Set the interface type. */ interface = IF_CDDBP; /* Dup stdin to stdout and stderr. */ dup2(0, 1); dup2(0, 2); /* Set up client permissions. */ hperm = *ck_host_perms(interface); /* Start up banner. */ p = (WRITE_OK(hperm) ? "200" : "201"); printf("%s %s CDDBP server v%sPL%d ready at %s\r\n", p, apphost, VERSION, PATCHLEVEL, get_time(1)); fflush(stdout); /* Command processing loop. */ for(errcnt = 0;;) { if(cddbd_gets(args.buf, sizeof(args.buf)) == NULL) break; if(strlen(args.buf) >= (sizeof(args.buf) - 1)) { printf("500 Input too long.\r\n"); errcnt++; continue; } /* Remove CR/LF so we can print this. */ strip_crlf(args.buf); if(charset_is_valid_latin1(args.buf) || charset_is_valid_utf8(args.buf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INPUT, "Input: \"%s\"", args.buf); /* Parse the input. */ if(PROTO_ENAB(P_QUOTE)) pf = PF_HONOR_QUOTE | PF_REMAP_QSPC; else pf = 0; cddbd_parse_args(&args, pf); if(args.flags & (AF_TRUNC | AF_MAXARG)) { printf("500 Input too long.\r\n"); errcnt++; continue; } /* Skip empty input lines. */ if(args.nargs == 0) continue; /* Execute the command. */ for(c = cmd; c->cmd; c++) { if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[0], c->cmd)) { /* Ensure we have a handshake. */ if((c->flags & CF_HELLO) && !hello) { printf("409 No handshake.\r\n"); break; } /* Disallow if not secure. */ if((c->flags & CF_SECURE) && !secure) { printf("401 Permission denied." "\r\n"); break; } (*(c->func))(&args); break; } } /* No command match found. */ if(c->cmd == 0) { errcnt++; printf("500 Unrecognized command.\r\n"); } else errcnt = 0; } else { errcnt++; printf("500 Illegal input.\r\n"); } if(errcnt >= CDDBMAXERR) { printf("530 Too many errors, closing connection.\r\n"); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } fflush(stdout); } quit(QUIT_OK); } void sighand(int sig) { switch(sig) { case SIGPIPE: /* This signal is okay. */ quit(QUIT_OK); /* NOTREACHED */ case SIGHUP: signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); cddbd_check_access(); return; case SIGTERM: /* This signal is okay. */ if(standalone) quit(QUIT_OK); break; default: break; } cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Received signal %d.", sig); quit(QUIT_ERR); } void cddbd_block_sigs(void) { int i; for(i = 0; i < NSIG; i++) { switch(i) { case SIGSEGV: case SIGBUS: case SIGFPE: case SIGILL: case SIGABRT: signal(i, SIG_DFL); break; default: signal(i, SIG_IGN); break; } } } void quit(int status) { _quit(status, 1); } void _quit(int status, int msg) { lhead_t *lh; static int quitting = 0; /* Avoid endless loops. */ if(quitting > MAX_QUITS) exit(status); quitting++; /* Lock out (almost) all signals so we can exit in peace. */ cddbd_block_sigs(); /* If this is the standalone daemon, exit safely. */ if(standalone) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Standalone daemon exiting, status: %d", status); exit(status); } /* Log connections from gawkers. */ if(CONNECT_OK(hperm) && !hello && !skip_log && !(iface_map[interface].if_flags & IFL_NOLOG)) cddbd_log(LOG_HELLO, "Connect [%s]: %s, no handshake.", iface_map[interface].if_name, rhost); /* Unlink our private files. */ if(lockfile[0] != '\0') unlink(lockfile); /* We may need to clean up the history file. */ if(locks[LK_HIST] != 0 && locks[LK_HIST]->lk_refcnt == 0) (void)cddbd_close_history(); if(status != QUIT_OK) cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Quitting, status %d.", status); /* Clean out any leftover tmp files. */ cddbd_cleantemp(); /* Free any pending locks. */ if(lock_head != 0) { lh = lock_head; lock_head = 0; list_free(lh); } if((mode & MFL_QMSG) && msg) { if(status == QUIT_OK) { printf("230 %s Closing connection. Goodbye.\r\n", apphost); } else { printf("530 %s Server error, closing connection.\r\n", apphost); } } fflush(stdout); exit(status); } int cddbd_strcasecmp(char *s1, char *s2) { int c1; int c2; if(s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) return 0; for(;;) { if(isupper(*s1)) c1 = tolower(*s1); else c1 = (int)(unsigned char)*s1; if(isupper(*s2)) c2 = tolower(*s2); else c2 = (int)(unsigned char)*s2; if(c1 != c2 || c1 == '\0' || c2 == '\0') return(c1 - c2); s1++; s2++; } } int cddbd_strncasecmp(char *s1, char *s2, int n) { int c1; int c2; if(s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) return 0; while(n--) { if(isupper(*s1)) c1 = tolower(*s1); else c1 = (int)(unsigned char)*s1; if(isupper(*s2)) c2 = tolower(*s2); else c2 = (int)(unsigned char)*s2; if(c1 != c2 || c1 == '\0' || c2 == '\0') return(c1 - c2); s1++; s2++; } return 0; } char * cddbd_strcasestr(char *hay, char *needle) { int len; if(hay == NULL || needle == NULL) return 0; len = strlen(needle); for(; *hay != '\0'; hay++) if(!cddbd_strncasecmp(hay, needle, len)) return hay; return 0; } int cddbd_charcasecmp(char *set, char *s) { int i; char *p; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; for(i = 0, p = buf; set[i] != '\0' && (p - buf) < CDDBBUFSIZ; i++) if(isalnum(set[i])) { *p = set[i]; p++; } *p = '\0'; for(i = 0, p = buf2; s[i] != '\0' && (p - buf2) < CDDBBUFSIZ; i++) if(isalnum(s[i])) { *p = s[i]; p++; } *p = '\0'; return(cddbd_strcasecmp(buf, buf2)); } /* check the current number of users */ void cddbd_check_nus(void) { FILE *fp; if(max_users == 0) return; (int)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_NUS], 1); nus = cddbd_nus(0); if(nus >= max_users) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Service rejected: nus (%d) >= max_users (%d).", nus, max_users); printf("433 No connections allowed: "); printf("%d users allowed, %d currently active.\r\n", max_users, nus); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } cddbd_snprintf(lockfile, sizeof(lockfile), "%s/%s.%05d", workdirs[WD_LOCK], lockprefix, curpid); if((fp = fopen(lockfile, "w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't create lock file: %s (%d).", lockfile, errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } fprintf(fp, "unknown unknown - %s", rhost); fclose(fp); (void)cddbd_fix_file(lockfile, file_mode, uid, gid); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_NUS]); } /* retrieve number of users; if list==1, print list of users */ int cddbd_nus(int list) { int tpid; int len; int nus; FILE *fp; DIR *dirp; pid_t pid; char hst[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char rhst[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char user[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char clnt[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char lock[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct dirent *dp; /* Count active users. */ if((dirp = opendir(workdirs[WD_LOCK])) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open lock dir: %s (%d).", workdirs[WD_LOCK], errno); return -1; } nus = 0; /* count lock files in the lock dir and print their contents if list==1 */ while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { len = strlen(lockprefix); if(!strncmp(dp->d_name, lockprefix, len)) { if(sscanf(&dp->d_name[len], ".%d", &tpid) != 1) continue; pid = (pid_t)tpid; cddbd_snprintf(lock, sizeof(lock), "%s/%s", workdirs[WD_LOCK], dp->d_name); if(kill(pid, 0) != 0 && errno == ESRCH) { /* The lock file is stale, remove it. */ unlink(lock); } else { if(list) { fp = fopen(lock, "r"); if(fp == NULL || fscanf(fp, "%s%s%s%s", user, hst, clnt, rhst) != 4) { printf("%-5d - ", pid); printf("unknown\r\n"); } else { clnt[8] = '\0'; printf("%-5d %-8s %s@%s (%s)", pid, clnt, user, hst, rhst); printf("\r\n"); } } /* Count this user. */ nus++; } } } closedir(dirp); return nus; } void cddbd_check_access(void) { int i; int n; ctimer_t *tp; access_t *at; iface_t *ip; /* Set up defaults. */ for(i = 0; acctab[i].at_fname != 0; i++) { at = &acctab[i]; /* No default for this field. */ if(at->at_flags & AF_NODEF) continue; switch(at->at_type) { case AC_PATH: case AC_STRING: strcpy((char *)at->at_addr, (char *)at->at_def); break; case AC_USER: n = ptr_to_uint32 (at->at_def); *(uid_t *)at->at_addr = (uid_t)n; break; case AC_GROUP: n = ptr_to_uint32 (at->at_def); *(gid_t *)at->at_addr = (gid_t)n; break; case AC_NUMERIC: case AC_MODE: case AC_BOOL: *(int *)at->at_addr = ptr_to_uint32 (at->at_def); break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error: bad access type: %d.", acctab[i].at_type); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } dup_ok = 0; dup_policy = DUP_DEFAULT; log_flags = LOG_ALL; /* Default charset handling. */ file_charset = FC_PREFER_ISO; file_df_flags = DF_ENC_LATIN1 | DF_ENC_UTF8; utf_as_iso = UAI_REJECT; uid = geteuid(); gid = getegid(); db_uid = uid; db_gid = gid; for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) tp->seconds = tp->def_seconds; for(i = 0; i < IF_NIFACE; i++) { ip = &iface_map[i]; if(ip->if_flags & IFL_NOHEAD) continue; if(ip->if_host != NULL) list_free(ip->if_host); if(ip->if_client != NULL) list_free(ip->if_client); ip->if_host = list_init(0, 0, free_hperm, 0); ip->if_client = list_init(0, 0, free_cperm, 0); if(ip->if_host == NULL || ip->if_client == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } /* Read the access file. */ cddbd_read_access(accessfile, 1); /* If we have an alternate access file, read it. */ if(strlen(altaccfile) != 0) cddbd_read_access(altaccfile, 0); cddbd_mk_workdirs(); cddbd_mk_servfiles(); /* Verify what we've found */ if(max_hangs > max_users) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Max concurrent hangs (%d) > max users (%d)." " Setting to %d.", max_hangs, max_users, max_users); max_hangs = max_users; } /* Must have a work dir. */ if(workdir[0] == '\0') { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "No work directory specified in %s.", accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /* Must have a database dir. */ if(cddbdir[0] == '\0') { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "No CDDB directory specified in %s.", accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(log_hiwat <= log_lowat && log_hiwat > 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Log file low water mark is not lower than" " the high water mark - disabling auto-paring."); log_hiwat = 0; log_lowat = 0; } if(log_hiwat == 0 || log_lowat == 0) { log_hiwat = 0; log_lowat = 0; } } /** * Reads access file. * * @param accessfile path to access file * @param mandatory 0 if failure to open not fatal */ void cddbd_read_access(char *accessfile, int mandatory) { int i; int n; int line; FILE *fp; log_t *lp; arg_t args; iface_t *ip; cperm_t *cp; hperm_t *hp; ctimer_t *tp; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char errstr[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char *p; if((fp = fopen(accessfile, "r")) == NULL) { if(mandatory) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open access file: %s (%d).", accessfile, errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } return; } line = 0; while(fgets(args.buf, sizeof(args.buf), fp) != NULL) { line++; cddbd_parse_args(&args, 0); /* Skip comments and blank lines. */ if(args.nargs == 0 || args.arg[0][0] == '#') continue; /* Warn of lines that can't be properly parsed. */ if(args.flags & (AF_TRUNC | AF_MAXARG)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Parse error in access file %s on line %d.", accessfile, line); } /* Check for generic fields. */ if(cddbd_parse_access(&args, line)) continue; /* Read permissions. */ if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("host_perms:", args.arg[0])) { if(args.nargs != 9) cddbd_access_err(line); /* Don't scan these if we're just doing DB ops. */ if(!(mode & MFL_SERV)) continue; if(!cddbd_parse_iface(args.arg[1], buf, line, errstr)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, errstr); quit(QUIT_ERR); } for(p = buf; *p != '\0'; p++) { for(i = 0; i < IF_NIFACE; i++) if(iface_map[i].if_char == *p) break; ip = &iface_map[i]; hp = (hperm_t *)malloc(sizeof(hperm_t)); if(hp == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Malloc failed."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(list_add_back(ip->if_host, (void *)hp) == 0){ cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /* Start with the defaults. */ *hp = hperm; hp->hp_host = strdup(args.arg[2]); if(hp->hp_host == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Malloc failed."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("connect", args.arg[3])) hp->hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_OK; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("noconnect", args.arg[3])) hp->hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_NO; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("hang", args.arg[3])) { if(ip->if_flags & IFL_NOCONN) hp->hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_NO; else hp->hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_HANG; } else cddbd_access_err(line); /* Take the defaults if not secure. */ if(!secure) break; if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("post", args.arg[4])) hp->hp_write = HP_WRITE_OK; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("nopost", args.arg[4])) hp->hp_write = HP_WRITE_NO; else cddbd_access_err(line); if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("update", args.arg[5])) hp->hp_update = HP_UPDATE_OK; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("noupdate", args.arg[5])) hp->hp_update = HP_UPDATE_NO; else cddbd_access_err(line); if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("get", args.arg[6])) hp->hp_get = HP_GET_OK; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("noget", args.arg[6])) hp->hp_get = HP_GET_NO; else cddbd_access_err(line); if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("put", args.arg[7])) hp->hp_put = HP_PUT_OK; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("noput", args.arg[7])) hp->hp_put = HP_PUT_NO; else cddbd_access_err(line); if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("nopasswd", args.arg[8])) hp->hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_OK; else { if(strlen(args.arg[8]) > CDDBPLBLSIZ) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Password label too long."); cddbd_access_err(line); } hp->hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_REQ; strcpy(hp->hp_pwdlbl, args.arg[8]); } } continue; } if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("client_perms:", args.arg[0])) { if(args.nargs != 6) cddbd_access_err(line); if(!cddbd_parse_iface(args.arg[1], buf, line, errstr)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, errstr); quit(QUIT_ERR); } for(p = buf; *p != '\0'; p++) { for(i = 0; i < IF_NIFACE; i++) if(iface_map[i].if_char == *p) break; ip = &iface_map[i]; cp = (cperm_t *)malloc(sizeof(cperm_t)); if(cp == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Malloc failed."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(list_add_back(ip->if_client, (void *)cp) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate list entry."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(!strcmp(args.arg[2], "allow")) cp->cp_perm = CP_ALLOW; else if(!strcmp(args.arg[2], "disallow")) cp->cp_perm = CP_DISALLOW; else if(!strcmp(args.arg[2], "hang")) { if(ip->if_flags & IFL_NOCONN) cp->cp_perm = CP_DISALLOW; else cp->cp_perm = CP_HANG; } else cddbd_access_err(line); cp->cp_client = strdup(args.arg[3]); cp->cp_lrev = strdup(args.arg[4]); cp->cp_hrev = strdup(args.arg[5]); if(cp->cp_client == NULL || cp->cp_lrev == NULL || cp->cp_hrev == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Malloc failed."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(strcmp(cp->cp_lrev, "-") && strcmp(cp->cp_hrev, "-") && strcmp(cp->cp_lrev, cp->cp_hrev) && match_rev(cp->cp_lrev, cp->cp_hrev, CC_NEWER)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Lower bound > upper bound " "in perms rule on line %d in %s.", line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } continue; } /* Scan for timers. */ for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) { cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_time:", tp->name); if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(buf, args.arg[0])) { if(args.nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(sscanf(args.arg[1], "%d", &n) != 1) cddbd_access_err(line); /* Ensure the timeout is legal. */ if(n < 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Illegal %s value, line %d.", tp->name, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } tp->seconds = n; break; } } /* Found a match, so go back and read the next line. */ if(tp->func != 0) continue; /* Scan for logging flags. */ if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("logging:", args.arg[0])) { if(args.nargs < 2) cddbd_access_err(line); log_flags = 0; for(i = 1; i < args.nargs; i++) { for(lp = log; lp->name; lp++) { if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args.arg[i], lp->name)) { if(lp->flag) log_flags |= lp->flag; else log_flags = 0; break; } } /* Illegal arg. */ if(lp->name == 0) cddbd_access_err(line); } continue; } /* Scan for update flags. */ if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("dup_policy:", args.arg[0])) { if(args.nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "never")) { dup_policy = DUP_NEVER; continue; } if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "compare")) { dup_policy = DUP_COMPARE; continue; } if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "always")) { dup_policy = DUP_ALWAYS; continue; } cddbd_access_err(line); } /* Scan for file_charset flags. */ if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("file_charset:", args.arg[0])) { if(args.nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "only_iso")) { file_charset = FC_ONLY_ISO; file_df_flags = DF_ENC_LATIN1; } else if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "prefer_iso")) { file_charset = FC_PREFER_ISO; file_df_flags = DF_ENC_LATIN1 | DF_ENC_UTF8; } else if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "prefer_utf")) { file_charset = FC_PREFER_UTF; file_df_flags = DF_ENC_LATIN1 | DF_ENC_UTF8; } else if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "only_utf")) { file_charset = FC_ONLY_UTF; file_df_flags = DF_ENC_UTF8; continue; } else cddbd_access_err(line); continue; } /* Scan for utf_as_iso flags. */ if(!cddbd_strcasecmp("utf_as_iso:", args.arg[0])) { if(args.nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "accept")) utf_as_iso = UAI_ACCEPT; else if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "reject")) utf_as_iso = UAI_REJECT; else if(!strcmp(args.arg[1], "convert")) utf_as_iso = UAI_CONVERT; else cddbd_access_err(line); continue; } /* Garbage line in access file. */ cddbd_access_err(line); } fclose(fp); } void free_hperm(void *h) { hperm_t *hp; hp = (hperm_t *)h; free(hp->hp_host); free(hp); } void free_cperm(void *c) { cperm_t *cp; cp = (cperm_t *)c; free(cp->cp_client); free(cp->cp_lrev); free(cp->cp_hrev); free(cp); } int cddbd_parse_iface(char *s, char *buf, int line, char *errstr) { int i; char *p; iface_t *ip; int ifs[IF_NIFACE]; if(*s == '-') { p = buf; for(i = 0; i < IF_NIFACE; i++) { ip = &iface_map[i]; if(ip->if_flags & IFL_NOHEAD) continue; if(strchr(s, ip->if_char)) continue; *p = ip->if_char; p++; } *p = '\0'; p = s + 1; } else { strncpy(buf, s, CDDBBUFSIZ); buf[CDDBBUFSIZ - 1] = '\0'; p = s; } if(buf[0] == '\0') { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "No interface flag defined on line " "%d in %s.", line, accessfile); return 0; } for(i = 0; i < IF_NIFACE; i++) ifs[i] = 0; for(; *p != '\0'; p++) { for(i = 0; i < IF_NIFACE; i++) if(iface_map[i].if_char == *p) break; if(i == IF_NIFACE) cddbd_access_err(line); ip = &iface_map[i]; if(ip->if_flags & IFL_NOHEAD) cddbd_access_err(line); if(ifs[i]) { cddbd_snprintf(errstr, CDDBBUFSIZ, "Interface flag '%c' multiply " "defined on line %d in %s.", ip->if_char, line, accessfile); return 0; } ifs[i]++; } return 1; } int cddbd_parse_access(arg_t *args, int line) { int i; int n; char *p; access_t *at= (access_t *) 0; struct group *gr; struct passwd *pw; for(i = 0; acctab[i].at_fname != 0; i++) { at = &acctab[i]; n = strlen(at->at_fname); if(!strncmp(at->at_fname, args->arg[0], n) && args->arg[0][n] == ':') break; } if(acctab[i].at_fname == 0 || at == (access_t *) 0) return 0; switch(at->at_type) { case AC_PATH: if(args->nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if((int)strlen(args->arg[1]) > CDDBPATHSIZ) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Pathname too long (max %d) on line %d in %s.", CDDBPATHSIZ, line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } p = (char *)at->at_addr; strncpy(p, args->arg[1], CDDBPATHSIZ); /* Ensure the value is legal. */ if(p[0] != '/') { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Absolute path required for %s on line %d in %s.", at->at_fname, line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } break; case AC_STRING: if(args->nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if((int)strlen(args->arg[1]) > CDDBBUFSIZ) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Value too long (max %d) on line %d in %s.", CDDBBUFSIZ, line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } p = (char *)at->at_addr; strncpy(p, args->arg[1], CDDBBUFSIZ); p[CDDBBUFSIZ - 1] = '\0'; break; case AC_BOOL: if(args->nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(sscanf(args->arg[1], "%d", &n) == 1) { if(n < 0 || n > 1) cddbd_access_err(line); } else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args->arg[1], "no") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args->arg[1], "false")) n = 0; else if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args->arg[1], "yes") || !cddbd_strcasecmp(args->arg[1], "true")) n = 1; else cddbd_access_err(line); *(int *)at->at_addr = n; break; case AC_NUMERIC: if(args->nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(sscanf(args->arg[1], "%d", &n) != 1) cddbd_access_err(line); /* Ensure the value is positive. */ if((at->at_flags & AF_ZERO) && n < 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Illegal value for %s (%d), line %d in %s.", at->at_fname, n, line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /* Ensure the value is greater than zero. */ if((at->at_flags & AF_NONZ) && n < 1) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Illegal value for %s (%d), line %d in %s.", at->at_fname, n, line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } *(int *)at->at_addr = n; break; case AC_USER: if(args->nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(!strcmp(args->arg[1], "default")) break; if(isdigit(args->arg[1][0])) { *(int *)at->at_addr = atoi(args->arg[1]); break; } /* Ensure the value is legal. */ if((pw = getpwnam(args->arg[1])) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Unknown user \"%s\", line %d in %s.", args->arg[1], line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } *(uid_t *)at->at_addr = (int)pw->pw_uid; endpwent(); break; case AC_GROUP: if(args->nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(!strcmp(args->arg[1], "default")) break; if(isdigit(args->arg[1][0])) { *(int *)at->at_addr = atoi(args->arg[1]); break; } /* Ensure the value is legal. */ if((gr = getgrnam(args->arg[1])) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Unknown group \"%s\", line %d in %s.", args->arg[1], line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } *(uid_t *)at->at_addr = (int)gr->gr_gid; endgrent(); break; case AC_MODE: if(args->nargs != 2) cddbd_access_err(line); if(sscanf(args->arg[1], "%o", &n) != 1) cddbd_access_err(line); /* Ensure the value is legal. */ if((n & 0777) != n) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Illegal mode for %s (%o), line %d in %s.", at->at_fname, n, line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } *(int *)at->at_addr = n; break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Internal error: bad access type: %d.", acctab[i].at_type); quit(QUIT_ERR); } return 1; } void cddbd_access_err(int line) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Syntax error, line %d in %s.", line, accessfile); quit(QUIT_ERR); } void cddbd_db_init(void) { int cnt; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT int i; int j; #endif DIR *dirp; char *p; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct stat sbuf; struct dirent *dp; static int initted = 0; if(initted) return; initted++; if((dirp = opendir(cddbdir)) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open database directory: %s (%d).", cddbdir, errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } cnt = 0; while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL && cnt < CDDBMAXDBDIR) { /* Categories must not be of illegal length. */ if((int)strlen(dp->d_name) > CDDBCATEGSIZ) continue; cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s", cddbdir, dp->d_name); /* If we can't stat, keep going anyway. */ if(stat(buf, &sbuf)) continue; /* We only care about directories. */ if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) continue; /* No hidden, current or parent directories. */ if(dp->d_name[0] == '.') continue; p = (char *)malloc(strlen(dp->d_name) + 1); if(p == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Malloc failed."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } strcpy(p, dp->d_name); categlist[cnt] = p; cnt++; } if(cnt == 0) cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Database is empty."); categlist[cnt] = 0; categcnt = cnt; closedir(dirp); #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT /* Initialize category-specific locks */ categlocks = calloc(sizeof(clck_t **), categcnt); for(i = 0; i < categcnt; i++) { categlocks[i] = calloc(sizeof(clck_t *), CATLK_NUMLOCKS); for(j = 0; j < CATLK_NUMLOCKS; j++) { cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s_%s", categlock_name[j], categlist[i]); categlocks[i][j] = cddbd_lock_alloc(buf); } } #endif } void cddbd_init(void) { int i; struct passwd *pw; /* Initialize locks. */ for(i = 0; i < LK_NUMLOCKS; i++) locks[i] = cddbd_lock_alloc(lock_name[i]); /* Initialize some global variables. */ trklen = strlen(trkstr); hdrlen = strlen(hdrstr); sublen = strlen(substr); prclen = strlen(prcstr); curpid = getpid(); pw = getpwuid(euid); if(pw == 0) { strcpy(admin_email, "postmaster"); strcpy(user, "cddbd"); } else { strcpy(admin_email, pw->pw_name); strcpy(user, pw->pw_name); } endpwent(); if(gethostname(host, sizeof(host)) < 0) strcpy(host, "unknown"); strcpy(rhost, "unknown"); for(i = MIN_PROTO_LEVEL; i < MAX_PROTO_LEVEL; i++) proto_flags[i + 1] |= proto_flags[i]; hperm.hp_host = LHOST; hperm.hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_OK; hperm.hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_OK; hperm.hp_pwdlbl[0] = '\0'; /* If IF_NONE, we're doing DB ops. Allow anything. */ if((interface == IF_NONE) && secure) { hperm.hp_get = HP_GET_OK; hperm.hp_put = HP_PUT_OK; hperm.hp_write = HP_WRITE_OK; hperm.hp_update = HP_UPDATE_OK; } else { hperm.hp_get = HP_GET_NO; hperm.hp_put = HP_PUT_NO; hperm.hp_write = HP_WRITE_NO; hperm.hp_update = HP_UPDATE_NO; } /* Make server filenames temporarily. */ cddbd_mk_servfiles(); } void cddbd_input_to(void) { printf("530 %s Inactivity timeout after %d seconds, ", apphost, (int)timers[INPUT_TIMER].seconds); printf("closing connection.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Input timeout."); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } void cddbd_access_to(void) { printf("530 %s Database access timeout after %d seconds, ", apphost, (int)timers[ACCESS_TIMER].seconds); printf("closing connection.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Access timeout."); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } void cddbd_connect_to(void) { printf("530 %s Server expiration timeout after %d seconds, ", apphost, (int)timers[CONNECT_TIMER].seconds); printf("closing connection.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Connect timeout."); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } void cddbd_timer_init(ctimer_t *timers) { ctimer_t *tp; /* Reset all timers. */ for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) if(tp->seconds > 0 && !(WRITE_OK(hperm) && (tp->flags & CT_WRITE_DIS))) tp->left = tp->seconds; else tp->left = -1; /* Start clock. */ lastsecs = time(0); } int cddbd_timer_sleep(ctimer_t *timers) { int n; long secs; ctimer_t *tp; fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; struct timeval *timeoutp; /* If we accessed the database, reset timers that care. */ if(db_access) { for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) { if((tp->flags & CT_ACCESS_RST) && (tp->left > 0)) tp->left = tp->seconds; } db_access = 0; } /* Length of next timeout is minimum of all timers. */ timeout.tv_sec = -1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) { if(tp->left >= 0 && ((tp->left < timeout.tv_sec) || (timeout.tv_sec < 0))) timeout.tv_sec = tp->left; } /* If there are no active timeouts, block until keyboard input. */ if(timeout.tv_sec < 0) timeoutp = 0; else timeoutp = &timeout; /* Do the select. */ FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(0, &readfds); errno = 0; n = select(1, &readfds, (fd_set *)NULL, (fd_set *)NULL, timeoutp); /* "Interrupted system call" isn't a real error. */ if(n < 0 && errno != EINTR) quit(QUIT_OK); /* Calculate the number of seconds since the last loop. */ secs = time(0) - lastsecs; if(secs < 0) secs = 0; /* Subtract time from timers that have time remaining. */ for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) { if(tp->left > 0) { tp->left -= secs; if(tp->left < 0) tp->left = 0; } } /* Update lastsecs */ lastsecs += secs; /* If we have input, reset timers that care. */ if(n > 0) { for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) { if((tp->flags & CT_INPUT_RST) && tp->left >= 0) tp->left = tp->seconds; } } /* Process timers that have expired. */ for(tp = timers; tp->func != 0; ++tp) { if(tp->left == 0) { (*tp->func)(); tp->left = tp->seconds; } } /* Did we find input? */ return (n > 0); } void do_get(arg_t *args) { FILE *fp; char *file; char path[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct stat sbuf; if(args->nargs != 2) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(!GET_OK(hperm)) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } file = args->arg[++args->nextarg]; /* Don't allow access of parent directory. */ if(strrchr(file, '.') != NULL) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } /* Check for workdir. */ if(stat(workdir, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Work directory does not exist: %s.", workdir); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); return; } if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "%s is not a directory.", workdir); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); return; } cddbd_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", workdir, file); (void)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_PUT], 1); if(stat(path, &sbuf)) { printf("402 File not found.\r\n"); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_PUT]); return; } if(!(sbuf.st_mode & S_IRUSR)) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_PUT]); return; } if(S_ISREG(sbuf.st_mode)) { if((fp = fopen(path, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Can't open %s for reading.", path); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); return; } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_GET, "File downloaded from %s: %s.", rhost, path); printf("210 OK, %s follows (until terminating `.')\r\n", file); fp_copy(fp, stdout); fclose(fp); printf(".\r\n"); } else { printf("402 Not a regular file.\r\n"); } cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_PUT]); } void do_put(arg_t *args) { int i; int cnt; FILE *fp; char *p; char *file; char *tpath; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char path[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct stat sbuf; if(args->nargs != 2) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(!PUT_OK(hperm)) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } file = args->arg[++args->nextarg]; /* Check for workdir. */ if(stat(workdir, &sbuf)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Work directory does not exist: %s.", workdir); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); return; } if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "%s is not a directory.", workdir); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); return; } cddbd_snprintf(path, sizeof(path), "%s/%s", workdir, file); tpath = cddbd_mktemp(); for(i = 0; put_list[i] != 0; i++) if(strlen(put_list[i]) != 0 && !strcmp(put_list[i], path)) break; if(put_list[i] == 0 || has_parent_dir(path)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Attempt to write disallowed file %s.", path); printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } if(stat(path, &sbuf) == 0) { if(!(sbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Attempt to write non-file %s.", path); printf("402 Not a regular file.\r\n"); return; } if(!(sbuf.st_mode & S_IWUSR)) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Attempt to write protected file %s.", path); printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } } printf("320 OK, input file data (terminate with `.')\r\n"); fflush(stdout); if((fp = fopen(tpath, "w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Can't open %s for writing.", tpath); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); cddbd_freetemp(tpath); return; } for(i = 0, cnt = 0; i < max_lines; i++) { /* Unexpected disconnect. */ if(cddbd_gets(buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL) quit(QUIT_ERR); /* Done inputting. */ if(is_dot(buf)) break; p = buf; if(is_dbl_dot(p)) p++; strip_crlf(p); cnt += strlen(p); if(cnt >= put_size) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "File put too large: %s.", path); printf("501 Input too long.\r\n"); fclose(fp); cddbd_freetemp(tpath); return; } /* Problem writing file. */ if(fputs(p, fp) == EOF || fputc('\n', fp) == EOF) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Can't write %s.", tpath); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); fclose(fp); cddbd_freetemp(tpath); return; } } fclose(fp); if(i >= max_lines) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "File put too large: %s.", path); printf("501 Input too long.\r\n"); cddbd_freetemp(tpath); return; } (void)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_PUT], 1); if(unlink(path) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't unlink %s (%d).", path, errno); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); cddbd_freetemp(tpath); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_PUT]); return; } if(cddbd_link(tpath, path) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't link %s to %s (%d).", tpath, path, errno); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); } else printf("200 Put successful.\r\n"); cddbd_freetemp(tpath); cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_PUT]); } void do_help(arg_t *args) { int i; int sub; char **hlp; args->nextarg++; sub = 0; if(args->nargs == 1) { hlp = 0; } else { for(i = 0; cmd[i].cmd; i++) { if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args->arg[args->nextarg], cmd[i].cmd)) break; } if(cmd[i].cmd == 0) { printf("500 Unknown HELP subcommand.\r\n"); return; } if((args->nargs > 3 && (cmd[i].flags & CF_SUBCMD)) || (args->nargs > 2 && !(cmd[i].flags & CF_SUBCMD))) { printf("500 Too many args to HELP command.\r\n"); return; } hlp = cmd[i].help; if(cmd[i].flags & CF_SUBCMD && (args->nargs != 3)) sub = 1; if(cmd[i].flags & CF_SUBCMD && (args->nargs == 3)) { args->nextarg++; for(i = 0; cddb_cmd[i].cmd; i++) { if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(args->arg[args->nextarg], cddb_cmd[i].cmd)) break; } if(cddb_cmd[i].cmd == 0) { printf("500 Unknown CDDB HELP subcommand.\r\n"); return; } hlp = cddb_cmd[i].help; } } printf("210 OK, help information follows (until terminating `.')\r\n"); if(hlp == 0) { printf("The following commands are supported:\r\n\r\n"); for(i = 0; help[i]; i++) printf("%s\r\n", help[i][0]); for(i = 0; help_info[i]; i++) printf("%s\r\n", help_info[i]); } else { for(i = 0; hlp[i]; i++) printf("%s\r\n", hlp[i]); if(sub) for(i = 0; chelp[i]; i++) printf("%s\r\n", chelp[i][0]); } printf(".\r\n"); } void do_cddb_lscat(arg_t *args) { int i; if(args->nargs != 2) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } printf("210 OK, category list follows (until terminating `.')\r\n"); for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) printf("%s\r\n", categlist[i]); printf(".\r\n"); } void do_cddb_unlink(arg_t *args) { char *category; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; unsigned int discid; #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT printf("502 Unimplemented.\r\n"); return; #endif category = args->arg[++args->nextarg]; if(args->nargs != 4 || sscanf(args->arg[++args->nextarg], "%08x", &discid) != 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(categ_index(category) < 0) { printf("501 Invalid category: %s\r\n", category); return; } if(!WRITE_OK(hperm)) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s/%08x", cddbdir, category, discid); if (unlink(file) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Unlink: %s has been deleted.", file); printf("200 OK, file has been deleted.\r\n"); } else { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Unlink: Failed to delete %s.", file); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); } } /******************************************************************** DISCID <...> Calculate a CDDB disc ID for a given set of CD TOC information. Arguments are: ntrks: total number of tracks on CD. off_X: frame offset of track X. nsecs: total playing length of the CD in seconds. ********************************************************************/ void do_discid(arg_t *args) { int i; int ntrks; int nsecs; int offtab[CDDBMAXTRK]; unsigned int n,k; if(args->nargs < 3 || sscanf(args->arg[args->nextarg + 1], "%d", &ntrks) != 1 || args->nargs != (ntrks + 3) || sscanf(args->arg[args->nextarg + 2 + ntrks], "%d", &nsecs) != 1 || ntrks < 0 || nsecs < 0) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } for(i = 0; i < ntrks; i++) { if(sscanf(args->arg[args->nextarg + i + 2], "%d", &offtab[i]) != 1 || offtab[i] < 0) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if((i != 0) && (offtab[i] < offtab[i-1])) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } } if(nsecs < offtab[ntrks-1]/75) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } n = 0; for(i=0;i 0) { n += (k % 10); k /= 10; } } printf("200 Disc ID is %08x\r\n", (n % 0xff) << 24 | (nsecs-offtab[0]/75) << 8 | ntrks); } void do_cddb_query(arg_t *args) { int i; FILE *fp; db_t *db; int ntrks; int nsecs; int collision; int offtab[CDDBMAXTRK]; unsigned int discid; static unsigned int ldiscid = DISCID_EMPTY; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char errstr[CDDBBUFSIZ]; int numfound; lhead_t *lh; link_t *lp; fmatch_t *fm; if(args->nargs < 6 || sscanf(args->arg[args->nextarg + 2], "%d", &ntrks) != 1 || args->nargs != (ntrks + 5) || sscanf(args->arg[args->nextarg + 1], "%x", &discid) != 1 || sscanf(args->arg[args->nextarg + 3 + ntrks], "%d", &nsecs) != 1 || ntrks > CDDBMAXTRK || /* who knows who would try that */ ntrks < 0) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } for(i = 0; i < ntrks; i++) { if(sscanf(args->arg[args->nextarg + i + 3], "%d", &offtab[i]) != 1 || offtab[i] < 0) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } } /* Check for berzerk clients. */ /* There is a small problem with this: If someone happens to query */ /* two discs with coincidentally the same discid back-to-back, */ /* the server thinks it sees a berzerk client and closes the */ /* connection. The chance of this happening should be negligibly */ /* small, however. */ if(ck_berzerk && discid == ldiscid) { printf("502 Already performed a query for disc ID: " "%08x\r\n", discid); quit(QUIT_OK); } ldiscid = discid; /* create list */ if((lh = list_init(0, 0, fmatch_free, 0)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_QUERY, "Can't malloc match list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } numfound = 0; collision = 0; for(i = 0; categlist[i] != 0; i++) { cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s/%s/%08x", cddbdir, categlist[i], discid); /* No such disc ID in this category. */ #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if((fp = db_prepare_unix_read(buf)) == NULL) #else if((fp = fopen(buf, "r")) == NULL) #endif continue; /* Check entry. */ if((db = db_read(fp, errstr, file_df_flags)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to read DB entry %s: %s", buf, errstr); fclose(fp); continue; } fclose(fp); /* They don't match. */ if(ntrks != db->db_trks || !is_fuzzy_match(offtab, db->db_offset, nsecs, db->db_disclen, ntrks)) { collision++; db_free(db); continue; } /* Convert charset. */ convert_db_charset(db); /* We found a match. */ if((fm = (fmatch_t *)malloc(sizeof(fmatch_t))) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_QUERY, "Can't allocate memory for match list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /* Copy the data over. */ fm->fm_catind = i; db_strcpy(db, DP_DTITLE, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)); db_free(db); if((fm->fm_dtitle = strdup(buf)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_QUERY, "Can't allocate memory for match dtitle."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(list_add_cur(lh, fm) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_QUERY, "Can't add to match list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } numfound++; } if(PROTO_ENAB(P_QUERY) && (numfound > 1)) { printf("210 Found exact matches, list follows (until terminating `.')\r\n"); for(list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh)) { lp = list_cur(lh); fm = (fmatch_t *)lp->l_data; printf("%s %08x %s\r\n", categlist[fm->fm_catind], discid, fm->fm_dtitle); } printf(".\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_ACCESS | LOG_QUERY, "Query: %08x found %d exact matches", discid, lh->lh_count); list_free(lh); return; } if(numfound){ list_rewind(lh); list_forw(lh); lp = list_cur(lh); fm = (fmatch_t *)lp->l_data; printf("200 %s %08x %s\r\n", categlist[fm->fm_catind], discid, fm->fm_dtitle); cddbd_log(LOG_ACCESS | LOG_QUERY, "Query: successful %s %08x", categlist[fm->fm_catind], discid); list_free(lh); return; } list_free(lh); /* We found at least one non-matching entry with our disc ID. */ if(collision) cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_COLLIS, "Discid collision on DB entry: %08x", discid); /* Find a close match if possible. */ do_cddb_query_fuzzy(args); } void do_cddb_read(arg_t *args) { FILE *fp; db_t *db; char *category; static char lcategory[CDDBBUFSIZ]; static int needinit = 1; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; unsigned int discid; static unsigned int ldiscid = DISCID_EMPTY; if(needinit) { lcategory[0]='\0'; needinit=0; } category = args->arg[++args->nextarg]; if(args->nargs != 4 || sscanf(args->arg[++args->nextarg], "%08x", &discid) != 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(categ_index(category) < 0) { printf("501 Invalid category: %s\r\n", category); return; } /* Check for berzerk clients. Only let them read it once. */ if(ck_berzerk && discid == ldiscid && !strcmp(category, lcategory)) { printf("502 Already read %s %08x\r\n", category, discid); quit(QUIT_OK); } ldiscid = discid; strcpy(lcategory, category); cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s/%08x", cddbdir, category, discid); #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT if((fp = db_prepare_unix_read(file)) == NULL) { #else if((fp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) { #endif printf("401 %s %08x No such CD entry in database.\r\n", category, discid); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Read: %s %08x failed", category, discid); return; } if((db = db_read(fp, buf, file_df_flags)) == 0) { printf("403 %s %08x CD database entry corrupt.\r\n", category, discid); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to read DB entry %s: %s", file, buf); fclose(fp); return; } fclose(fp); /* Convert charset. */ convert_db_charset(db); /* Remove extended data if required. */ if(strip_ext && (db->db_flags & DB_STRIP)) { if(!db_strip(db)) { printf("402 Server error while reading database.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Memory error during read."); db_free(db); return; } } printf("210 %s %08x CD database entry follows ", category, discid); printf("(until terminating `.')\r\n"); #ifdef DB_WINDOWS_FORMAT db_write(stdout, db, level, 0); #else db_write(stdout, db, level); #endif fflush(stdout); printf(".\r\n"); db_strcpy(db, DP_DTITLE, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)); db_free(db); cddbd_log(LOG_ACCESS | LOG_READ, readstr, category, discid, cksum, buf); } /** * Handles the "write" command. * * Reads a record from the stdin and writes it into the post * directory (uses #db_post). * * @param args input arguments. Contains cateory and discid. */ void do_cddb_write(arg_t *args) { db_t *db; char *category; char pdir[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; unsigned int discid; struct stat sbuf; int flags; category = args->arg[++args->nextarg]; if(args->nargs != 4 || sscanf(args->arg[++args->nextarg], "%08x", &discid) != 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(categ_index(category) < 0) { printf("501 Invalid category: %s\r\n", category); return; } if(!WRITE_OK(hperm)) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } /* Check for postdir, and create if it doesn't exist. */ if(stat(postdir, &sbuf)) { if(mkdir(postdir, (mode_t)db_dir_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create post dir %s.", postdir); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); return; } (void)cddbd_fix_file(postdir, db_dir_mode, db_uid, db_gid); } else if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "%s is not a directory.", postdir); printf("402 File access failed.\r\n"); return; } if(categ_index(category) < 0) { printf("501 Invalid category: %s.\r\n", category); return; } printf("320 OK, input CDDB data (terminate with `.')\r\n"); fflush(stdout); /* Specify acceptable charsets. */ if(!PROTO_ENAB(P_UTF8)) { if(utf_as_iso == UAI_CONVERT) flags = DF_ENC_LATIN1 | DF_ENC_UTF8; else flags = DF_ENC_LATIN1; } else flags = DF_ENC_UTF8; if((db = db_read(stdin, buf, flags | (DF_STDIN | DF_SUBMITTER | DF_CK_SUBMIT))) == 0) { if(db_errno == DE_INVALID) printf("501 Entry rejected: %s.\r\n", buf); else { printf("402 Internal server error: %s.\r\n", db_errmsg[db_errno]); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to write DB entry: %s.", db_errmsg[db_errno]); } return; } /* Check and disambiguate charset. */ if (db_disam_charset(db)) { printf("403 Entry rejected: looks like UTF-8.\r\n"); db_free(db); return; } cddbd_snprintf(pdir, sizeof(pdir), "%s/%s", postdir, category); (void)db_post(db, pdir, discid, buf); switch(db_errno) { case DE_NO_ERROR: db_strcpy(db, DP_DTITLE, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_WRITE, "Write: (via CDDBP - %s) %s %08x %s", rhost, category, discid, buf); printf("200 CDDB entry accepted.\r\n"); break; case DE_INVALID: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to write DB entry: %s.", buf); printf("501 Entry rejected: %s.\r\n", buf); break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to write DB entry: %s.", buf); printf("402 Server error: %s.\r\n", buf); break; } db_free(db); } /* ARGSUSED */ void do_quit(arg_t *args) { quit(QUIT_OK); } /* ARGSUSED */ /* void do_cddb_srch(arg_t *args) { printf("500 Command unimplemented.\r\n"); } */ /* ARGSUSED */ void do_ver(arg_t *args) { printf("200 "); printf(verstr, VERSION, PATCHLEVEL); printf("\r\n"); } void do_proto(arg_t *args) { int nlevel; if(args->nargs > 2) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(args->nargs == 1) { printf("200 CDDB protocol level: current %d, supported %d\r\n", level, MAX_PROTO_LEVEL); return; } if(sscanf(args->arg[1], "%d", &nlevel) != 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(nlevel < MIN_PROTO_LEVEL || nlevel > MAX_PROTO_LEVEL) { printf("501 Illegal CDDB protocol level.\r\n"); return; } if(nlevel == level) { printf("502 CDDB protocol level already %d.\r\n", level); return; } level = nlevel; printf("201 OK, CDDB protocol level now: %d\r\n", level); } void do_whom(arg_t *args) { if(args->nargs > 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(cddbd_nus(0) < 0) { printf("401 No user information available.\r\n"); return; } if(!GET_OK(hperm)) { printf("401 No user information available.\r\n"); return; } printf("210 OK, user list follows (until terminating `.')\r\n"); printf("Pid: Client: User:\r\n"); (void)cddbd_nus(1); printf(".\r\n"); } void do_validate(arg_t *args) { uint32_t salt; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(args->nargs > 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(PASSWD_OK(hperm)) { printf("503 Validation not required.\r\n"); return; } salt = cddbd_rand(); printf("320 OK, input validation string, %s%08X " "(terminate with newline)\r\n", saltstr, salt); fflush(stdout); /* Unexpected disconnect. */ if(cddbd_gets(buf, sizeof(buf)) == NULL) quit(QUIT_ERR); (void)_do_validate(buf, salt); } int _do_validate(char *pwd, uint32_t salt) { ct_key_t *key; strip_crlf(pwd); if(strlen(pwd) != CDDBXCRCLEN) { hperm.hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_NO; printf("501 Incorrect validation string length.\r\n"); return -1; } if(!PASSWD_REQ(hperm) || (key = getpasswd(hperm.hp_pwdlbl)) == NULL || strtocrc(pwd, salt, key) != CT_PASSWD) { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_PASSWD, "User validation failed from %s.", rhost); sleep(1); hperm.hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_NO; printf("502 Invalid validation string.\r\n"); return -1; } cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_PASSWD, "User validation successful from %s.", rhost); printf("200 Validation successful.\r\n"); hperm.hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_OK; modify_perms(&hperm); /* Restart timers. */ if(!(iface_map[interface].if_flags & IFL_NOCONN)) cddbd_timer_init(timers); return 0; } void do_update(arg_t *args) { pid_t f; if(args->nargs > 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(!UPDATE_OK(hperm)) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } f = cddbd_fork(); /* The child does the update. */ if(f == 0) { close(0); close(1); close(2); cddbd_update(); cddbd_build_fuzzy(); return; } if(f < 0) { printf("402 Unable to update the database.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't fork child for update (%d).", errno); return; } printf("200 Updating the database.\r\n"); } void do_stat(arg_t *args) { char *p; int i; int cnt; int *counts; int first; csite_t *sp; if(args->nargs > 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } printf("210 OK, status information follows "); printf("(until terminating `.')\r\n"); printf("Server status:\r\n"); printf(" current proto: %d\r\n", level); printf(" max proto: %d\r\n", MAX_PROTO_LEVEL); printf(" interface: %s\r\n", iface_map[interface].if_name); p = (GET_OK(hperm) ? "yes" : "no"); printf(" gets: %s\r\n", p); p = (PUT_OK(hperm) ? "yes" : "no"); printf(" puts: %s\r\n", p); p = (UPDATE_OK(hperm) ? "yes" : "no"); printf(" updates: %s\r\n", p); p = (WRITE_OK(hperm) ? "yes" : "no"); printf(" posting: %s\r\n", p); switch(hperm.hp_passwd) { case HP_PASSWD_OK: p = "accepted"; break; case HP_PASSWD_REQ: p = "required"; break; case HP_PASSWD_NO: default: p = "rejected"; break; } printf(" validation: %s\r\n", p); p = (PROTO_ENAB(P_QUOTE) ? "yes" : "no"); printf(" quotes: %s\r\n", p); p = (strip_ext ? "yes" : "no"); printf(" strip ext: %s\r\n", p); p = (secure ? "yes" : "no"); printf(" secure: %s\r\n", p); if(WRITE_OK(hperm)) printf(" max lines: %d\r\n", max_lines); cnt = cddbd_nus(0); if(cnt >= 0) { printf(" current users: %d\r\n", cnt); printf(" max users: %d\r\n", max_users); } counts = cddbd_count(); printf("Database entries: %d\r\n", counts[0]); printf("Database entries by category:\r\n"); for(i = 0; i < categcnt; i++) printf(" %s: %d\r\n", categlist[i], counts[i + 1]); first = 1; if(GET_OK(hperm) || WRITE_OK(hperm)) { setsiteent(); while((sp = getsiteent(SITE_XMIT)) != NULL) { if(sp->st_flags & ST_FLAG_NOXMIT) continue; if(first) { first = 0; printf("Pending file transmissions:\r\n"); } cnt = cddbd_count_history(sp->st_name); if(cnt < 0) printf(" %s: -\r\n", sp->st_name); else printf(" %s: %d\r\n", sp->st_name, cnt); } endsiteent(); } printf(".\r\n"); } void do_sites(arg_t *args) { int cnt; csite_t *sp; char lat[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char lng[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(args->nargs > 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } skip_log++; setsiteent(); for(cnt = 0; (sp = getsiteent(SITE_INFO)) != NULL; cnt++) { /* Don't print non-cddbp sites in legacy mode. */ if(!PROTO_ENAB(P_SITES) && sp->st_proto != SERV_CDDBP) continue; if(cnt == 0) { printf("210 OK, site information follows "); printf("(until terminating `.')\r\n"); } copy_coord(lat, &sp->st_lat); copy_coord(lng, &sp->st_long); /* Do the new sites behavior. */ if(PROTO_ENAB(P_SITES)) { printf("%s %s %d %s %s %s %s\r\n", sp->st_name, sp->st_pname, sp->st_port, sp->st_addr, lat, lng, sp->st_desc); } else { printf("%s %d %s %s %s\r\n", sp->st_name, sp->st_port, lat, lng, sp->st_desc); } } endsiteent(); if(cnt == 0) { printf("401 No site information available.\r\n"); return; } else printf(".\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_SITES, "Site list downloaded from %s.", rhost); } void do_cddb_hello(arg_t *args) { if(args->nargs != 6) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } args->nextarg++; (void)_do_cddb_hello(args); } int _do_cddb_hello(arg_t *args) { FILE *fp; char *username; char *clientname; char *hostname; char *version; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(hello) { printf("402 Already shook hands.\r\n"); return -1; } username = args->arg[args->nextarg++]; hostname = args->arg[args->nextarg++]; clientname = args->arg[args->nextarg++]; version = args->arg[args->nextarg]; switch(ck_client_perms(clientname, version, interface)) { case CP_DISALLOW: /* Client not allowed. */ printf("433 Unauthorized client: %s %s\r\n", clientname, version); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_REJECT, rejectstr, iface_map[interface].if_name, username, hostname, rhost, clientname, version); _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); /* NOTREACHED */ case CP_HANG: /* Client is nasty and must be delayed. */ cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_REJECT, rejectstr, iface_map[interface].if_name, username, hostname, rhost, clientname, version); cddbd_hang(); /* NOTREACHED */ case CP_ALLOW: break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_INTERN, "Unknown response from ck_client_perms()."); break; } hello++; if(!(mode & MFL_ASY)) { printf("200 Hello and welcome %s@%s running %s %s.\r\n", username, hostname, clientname, version); } cddbd_log(LOG_HELLO, hellostr, iface_map[interface].if_name, username, hostname, rhost, clientname, version); cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s %s", username, hostname, rhost); (void)crc32(CRC_STRING, buf, &cksum, 0); if(max_users != 0 && (fp = fopen(lockfile, "w")) != NULL) { fprintf(fp, "%s %s %s %s ", username, hostname, clientname, rhost); fclose(fp); } return 0; } void do_motd(arg_t *args) { FILE *fp; struct stat sbuf; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(args->nargs != 1) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } if(motdfile[0] == '\0' || stat(motdfile, &sbuf) != 0) { printf("401 No message of the day available.\r\n"); return; } if((fp = fopen(motdfile, "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open motd file: %s (%d).", motdfile, errno); printf("401 No message of the day available.\r\n"); return; } printf("210 Last modified: %s ", make_time2(localtime(&sbuf.st_mtime))); printf("MOTD follows (until terminating `.')\r\n"); while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { if(is_dbl_dot(buf)) printf("."); strip_crlf(buf); printf("%s\r\n", buf); } printf(".\r\n"); fclose(fp); } void do_log(arg_t *args) { FILE *fp; int i; int x; int tpid; int days; int get; int d[7]; int flag; int gflag; int incl; int lines= 0; int log_all; int other_cnt; int nargs; int max_log_list; uint32_t tcksum; char **arg; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char iface[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char user[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char site[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char cur[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char end[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char start[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char first[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char last[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char tmp_client[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char dtitle[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char scksum[CDDBCRCLEN + 1]; struct stat sbuf; lhead_t *list[LH_NHEAD]; logdata_t *ld; logdata_t **logdata[LH_NHEAD]; time_t t; days = 0; get = 0; nargs = args->nargs - 1; arg = &args->arg[1]; max_log_list = MAX_LOG_LIST; if(!GET_OK(hperm)) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } if(nargs > 0 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(arg[0], "get")) { get = 1; gflag = LOG_ALL; nargs--; arg++; if(nargs > 1 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(arg[0], "-f")) { for(i = 0; log[i].name != 0; i++) if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(arg[1], log[i].name)) break; if(log[i].name == 0) { if(sscanf(arg[1], "%x", &gflag) != 1) { printf("500 Bad log flag.\r\n"); return; } } else gflag = log[i].flag; if(gflag == 0) { printf("500 Bad log flag.\r\n"); return; } nargs -= 2; arg += 2; } } if(nargs > 1 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(arg[0], "-l")) { max_log_list = atoi(arg[1]); if(max_log_list < 0) { printf("500 Bad log list count: %d.\r\n", max_log_list); return; } nargs -= 2; arg += 2; } if(nargs > 0 && !cddbd_strcasecmp(arg[0], "day")) { nargs--; arg++; if(nargs > 0) { days = atoi(arg[0]); if(days <= 0) { printf("500 Bad day count: %d.\r\n", days); return; } nargs--; arg++; } else days = 1; t = time(0); cvt_time(t - (days * SECS_PER_DAY), start); cvt_time(t, end); } if(nargs > 2 || (days && nargs > 0)) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } /* Lock the log. */ (void)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_LOG], 1); if(log_flags == 0 || (fp = fopen(servfile[SF_LOG], "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_LOG]); printf("402 No log information available.\r\n"); return; } if(stat(servfile[SF_LOG], &sbuf)) sbuf.st_size = 0; /* Unlock the log. It's safe now, since we have a file descriptor. */ cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_LOG]); log_all = 0; if(days == 0) { if(nargs == 2) { if(!cvt_date(arg[1], end)) { printf("501 Invalid end date.\r\n"); return; } } else (void)cvt_date("", end); if(nargs >= 1) { if(!cvt_date(arg[0], start)) { printf("501 Invalid start date.\r\n"); return; } } else log_all = 1; } /* End is earlier than start. */ if(!log_all && strcmp(start, end) > 0) { printf("501 End date is earlier than start date.\r\n"); return; } if(log_all) { first[0] = '\0'; last[0] = '\0'; } if(get) { skip_log++; cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_GET, "Log downloaded from %s.", rhost); printf("211 OK, log follows (until terminating `.')\r\n"); fp_copy_init(); } else { for(i = 0; log[i].name; i++) log[i].cnt = 0; for(i = 0; i < LH_NHEAD; i++) { if((list[i] = list_init(0, comp_log, free_log, 0)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate list head.\n"); quit(QUIT_ERR); } logdata[i] = 0; } lines = 0; } incl = 0; while(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp)) { x = sscanf(buf, "%d/%d/%d%d:%d:%d [%d,%x]", &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3], &d[4], &d[5], &tpid, &flag); /* Bogus log string. */ if(x != 8) { if(get && incl) fp_copy_buf(stdout, buf); continue; } if(get && !(flag & gflag)) { incl = 0; continue; } /* Safe to use sprintf. Need speed. */ sprintf(cur, "%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d", make_year(d[2]), d[0], d[1], d[3], d[4], d[5]); /* Bogus log date. */ if(date_to_tm(cur) == 0) { incl = 0; continue; } /* Note the first and last message. */ if(strcmp(first, cur) > 0 || first[0] == '\0') strcpy(first, cur); if(strcmp(last, cur) < 0 || last[0] == '\0') strcpy(last, cur); if(log_all || (strcmp(cur, start) >= 0 && strcmp(cur, end) <= 0)) incl = 1; else incl = 0; if(get) { if(incl) fp_copy_buf(stdout, buf); continue; } if(incl) lines++; /* Log the message if it's acceptable. */ for(i = 0; log[i].name; i++) { if((log[i].flag & flag) && incl) log[i].cnt++; } if(!incl) continue; /* Log which discs have been downloaded. */ if(flag & LOG_READ) { if(sscanf(buf, readsstr, &tcksum, dtitle) == 2) { sprintf(scksum, "%08x", tcksum); count_log(list[LH_READ], dtitle, scksum); } } /* Count clients. */ if(flag & LOG_HELLO) { x = sscanf(buf, hellosstr, iface, user, site, tmp_client); if(x != 4) strcpy(tmp_client, "Unknown"); count_log(list[LH_CLNT_CONN], tmp_client, 0); if(x < 1) { strcpy(iface, "Unknown"); } else { for(i = 0; i < IF_NIFACE; i++) { if(iface_map[i].if_flags & IFL_NOCOUNT) continue; if(!cddbd_strcasecmp( iface_map[i].if_name, iface)) break; } if(i >= IF_NIFACE) strcpy(iface, "Unknown"); } count_log(list[LH_IFACE_CONN], iface, 0); if(x == 4) { cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s%s", user, site); count_log(list[LH_CLNT_USER], tmp_client, buf); } } } fclose(fp); if(get) { printf(".\r\n"); return; } printf("210 OK, log summary follows (until terminating `.')\r\n"); if(log_all) { if(first[0] != '\0') { strcpy(start, make_time2(date_to_tm(first))); strcpy(end, make_time2(date_to_tm(last))); printf("Log status between %s and %s\r\n", start, end); } } else { strcpy(start, make_time2(date_to_tm(start))); strcpy(end, make_time2(date_to_tm(end))); printf("Log status between: %s and %s\r\n", start, end); } for(i = 0; log[i].name; i++) if(log[i].banr != 0 && !((log[i].dflag & L_NOSHOW) && log[i].cnt == 0)) printf("%s: %d\r\n", log[i].banr, log[i].cnt); if(list_count(list[LH_CLNT_CONN]) > 0) { logdata[LH_CLNT_CONN] = sort_log(list[LH_CLNT_CONN]); logdata[LH_IFACE_CONN] = sort_log(list[LH_IFACE_CONN]); printf("Connections by client type:\r\n"); x = list_count(list[LH_CLNT_CONN]); for(other_cnt = 0, i = 0; i < x; i++) other_cnt += logdata[LH_CLNT_CONN][i]->ld_count; /* Only print max_log_list clients. */ if(x > max_log_list) x = max_log_list; for(i = 0; i < x; i++) { ld = logdata[LH_CLNT_CONN][i]; other_cnt -= ld->ld_count; printf(" %s: %d\r\n", ld->ld_comp, ld->ld_count); } if(other_cnt > 0) printf(" Other: %d\r\n", other_cnt); printf("Connections by interface:\r\n"); x = list_count(list[LH_IFACE_CONN]); for(other_cnt = 0, i = 0; i < x; i++) other_cnt += logdata[LH_IFACE_CONN][i]->ld_count; if(x > max_log_list) x = max_log_list; for(i = 0; i < x; i++) { ld = logdata[LH_IFACE_CONN][i]; other_cnt -= ld->ld_count; printf(" %s: %d\r\n", ld->ld_comp, ld->ld_count); } if(other_cnt > 0) printf(" Other: %d\r\n", other_cnt); } if(list_count(list[LH_CLNT_USER]) > 0) { logdata[LH_CLNT_USER] = sort_log(list[LH_CLNT_USER]); x = list_count(list[LH_CLNT_USER]); for(other_cnt = 0, i = 0; i < x; i++) other_cnt += logdata[LH_CLNT_USER][i]->ld_count; printf("Users: %d\r\n", other_cnt); printf("Users by client type:\r\n"); if(x > max_log_list) x = max_log_list; for(i = 0; i < x; i++) { ld = logdata[LH_CLNT_USER][i]; other_cnt -= ld->ld_count; printf(" %s: %d\r\n", ld->ld_comp, ld->ld_count); } if(other_cnt > 0) printf(" Other: %d\r\n", other_cnt); } else printf("Users: 0\r\n"); if(list_count(list[LH_READ]) > 0) { logdata[LH_READ] = sort_log(list[LH_READ]); printf("Most popular disc titles:\r\n"); x = list_count(list[LH_READ]); if(x > max_log_list) x = max_log_list; for(i = 0; i < x; i++) { ld = logdata[LH_READ][i]; printf(" %d %s\r\n", ld->ld_count, ld->ld_comp); } } printf("Total messages: %d\r\n", lines); printf("Log size: %d bytes\r\n", (int)sbuf.st_size); printf(".\r\n"); fflush(stdout); for(i = 0; i < LH_NHEAD; i++) { if(logdata[i] != 0) free(logdata[i]); list_free(list[i]); } } void free_log(void *l) { if(((logdata_t *)l)->ld_list != 0) list_free(((logdata_t *)l)->ld_list); free(((logdata_t *)l)->ld_comp); free(l); } int comp_log(void *l1, void *l2) { return(cddbd_strcasecmp(((logdata_t *)l1)->ld_comp, (char *)l2)); } int comp_logdata(const void *l1, const void *l2) { int i; logdata_t *ld1; logdata_t *ld2; ld1 = *(logdata_t **)l1; ld2 = *(logdata_t **)l2; i = ld2->ld_count - ld1->ld_count; if(i != 0) return i; return(cddbd_strcasecmp(ld1->ld_comp, ld2->ld_comp)); } void count_log(lhead_t *lh, char *comp, char *list_data) { link_t *lp; logdata_t *ld; if((lp = list_find(lh, comp)) == 0) { if((ld = (logdata_t *)malloc(sizeof(logdata_t))) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memory for list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } ld->ld_list = 0; ld->ld_count = 0; ld->ld_comp = strdup(comp); if(ld->ld_comp == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memory for list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if((lp = list_add_cur(lh, ld)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memory for list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } else ld = (logdata_t *)lp->l_data; if(list_data != 0) { if(ld->ld_list == 0 && (ld->ld_list = list_init(0, comp_log, free_log, 0)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memory for list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if(!list_find(ld->ld_list, list_data)) ld->ld_count++; count_log(ld->ld_list, list_data, 0); } else ld->ld_count++; } logdata_t ** sort_log(lhead_t *lh) { link_t *lp; logdata_t **ld; logdata_t **ltab; ltab = (logdata_t **)malloc(sizeof(logdata_t *) * list_count(lh)); if(ltab == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate memory for list."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } ld = ltab; for(ld = ltab, list_rewind(lh), list_forw(lh); !list_rewound(lh); list_forw(lh), ld++) { lp = list_cur(lh); (*ld) = (logdata_t *)lp->l_data; } qsort((void *)ltab, list_count(lh), sizeof(logdata_t *), comp_logdata); return ltab; } void do_cddb(arg_t *args) { cmd_t *c; if(args->nargs < 2) { printf("500 Command syntax error.\r\n"); return; } args->nextarg++; /* Execute the cddb command. */ for(c = cddb_cmd; c->cmd; c++) { if(cddbd_strcasecmp(args->arg[args->nextarg], c->cmd)) continue; if((mode & MFL_ASY) && !(c->flags & CF_ASY)) { printf("500 Unsupported CGI mode command.\r\n"); _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); } /* Ensure we have a handshake. */ if((c->flags & CF_HELLO) && !hello) { printf("409 No handshake.\r\n"); return; } /* Disallow if not secure. */ if((c->flags & CF_SECURE) && !secure) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return; } /* Note database accesses. */ if(c->flags & CF_ACCESS) db_access++; (*(c->func))(args); return; } /* No valid command found. */ printf("500 Unrecognized command.\r\n"); } char * get_time(int type) { time_t now; now = time(0); if(type) return make_time(localtime(&now)); else return make_time2(localtime(&now)); } char * make_time(struct tm *tm) { static char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s %s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d %d", day[tm->tm_wday], month[tm->tm_mon].name, tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec, (tm->tm_year + 1900)); return buf; } char * make_time2(struct tm *tm) { static char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; cddbd_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%02d/%02d/%04d %02d:%02d:%02d", (tm->tm_mon + 1), tm->tm_mday, (tm->tm_year + 1900), tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); return buf; } int make_year(int year) { if(year <= 99 && year >= 70) year += 1900; else if(year < 70 && year >= 0) year += 2000; return year; } void cddbd_parse_args(arg_t *args, int flags) { int i; char *p; char *p2; int isarg; int isquote; int nomagic; args->flags = 0; args->nargs = 0; args->nextarg = 0; isarg = 0; isquote = 0; nomagic = 0; for(p = args->buf; *p != '\0'; nomagic = 0, p++) { if(*p == '\\') { p2 = p; do { p2++; *(p2 - 1) = *p2; } while(*p2 != '\0'); if(*p == '\0') break; nomagic = 1; } if(!nomagic && *p == '"' && (flags & PF_HONOR_QUOTE)) { isquote = !isquote; if(isarg) { *p = '\0'; isarg = 0; } continue; } if(isspace(*p) && !isquote) { if(isarg) { *p = '\0'; isarg = 0; } } else { if(isspace(*p) && (flags & PF_REMAP_QSPC)) *p = '_'; if(!isarg) { args->arg[args->nargs] = p; args->nargs++; isarg++; } } if(args->nargs >= CDDBMAXARGS) { args->flags |= AF_MAXARG; break; } } /* Ensure that all args are limited in length. */ for(i = 0; i < args->nargs; i++) if((int)strlen(args->arg[i]) > CDDBARGSIZ && !(flags & PF_NOTRUNC)) { args->flags |= AF_TRUNC; args->arg[i][CDDBARGSIZ] = '\0'; } } void usage(char *name) { usage2 (name, (char *) 0); } void usage2(char *name, char *extra) { char *n; n = strrchr(name, '/'); if(n == NULL) n = name; else n++; printf("usage: %s [-uef] [<-l|t > |\n", n); if (extra != (char *) 0) printf ("extra: %s\n", extra); printf(" <-T >]\n"); printf(" [-c ]\n"); printf(" [-p ] [-dqv] [-a access_file]\n"); printf("or: %s <-m|-M> [-dqv] [-a access_file]\n", n); printf("or: %s -s [-dqv] [-a access_file]\n", n); printf("or: %s -C \n", n); printf("or: %s -k\n", n); printf("or: %s -P\n", n); exit(QUIT_ERR); } void usage_uid(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Your UID != EUID. Only server mode is permitted.\n"); exit(QUIT_ERR); } struct tm * date_to_tm(char *date) { int x; int d[6]; static struct tm tm; x = sscanf(date, "%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d", &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3], &d[4], &d[5]); if(x != 6) return 0; /* Check the year. */ if(d[0] < 0) return 0; tm.tm_year = d[0] - 1900; /* Check the month. */ d[1]--; if(d[1] > 11 || d[1] < 0) return 0; tm.tm_mon = d[1]; /* Check the day, including leap years. */ x = month[d[1]].ndays; if(d[2] > x || d[2] < 1 || (d[1] == LEAPMONTH && d[2] == LEAPDAY && !LEAPYEAR(d[0]))) return 0; tm.tm_mday = d[2]; /* Check the hour. */ if(d[3] > 23 || d[3] < 0) return 0; tm.tm_hour = d[3]; /* Check the minute. */ if(d[4] > 59 || d[4] < 0) return 0; tm.tm_min = d[4]; /* Check the seconds, allowing for leap seconds. */ if(d[5] > 61 || d[5] < 0) return 0; tm.tm_sec = d[5]; return &tm; } int cvt_date(char *date, char *buf) { int i; int x; int d[6]; int ord[6] = { 3, 4, 5, 1, 2, 0 }; time_t now; char tmp[5]; struct tm *tm; now = time(0); tm = localtime(&now); /* Compute the date for today. */ cddbd_snprintf(buf, CDDBBUFSIZ, "%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d", make_year(tm->tm_year + 1900), (++tm->tm_mon), tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); /* Compute the user's date. */ x = sscanf(date, "%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%d", &d[0], &d[1], &d[2], &d[3], &d[4], &d[5]); if(x == EOF) return 0; d[5] = make_year(d[5]); /* Generate a new date based on the user's input. */ for(i = 0; i < x; i++) { cddbd_snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%04d", d[i]); strncpy(&buf[(ord[i] * 4)], tmp, 4); } return(date_to_tm(buf) != 0); } void cvt_time(time_t t, char *buf) { struct tm *tm; tm = localtime(&t); /* Compute the date. */ cddbd_snprintf(buf, CDDBBUFSIZ, "%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d%04d", make_year(tm->tm_year + 1900), (++tm->tm_mon), tm->tm_mday, tm->tm_hour, tm->tm_min, tm->tm_sec); } void cddbd_lock_free_lk(void *l) { clck_t *lk; lk = (clck_t *)l; if(lk->lk_refcnt > 1) lk->lk_refcnt = 1; cddbd_unlock(lk); free(lk); } void cddbd_lock_free(clck_t *lk) { link_t *lp; if(lock_head) { if((lp = list_find(lock_head, lk)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Attempt to free unknown lock %s.", lk->lk_name); quit(QUIT_ERR); } list_delete(lock_head, lp); } cddbd_lock_free_lk(lk); } clck_t * cddbd_lock_alloc(char *name) { clck_t *lk; static int lock_initted = 0; if(!lock_initted) { lock_initted++; if((lock_head = list_init(0, 0, cddbd_lock_free_lk, 0)) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Can't allocate lock head."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } if((int)strlen(name) > CDDBLCKNAMLEN) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Lock name %s too long.", name); quit(QUIT_ERR); } if((lk = (clck_t *)malloc(sizeof(clck_t))) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Can't allocate %s lock memory.", name); quit(QUIT_ERR); } strcpy(lk->lk_name, name); lk->lk_refcnt = 0; if(list_add_back(lock_head, (void *)lk) == 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Can't allocate %s lock.", name); quit(QUIT_ERR); } return lk; } int cddbd_locked(clck_t *lk) { return(lk->lk_refcnt > 0); } int cddbd_lock(clck_t *lk, int dowait) { int fd; int cnt; int len; int tpid; time_t ct; /* current time */ time_t et; /* expected time, we are prepared to wait until then but not longer! */ pid_t pid; DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dp; char myname[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char hisname[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /* No lock allocated. Just return. */ if(lk == 0) return 1; /* Already have the lock. */ if(lk->lk_refcnt > 0) { lk->lk_refcnt++; return 1; } len = strlen(lk->lk_name); cddbd_snprintf(myname, sizeof(myname), "%s/%s.%05d", workdirs[WD_LOCK], lk->lk_name, curpid); et = time(0) + lock_wait; /* Try to acquire the lock in a loop, forever. */ do { if((fd = open(myname, (O_WRONLY | O_CREAT), file_mode)) < 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Can't create lock file: %s (%d).", myname, errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } close(fd); /* Scan for inactive links. */ if((dirp = opendir(workdirs[WD_LOCK])) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Can't open lock dir: %s (%d).", workdirs[WD_LOCK], errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } /* Count lock files and remove inactive links. */ cnt = 0; while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if(!strncmp(dp->d_name, lk->lk_name, len)) { if(sscanf(&dp->d_name[len+1], "%d", &tpid) != 1) continue; pid = (pid_t)tpid; /* If the lock file is stale, remove it. */ if(pid != curpid && kill(pid, 0) != 0 && errno == ESRCH) { cddbd_snprintf(hisname, sizeof(hisname), "%s/%s", workdirs[WD_LOCK], dp->d_name); unlink(hisname); } else cnt++; } } closedir(dirp); /* We own the lock. */ if(cnt == 1) { lk->lk_refcnt = 1; return 1; } unlink(myname); /* Leave if we're not waiting for the lock. */ if(!dowait) return 0; cddbd_delay(lock_time); ct = time(0); } while(ct < et); /* We failed to get the lock after a lot of tries. */ if(ct >= et) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Failed to acquire lock: %s", lk->lk_name); quit(QUIT_ERR); } return 0; } void cddbd_unlock(clck_t *lk) { char myname[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(lk->lk_refcnt == 0 || --(lk->lk_refcnt) > 0) return; cddbd_snprintf(myname, sizeof(myname), "%s/%s.%05d", workdirs[WD_LOCK], lk->lk_name, curpid); unlink(myname); } int cddbd_link(char *old, char *new) { struct stat sbuf1; struct stat sbuf2; link(old, new); if(stat(new, &sbuf1) != 0 || stat(old, &sbuf2) != 0 || sbuf1.st_ino != sbuf2.st_ino) return 1; return 0; } int cddbd_fork(void) { pid_t f; link_t *lp; clck_t *lk; if((f = fork()) == 0) { curpid = getpid(); /* Free any pending locks, since they're not inherited. */ for(list_rewind(lock_head), list_forw(lock_head); !list_rewound(lock_head); list_forw(lock_head)) { lp = list_cur(lock_head); lk = (clck_t *)lp->l_data; lk->lk_refcnt = 0; } /* Zero out per-process filenames. */ lockfile[0] = '\0'; tmpcount = 0; } return f; } long cddbd_rand(void) { pid_t tpid; static pid_t pid = 0; tpid = getpid(); if(tpid != pid) { pid = tpid; #ifndef __APPLE__ srand48(pid + time(0)); #else srand(pid + time(0)); #endif } #ifndef __APPLE__ return((long)lrand48()); #else return((long)rand()); #endif } /** * Fixup file permissions and ownership. * * @param file filename of the file to be fixed * @param mode requested mode/permissions (e.g. 777) * @param uid requested owner user ID * @param gid requested owner group ID * * @return 0 if success */ int cddbd_fix_file(char *file, int mode, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { int cmode; /* current file mode */ struct stat sbuf; if(stat(file, &sbuf) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't stat: %s (%d).", file, errno); return 1; } cmode = sbuf.st_mode & 07777; if(cmode != mode && chmod(file, mode) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't change permissions on: %s (%d). " "Current: %o, wanted: %o.", file, errno, cmode, mode); return 1; } if((sbuf.st_uid != uid || sbuf.st_gid != gid) && chown(file, uid, gid) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't change owner/group on: %s (%d). " "Current: %d/%d, wanted: %d/%d.", file, errno, sbuf.st_uid, sbuf.st_gid, uid, gid); return 1; } return 0; } void cddbd_hang(void) { int n; time_t when; fd_set readfds; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct timeval timeout; hperm.hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_NO; if(nus < max_hangs) cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Hanging client."); else { cddbd_log(LOG_INFO, "Too many users to hang client."); _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); } when = time(0) + hang_time; /* Hang for a while, or until the connection is lost. */ while(when > time(0)) { timeout.tv_sec = 1; timeout.tv_usec = 0; /* Do the select. */ FD_ZERO(&readfds); FD_SET(0, &readfds); errno = 0; n = select(1, &readfds, (fd_set *)NULL, (fd_set *)NULL, &timeout); /* "Interrupted system call" isn't a real error. */ if(n < 0 && errno != EINTR) _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); /* Did we find input? Check if we still have a connection. */ if(n > 0 && read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)) <= 0) _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); } _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); } char * cddbd_gets(char *buf, int cnt) { int c; while((c = cddbd_getchar()) >= 0) { *buf = (char)c; buf++; cnt--; if(c == '\n' || cnt == 1) { *buf = '\0'; return buf; } } return NULL; } int cddbd_getchar(void) { static int i = 0; static int e = 0; static unsigned char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; if(i == e) { while(!cddbd_timer_sleep(timers)) continue; e = read(0, buf, sizeof(buf)); if(e <= 0) { e = i; return -1; } i = 1; } else i++; return(buf[i - 1]); } char * cddbd_dirname(char *path) { int len; char *p; static char *r = NULL; if(r != NULL) { free(r); r = NULL; } p = strrchr(path, '/'); if(p == NULL) return("."); if(p == path) return("/"); len = (int)(p - path); r = (char *)malloc(len + 1); if(r == NULL) return 0; strncpy(r, path, len); r[len] = '\0'; return r; } char * cddbd_basename(char *path) { char *p; p = strrchr(path, '/'); if(p == NULL) return path; p++; if(*p == '\0') return "."; return p; } void cddbd_mk_workdirs(void) { int i; int len; struct stat sbuf; for(i = 0; i < WD_NUMWORKDIRS; i++) { if(workdirs[i] != NULL) free(workdirs[i]); len = strlen(workdir_name[i]) + strlen(workdir) + 2; workdirs[i] = (char *)malloc(len); if(workdirs[i] == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate workdir memory."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } cddbd_snprintf(workdirs[i], len, "%s/%s", workdir, workdir_name[i]); if(stat(workdirs[i], &sbuf)) { if(mkdir(workdirs[i], (mode_t)dir_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "Failed to create %s (%d).", workdirs[i], errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } (void)cddbd_fix_file(workdirs[i], dir_mode, uid, gid); } else if(!S_ISDIR(sbuf.st_mode)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_LOCK, "%s is not a directory.", workdirs[i]); quit(QUIT_ERR); } } } /** * Tells whether following the path given * will actually traverse a parent directory. * * @param dir path to examine * * @return 0 if path doesn't traverse parent */ int has_parent_dir(char *dir) { int isslash; for(isslash = 1; *dir != '\0'; dir++) { if(isslash && (!strncmp(dir, "../", 3) || !strcmp(dir, ".."))) return 1; if(*dir == '/') isslash = 1; else isslash = 0; } return 0; } void cddbd_mk_servfiles(void) { int i; int len; char *p; if(workdirs[WD_SERVER] == 0) p = tmpdir; else p = workdirs[WD_SERVER]; for(i = 0; i < SF_NUMSERVFILES; i++) { if(servfile[i] != NULL) free(servfile[i]); len = strlen(servfile_name[i]) + strlen(p) + 2; servfile[i] = (char *)malloc(len); if(servfile[i] == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't allocate servfile memory."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } cddbd_snprintf(servfile[i], len, "%s/%s", p, servfile_name[i]); } } /* create a temporary file, usually in tmp; try CDDBMAXTMP (== 10) times */ char * cddbd_mktemp(void) { int i; int fd; char *p; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; static int seq = 0; for(i = 0; i < CDDBMAXTMP; i++) { cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s%d.%d", workdirs[WD_TMP], tmp_prefix, seq, curpid); p = strdup(file); if(p == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't allocate temp file memory."); quit(QUIT_ERR); } seq++; fd = open(p, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, file_mode); if(fd >= 0) { close(fd); tmpcount++; (void)cddbd_fix_file(p, file_mode, uid, gid); return p; } free (p); /* a small chance for a memory leak */ } cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't make temp file."); quit(QUIT_ERR); return (char *) 0; /* NOTREACHED but make gcc -pedantic happy */ } void cddbd_freetemp(char *file) { tmpcount--; if(unlink(file)) cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Couldn't unlink %s (%d).", file, errno); free(file); } void cddbd_cleantemp(void) { int len; int tpid; pid_t pid; DIR *dirp; char file[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct dirent *dp; /* Don't bother looking if we don't have any temp files. */ if(tmpcount <= 0) return; /* Scan for old temp files. */ if((dirp = opendir(workdirs[WD_TMP])) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open tmp dir: %s (%d).", workdirs[WD_TMP], errno); quit(QUIT_ERR); } len = strlen(tmp_prefix); while((dp = readdir(dirp)) != NULL) { if(strncmp(dp->d_name, tmp_prefix, len) || sscanf(&dp->d_name[len], "%*d.%d", &tpid) != 1) continue; pid = (pid_t)tpid; /* If the tmp file is ours, or stale, remove it. */ if(pid == curpid || (kill(pid, 0) != 0 && errno == ESRCH)) { cddbd_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s/%s", workdirs[WD_TMP], dp->d_name); unlink(file); } } closedir(dirp); } void trunc_log(void) { int cc; FILE *ifp; FILE *ofp; char *tlogfile; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; struct stat sbuf; /* Truncate the log if it's too long. */ if(stat(servfile[SF_LOG], &sbuf) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't stat logfile: %s (%d).", servfile[SF_LOG]); return; } if(sbuf.st_size < log_hiwat || log_hiwat == 0) return; if((ifp = fopen(servfile[SF_LOG], "r")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open logfile %s for reading (%d).", servfile[SF_LOG], errno_as_ptr); return; } if(fseek(ifp, -(log_lowat), SEEK_END)) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't truncate log file: %s. " "Seek failed (%d)", servfile[SF_LOG], errno_as_ptr); fclose(ifp); return; } tlogfile = cddbd_mktemp(); if((ofp = fopen(tlogfile, "w")) == NULL) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't open temp logfile %s for " "writing (%d).", servfile[SF_LOG], errno_as_ptr); fclose(ifp); return; } /* Throw away the first line, otherwise come back later. */ if(fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), ifp) == NULL) { cddbd_freetemp(tlogfile); fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); return; } /* Copy the file from the seek point. */ while((cc = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), ifp)) > 0) { if(fwrite(buf, 1, cc, ofp) != cc) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't write temp logfile: %s (%d).", tlogfile, errno_as_ptr); cddbd_freetemp(tlogfile); fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); return; } } fclose(ifp); fclose(ofp); if(unlink(servfile[SF_LOG]) != 0 && errno != ENOENT) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't unlink %s (%d).", servfile[SF_LOG], errno); } else if(cddbd_link(tlogfile, servfile[SF_LOG]) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't link %s to %s (%d).", tlogfile, servfile[SF_LOG], errno); } cddbd_freetemp(tlogfile); return; } int get_conv(char **p, char *buf) { int cc; int pre1; int pre2; char c; char m; char *cp= (char *) 0; char *p2; char cbuf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char *mod = "hlL"; char *conv = "cdDeEfginoOpsuUxX%"; cc = 0; SCOPY(p, buf); if(**p == '%') { SCOPY(p, buf); SPUT('\0', buf); return 0; } p2 = *p; while(*p2 != '\0') if((cp = strchr(conv, *p2)) == 0) p2++; else break; if(*p2 == '\0') { /* no conversion specifier found */ strncpy(buf, *p, (CDDBBUFSIZ - 1)); buf[CDDBBUFSIZ - 1] = '\0'; *p = p2; return 0; } if (cp == (char *) 0) { /* This isn't really possible! cp can only be NULL if **p * points to a string containing only % at the end. This * case is already handled above. */ return 0; } c = *cp; if((cp = strchr(mod, *(p2 - 1))) != 0) m = *(p2 - 1); else m = 0; while(**p != '\0' && **p != c && (!m || **p != m) && !isdigit(**p) && **p != '.') SCOPY(p, buf); pre1 = -1; pre2 = -1; if(isdigit(**p) || **p == '.') { if(**p == '0') SASGN('0', buf); if(sscanf(*p, "%d.%d", &pre1, &pre2) != 2) if(sscanf(*p, "%d", &pre1) != 1) sscanf(*p, ".%d", &pre2); } if(pre1 >= CDDBBUFSIZ) pre1 = CDDBBUFSIZ - 1; if(pre2 >= CDDBBUFSIZ || (pre2 == -1 && c == 's')) pre2 = CDDBBUFSIZ - 1; if(pre1 >= 0) { sprintf(cbuf, "%d", pre1); strncpy(&buf[cc], cbuf, (CDDBBUFSIZ - cc - 1)); buf[CDDBBUFSIZ - 1] = '\0'; cc = strlen(buf); } if(pre2 >= 0) { sprintf(cbuf, ".%d", pre2); strncpy(&buf[cc], cbuf, (CDDBBUFSIZ - cc - 1)); buf[CDDBBUFSIZ - 1] = '\0'; cc = strlen(buf); } *p = p2 + 1; if(m != 0) SASGN(m, buf); SASGN(c, buf); SPUT('\0', buf); return 1; } hperm_t * ck_host_perms(int iface) { link_t *lp; lhead_t *hh; hperm_t *hp; hperm_t *rp; static hperm_t perm; hh = iface_map[iface].if_host; if(iface_map[iface].if_flags & IFL_CMD) { perm.hp_get = HP_GET_NO; perm.hp_put = HP_PUT_NO; perm.hp_write = HP_WRITE_NO; perm.hp_update = HP_UPDATE_NO; perm.hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_OK; perm.hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_OK; } else { perm.hp_connect = HP_CONNECT_OK; perm.hp_passwd = HP_PASSWD_OK; } if(!(iface_map[iface].if_flags & IFL_NOHEAD)) { for(rp = 0, list_rewind(hh), list_forw(hh); !list_rewound(hh); list_forw(hh)) { lp = list_cur(hh); hp = (hperm_t *)lp->l_data; if(match_host(hp->hp_host)) rp = hp; } if(rp == 0) rp = &perm; } else rp = &perm; /* Mandatory permissions for non-server modes. */ if(!(iface_map[iface].if_flags & IFL_CMD)) { if(!secure) { rp->hp_get = HP_GET_NO; rp->hp_put = HP_PUT_NO; rp->hp_write = HP_WRITE_NO; rp->hp_update = HP_UPDATE_NO; } else { rp->hp_get = HP_GET_OK; rp->hp_put = HP_PUT_OK; rp->hp_write = HP_WRITE_OK; rp->hp_update = HP_UPDATE_OK; } } switch(rp->hp_connect) { case HP_CONNECT_NO: if (iface == IF_HTTP) finish_header(0); /* Client not allowed. */ printf("432 Unauthorized host: %s\r\n", rhost); cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_REJECT, hrejectstr, iface_map[iface].if_name, rhost); _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); /* NOTREACHED */ case HP_CONNECT_HANG: cddbd_log(LOG_INFO | LOG_REJECT, hrejectstr, iface_map[iface].if_name, rhost); /* Host is nasty and must be delayed. */ cddbd_check_nus(); cddbd_hang(); /* NOTREACHED */ case HP_CONNECT_OK: break; default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR | LOG_INTERN, "Invalid connect permissions for %s: %d.", rp->hp_host, rp->hp_connect); break; } modify_perms(rp); /* Start up timers. */ if(!(iface_map[iface].if_flags & IFL_NOCONN)) cddbd_timer_init(timers); return rp; } void modify_perms(hperm_t *hp) { if(postdir[0] == '\0' && WRITE_OK(*hp)) { if(verbose) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "No post directory - disallowing posting."); } hp->hp_write = HP_WRITE_NO; } if(dupdir[0] == '\0' && UPDATE_OK(*hp)) { if(verbose) cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "No dup directory - discarding dups."); dup_ok = 0; } else if(UPDATE_OK(*hp)) dup_ok = 1; } int ck_client_perms(char *client, char *rev, int iface) { int perm; link_t *lp; lhead_t *ch; cperm_t *cp; ch = iface_map[iface].if_client; /* Clients are all allowed by default. */ perm = CP_ALLOW; for(list_rewind(ch), list_forw(ch); !list_rewound(ch); list_forw(ch)) { lp = list_cur(ch); cp = (cperm_t *)lp->l_data; /* This is always a match. */ if(!strcmp(cp->cp_client, "-")) { perm = cp->cp_perm; continue; } if(!strcmp(cp->cp_client, client) && (!strcmp(cp->cp_lrev, "-") || match_rev(rev, cp->cp_lrev, CC_NEWER)) && (!strcmp(cp->cp_hrev, "-") || match_rev(rev, cp->cp_hrev, CC_OLDER))) perm = cp->cp_perm; } return(perm); } int match_rev(char *srev, char *rev, int comp) { int x; int pt1; int pt2; char pl1[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char pl2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf1[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char buf2[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /* Always a match. */ if(!strcmp(rev, "-")) return 1; reduce_rev(srev, buf1, pl1, &pt1); reduce_rev(rev, buf2, pl2, &pt2); x = comp_rev(buf1, buf2); if(x == 0) { x = pt1 - pt2; if(x == 0) x = comp_rev(pl1, pl2); } switch(comp) { case CC_NEWER: return(x >= 0); case CC_OLDER: return(x <= 0); default: cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Illegal match compare type: %d", comp); return 0; } } void reduce_rev(char *r, char *b, char *pl, int *ptype) { int x; int new; char *e; char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; while(*r != '\0' && !isdigit(*r)) r++; new = 0; *b = '\0'; *pl = '\0'; while(*r != 0 && (isdigit(*r) || *r == '.')) { if(*r == '.') { if(new) break; new = 1; r++; continue; } if(new) { strcat(b, "."); new = 0; } x = (int)strtol(r, &e, 10); /* This shouldn't happen, but let's be safe. */ if(r == e) break; r = e; sprintf(buf, "%d", x); strcat(b, buf); } if(*r == '\0') { *ptype = ST_NONE; } else if(!cddbd_strncasecmp("develop", r, 5) || !cddbd_strncasecmp("d", r, 1)) { *ptype = ST_DEVELOP; while(*r != '\0' && !isdigit(*r)) r++; sprintf(pl, "%d", atoi(r)); } else if(!cddbd_strncasecmp("alpha", r, 5) || !cddbd_strncasecmp("a", r, 1)) { *ptype = ST_ALPHA; while(*r != '\0' && !isdigit(*r)) r++; sprintf(pl, "%d", atoi(r)); } else if(!cddbd_strncasecmp("beta", r, 4) || !cddbd_strncasecmp("b", r, 1)) { *ptype = ST_BETA; while(*r != '\0' && !isdigit(*r)) r++; sprintf(pl, "%d", atoi(r)); } else if(!cddbd_strncasecmp("pl", r, 2) || !cddbd_strncasecmp("patch", r, 5)) { *ptype = ST_PATCH; while(*r != '\0' && !isdigit(*r)) r++; sprintf(pl, "%d", atoi(r)); } else { *ptype = ST_UNKNOWN; strcpy(pl, r); } } int comp_rev(char *r1, char *r2) { int x; int v1; int v2; char *e1; char *e2; while(*r1 != '\0' && *r2 != '\0') { v1 = (int)strtol(r1, &e1, 10); v2 = (int)strtol(r2, &e2, 10); /* Should be impossible. */ if(r1 == e1 || r2 == e2) return(v1 - v2); r1 = e1; r2 = e2; if(*r1 != '\0') r1++; if(*r2 != '\0') r2++; x = v1 - v2; if(x != 0) return x; } /* Whoever is longest wins. */ return(strlen(r1) - strlen(r2)); } int cddbd_is_cgi(void) { /* If this environment variable is set, we are in CGI mode. */ return((char *)getenv(cgi_gateway_iface) != NULL); } static void finish_header(char *charset) { time_t t; t = time(0); if (charset) printf("%s: text/plain; charset=%s\n", content_type, charset); else printf("%s: text/plain\n", content_type); printf("%s: %s\n", expires, ctime(&t)); } void cddbd_cgi_cmd(void) { int len; char *s; char cmd[CDDBCMDLEN]; /* Set the interface type. */ interface = IF_HTTP; /* Set up client permissions. */ hperm = *ck_host_perms(interface); s = cddbd_safenv(cgi_request_method); /* Get the user's query. */ if(!strcmp(s, "GET")) { s = cddbd_safenv(cgi_query_string); len = strlen(s); if(len < 0 || len >= sizeof(cmd)) { finish_header(0); printf("500 Invalid input length: max %d, min %d, " "actual %d.\r\n", (int) (sizeof(cmd) - 1), 0, len); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "CGI environment error: illegal %s: %d.", cgi_query_string, len); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } strncpy(cmd, s, len); cmd[len] = '\0'; } else if(!strcmp(s, "POST")) { s = cddbd_safenv(cgi_content_len); len = atoi(s); if(len < 0 || len >= sizeof(cmd)) { finish_header(0); printf("500 Invalid input length: max %d, min %d, " "actual %d.\r\n", (int) (sizeof(cmd) - 1), 0, len); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "CGI environment error: illegal %s: %d.", cgi_query_string, len); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } if((len = read(0, cmd, len)) < 0) { finish_header(0); printf("402 Server error.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't read CGI POST data (%d).", errno); _quit(QUIT_ERR, 0); } cmd[len] = '\0'; } else { finish_header(0); printf("408 CGI environment error.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "CGI environment error: unknown %s: \"%s\".", cgi_request_method, s); _quit(QUIT_OK, 0); } _quit(cddbd_async_command(cmd, 1), 0); } int cddbd_async_command(char *buf, int cgi) { int i; int pf; int len; int nlev; cmd_t *c; arg_t query; arg_t q[ASY_MAXPREFIX]; /* Convert from CGI to standard format. */ strcpy(query.buf, buf); cddbd_strip(query.buf, '\n'); cddbd_strip(query.buf, '\r'); cddbd_translate(query.buf, '&', ' '); /* Break up into parts. */ cddbd_parse_args(&query, PF_NOTRUNC); if(query.nargs != ASY_MAXPREFIX) { if (cgi) finish_header(0); printf("500 Command syntax error: incorrect number of" " arguments.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } for(i = 0; i < ASY_MAXPREFIX; i++) { len = strlen(asy_prefix[i]); if(strncmp(query.arg[i], asy_prefix[i], len)) { if (cgi) finish_header(0); printf("500 Command syntax error: arg %d, expected " "prefix \"%s\".\r\n", i, asy_prefix[i]); return QUIT_OK; } strcpy(q[i].buf, &query.arg[i][len]); cddbd_translate(q[i].buf, '+', ' '); asy_decode(q[i].buf); if((!charset_is_valid_latin1(q[i].buf)) && (!charset_is_valid_utf8(q[i].buf))) { if (cgi) finish_header(0); printf("500 Illegal character in input.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } } /* Parse the inputs. */ cddbd_parse_args(&q[ASY_PROTO], 0); if(q[ASY_PROTO].nargs != 1) { if (cgi) finish_header(0); printf("500 Command syntax error: incorrect arg count to" "proto command.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } nlev = atoi(q[ASY_PROTO].arg[0]); if(nlev < MIN_PROTO_LEVEL || nlev > MAX_PROTO_LEVEL) { if (cgi) finish_header(0); printf("501 Illegal CDDB protocol level: %d.\r\n", nlev); return QUIT_OK; } level = nlev; if (cgi) finish_header(!PROTO_ENAB(P_UTF8) ? "ISO-8859-1" : "UTF-8"); if(PROTO_ENAB(P_QUOTE)) pf = PF_HONOR_QUOTE | PF_REMAP_QSPC; else pf = 0; cddbd_log(LOG_INPUT, "Input: \"%s\"", q[ASY_COMMAND].buf); for(i = 0; i < ASY_MAXPREFIX; i++) { if(i == ASY_PROTO) continue; cddbd_parse_args(&q[i], pf); } /* Check the handshake data. */ if(q[ASY_HELLO].nargs != 4) { printf("500 Command syntax error: incorrect arg count for" "handshake.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } /* Don't process empty commands. */ if(q[ASY_COMMAND].nargs == 0) { printf("500 Empty command input.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } /* Perform implied handshake. */ if(_do_cddb_hello(&q[ASY_HELLO]) != 0) return QUIT_OK; /* Execute the command. */ for(c = cmd; c->cmd; c++) { if(!cddbd_strcasecmp(q[ASY_COMMAND].arg[0], c->cmd)) { if(!(c->flags & CF_ASY)) { printf("500 Unsupported %s mode command.\r\n", iface_map[interface].if_name); return QUIT_OK; } /* Ensure we have a handshake. */ if((c->flags & CF_HELLO) && !hello) { printf("409 No handshake.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } /* Disallow if not secure. */ if((c->flags & CF_SECURE) && !secure) { printf("401 Permission denied.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } (*(c->func))(&q[ASY_COMMAND]); return QUIT_OK; } } /* No command match found. */ printf("500 Unrecognized command.\r\n"); return QUIT_OK; } char * cddbd_safenv(char *env) { char *s; if((s = (char *)getenv(env)) == NULL) { printf("408 CGI environment error.\r\n"); cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "CGI environment error: no %s.", env); quit(QUIT_ERR); } return s; } void cddbd_strip(char *p, char c) { char *p2; p2 = p; while(*p2 != '\0') { if(*p2 != c) { *p = *p2; p++; } p2++; } *p = '\0'; } void cddbd_translate(char *p, char f, char t) { while(*p != '\0') { if(*p == f) *p = t; p++; } } int cddbd_elapse(int elapse) { static int init; struct timeval tm; static struct timeval last; /* Reset the marker. */ if(elapse <= 0) { init = 0; return 0; } if(gettimeofday(&tm, 0) != 0) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Can't get time of day (%d).\n", errno); quit(1); } /* Not called yet. */ if(!init) { last = tm; init = 1; return 0; } /* Specified time has elapsed. */ if(((tm.tv_sec * 1000) + (tm.tv_usec / 1000)) - ((last.tv_sec * 1000) + (last.tv_usec / 1000)) >= elapse) { init = 0; return 1; } return 0; } void cddbd_delay(int delay) { struct timeval timeout; /* Don't delay. */ if(delay <= 0) return; /* Delay is in ms. */ timeout.tv_sec = delay / 1000; timeout.tv_usec = (delay * 1000) % 1000000; /* Delay. */ (void)select(0, (fd_set *)NULL, (fd_set *)NULL, (fd_set *)NULL, &timeout); } void cddbd_snprintf(char *buf, int size, char *fmt, void *a0, void *a1, void *a2, void *a3, void *a4, void *a5, void *a6, void *a7, void *a8, void *a9) { int x; int ano; int cnt; void *arg[10]; char *p; char cbuf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; char tbuf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; arg[0] = a0; arg[1] = a1; arg[2] = a2; arg[3] = a3; arg[4] = a4; arg[5] = a5; arg[6] = a6; arg[7] = a7; arg[8] = a8; arg[9] = a9; p = fmt; cnt = 0; ano = 0; while(cnt < size) { switch(*p) { case '%': x = get_conv(&p, cbuf); if((ano + x) >= 10) { if(!logging) { cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Too many args to snprintf, " "format: \"%s\"", fmt); } buf[cnt] = '\0'; return; } sprintf(tbuf, cbuf, arg[ano]); strncpy(&buf[cnt], tbuf, (size - cnt - 1)); buf[size - 1] = '\0'; cnt = strlen(buf); ano += x; break; case '\0': buf[cnt] = '\0'; return; default: buf[cnt] = *p; cnt++; p++; break; } } buf[size - 1] = '\0'; if(!logging) cddbd_log(LOG_ERR, "Buf overflow in snprintf: \"%s\"", buf); } void cddbd_log_prim(FILE *fp, int flags, char *fmt, void *a1, void *a2, void *a3, void *a4, void *a5, void *a6) { char buf[CDDBBUFSIZ]; /* Log it. */ if(!debug) fprintf(fp, "%s [%05d,%08X] ", get_time(0), curpid, flags); /* Copy fmt to a temp buffer so we can work on it. */ strncpy(buf, fmt, sizeof(buf)); buf[sizeof(buf) - 1] = '\0'; strip_crlf(buf); /* Print the log message. */ fprintf(fp, buf, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); fputc('\n', fp); } /* This should be the last function in the file, to avoid compile errors. */ void cddbd_log(unsigned int flags, char *fmt, void *a1, void *a2, void *a3, void *a4, void *a5, void *a6) { FILE *fp; unsigned int x; if((!(log_flags & flags) && !debug) || quiet) return; /* Detect recursion. */ logging++; /* Lock the log file. */ if(!debug && logging == 1) (void)cddbd_lock(locks[LK_LOG], 1); /* We can't open the log file. Continue anyway. */ if(debug || (fp = fopen(servfile[SF_LOG], "a")) == NULL) { if(mode & MFL_ASY) fp = stdout; else fp = stderr; if(!debug) { cddbd_log_prim(fp, LOG_ERR, "Warning: can't open log file: %s (%d)", (void *)servfile[SF_LOG], errno_as_ptr, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } else if(logging == 1) (void)cddbd_fix_file(servfile[SF_LOG], file_mode, uid, gid); /* Make sure superflags are used properly. */ x = flags & LOG_SUPER; if(!x) cddbd_log_prim(fp, LOG_ERR | LOG_INTERN, "No log superflag in following message.", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); if(x & (x - 1)) cddbd_log_prim(fp, LOG_ERR | LOG_INTERN, "Multiple log superflags in following message.", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Log the message. */ cddbd_log_prim(fp, flags, fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6); if(fp != stderr && fp != stdout) { fclose(fp); if(logging == 1) trunc_log(); } cddbd_unlock(locks[LK_LOG]); logging--; return; }