The build infrastructure continues to be maintained, and aleph sources and binaries included in TeX Live. This is primarily so that existing omega and aleph documents can still be processed. No significant new features have been added to Aleph for some years. 20040322: RC2 released. * TeX 3.141592 * no more dependency on the Omega 1.15 source tree * rename e-Omega to Aleph * Fix: crash when \overfullrule > 0pt * Fix: \charit gives wrong result * Fix: text is offset when typesetting non-TLT text * Fix: leaders crashing or stalling the program * Add: \boxdir to retrieve or set the direction of a box * Add: \pagerighoffset, \pagebottomoffset to set the right and bottom margin in non-TLT text * Add: a big set of commands to retrieve version info: for each feature-set (Omega, eTeX, Aleph), the commands are: \<featureset>Version the expansion is a list of character tokens of category 12 (other) representing the featureset version number; (1.15 for \OmegaVersion, 0 (RC2) for \AlephVersion, 2.1 for \eTeXVersion) (inherited from Omega) \<featureset>revision the expansion is a list of character tokens of category 12 (other) representing the featureset minor version number; (.15 for \Omegarevision, (RC2) for \Alephrevision, .1 for \eTeXrevion) (inherited from e-TeX) \<featureset>version an integer value representing the featureset major version number (1 for \Omegaversion, 0 for \Alephversion, 2 for \eTeXversion) (inherited from e-TeX) \<featureset>minorversion an integer value representing the featureset minor version number (15 for \Omegaminorversion, 0 for \Alephminorversion, 1 for \eTeXminorversion) (new) 20030524: RC1 released. * Fix: the "overfull box" crash bug 20030106: RC0 released. This release simply provides a binary providing both Omega 1.15 features (all but the XML/SGML ones) and e-TeX 2.1 features.