Welcome to "AmiWeb2c 2.1"

             the complete installation of Donald Ervin Knuth's

                        TeX Engine, Release 3.14159

                  including standard TeX by D. E. Knuth,
            e-TeX 2.0 by Peter Breitenlohner and Philip Taylor,
             Omega 1.5 by Yannis Haralambous and John Plaice,
                     and PDFTeX 0.12 by Han The Thanh

                      MetaFont Engine, Release 2.718

          together with Oren Patashnik's `BibTeX', Release 0.99c
             and John Douglas Hobby's `MetaPost', Release 0.64
             and Tomas Gerhard Rokicki's `DVIPS', Release 5.78
                  and more than a dozen utility programs

                               on the Amiga


The following copyright notice covers the files I wrote and the core
system of AmiWeb2c created from them; for the convenience of users I
added complete packages and selected parts of packages that might be
useful in connection with AmiWeb2c; these additional parts are covered
by the copyright of their respective authors and are not part of the
core system of AmiWeb2c.

Copyright (C) 1995, 1997 Andreas Scherer

AmiWeb2c is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

AmiWeb2c is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with AmiWeb2c; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


The native Amiga port of all these programs was done by Andreas Scherer
on the basis of the complete "Web2c 7.2" Unix installation of the `TeX'
system (see http://www.tug.org/web2c.html) as maintained by Olaf Weber,
who took over from Karl Berry.  Modifications and enhancements were
introduced to make the implementation work on the Amiga with the
SAS/C++ 6.58 compiler.

What you get with `amiweb2c21.lha' is a stripped excerpt of the
complete `Unix-TeX' system from


ported to the Amiga.  Due to its total size of more than 30 megabytes
of installed material, I decided to exclude everything that is publicly
available from either AmiNet (e.g., ftp://ftp.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/
pub/aminet/) or more likely from CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network;
the German node is ftp://ftp.dante.de/tex-archive/), so in addition to
the present distribution you will have to fetch several other packages
before you can start for real.

So why should you want to get `amiweb2c21.lha' at all?  Because it
contains a native port of the famous `texk' implementation of the TeX
system for Unix, on which most of the installations are based.

Included are (among others)

   TeX 3.14159 (standard TeX, e-TeX, Omega, and PDFTeX)
   MetaFont 2.718
   BibTeX 0.99c
   MetaPost 0.64
   DVIPS 5.78

and a lot of auxiliary tools and programs.  The complete Unix-TeX system
was ported directly from the Web2c 7.2 system, which already provides full
(yet hidden) support for the Amiga.  Necessary stuff for implementors is
coming with this distribution.

The contents of this archive is automatically installed at the
appropriate places by either the command

   $ lha x -a amiweb2c21.lha

or the commands

   $ gzip -d amiweb2c-2.1.tar.gz
   $ tar xvf amiweb2c-2.1.tar

depending on the source from where you fetched the distribution.

Almost 11 (metric) megabytes will be extracted to the root directory
`AmiWeb2c-2.1/'.  Everything else has to be added in the directory
structure below this top level.  The bulk of either archive consists
of the binaries for all programs created from the original Web2c sources.

Detailed information about what else is needed and about how to install
"AmiWeb2c 2.1" is given in "texmf/doc/amiga/README.amiweb2c".


March 1998

Andreas Scherer
Rochusstra�e 22-24
52062 Aachen, Germany