#!/usr/bin/perl $HOME = $ENV{HOME}; $fail = system("mv -i easylatex $HOME/.easylatex"); if ($fail) {die "Aborting; reason: couldn't do 'mv easylatex $HOME/.easylatex'; maybe easylatex is already installed?";} # I'll assume most distos have psfrag and leave this out for now... # should put in a test here to make sure psfrag, amsmath, etc are installed #$fail = system('cd psfrag; latex psfrag.ins'); #if ($fail) {die "Couldn't install psfrag; graph functionality not installed. The rest of EasyLatex is installed.";} # print <<"EOF"; # ---------------------------- # Most of EasyLatex is now installed. # If you are going to let EasyLatex generate PostScript files for you, # then you are almost done. To tell EasyLatex to generate a PostScript file, # use the "-ps" flag like this: # easylatex.pl -ps demo.txt # However, if you'll want to manually recompile .tex files with graphs in them, # you'll need to install "psfrag" yourself. Psfrag is a separate program # which is bundled with this one. It is in the subdirectory "psfrag". # EOF