<!DOCTYPE rdf:RDF SYSTEM "../tpm.dtd"> <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#" xmlns:TPM="http://texlive.dante.de/"> <rdf:Description about="http://texlive.dante.de/texlive/package/warning.zip"> <TPM:Name>warning</TPM:Name> <TPM:Type>package</TPM:Type> <TPM:Date>2001/09/03 02:37:57</TPM:Date> <TPM:Version></TPM:Version> <TPM:Creator>rahtz</TPM:Creator> <TPM:Title> Put warnings at the end near to the global warnings. </TPM:Title> <TPM:Size>5122</TPM:Size> <TPM:Description> Sometimes a class or package has to make a global warning such as ``Rerun for this or that reason'' or ``This is draft, change this before the final run''. If you are generating them with \AtEndDocument{\PackageWarningNoLine{packagename}{warning}} the warning appears very early before the filelist. Then the warning can easily be overseen. This package provides a command that surely puts the warning at the end near to the global warnings generated by LaTeX itself. You can add a warning to a list of user defined warnings using the command \addglobalwarning as it can be seen in the example below. This package could be useful for the warnings generated e.g. by the packages changebar.sty or longtable.sty. </TPM:Description> <TPM:Build> <TPM:RunPatterns> texmf/tex/latex/warning/* texmf/tpm/package/warning.tpm </TPM:RunPatterns> <TPM:SourcePatterns>texmf/source/latex/warning/*</TPM:SourcePatterns> </TPM:Build> <TPM:RunFiles size="4202"> texmf/tex/latex/warning/warning.sty texmf/tpm/package/warning.tpm </TPM:RunFiles> <TPM:SourceFiles size="920">texmf/source/latex/warning/warning.xml</TPM:SourceFiles> <TPM:Provides>package/warning</TPM:Provides> </rdf:Description> </rdf:RDF>