Changes in version 3.18

This file lists changes since its most recent release (with version 3.17
of the FAQ). 

New answers:
 +Label acroantics:getting Adobe Reader to produce the right size output
 +Label inst-scut: introduction to the old inst-miktex and to inst-tds-zip
 +Label inst-tds-zip: installing a package using files
 +Label onna-stick:making MikTeX run from a memory key
 +Label papergeom: how to select the correct paper geometry
 +Label prept1font:the generating metrics part of old instt1font
 +Label tds-zip:   brief outline of TDS ZIP files

Revised answers:
 +Label biblatex:  now discusses crossTeX too
 +Label bibtranscinit: discuss truly excessive sets of initials
 +Label chngmargonfly: mention new changepage package
 +Label findfiles: correct one of the search address links
 +Label fmtconv:   add tex4ht as a route to word format, tidy up
 +Label footintab: I _think_ the answer now says what I meant it to say!
 +Label labelfig:  mention (auto-)pst-pdf
 +Label letterspace: microtype now covers the functionality of old letterspace
 +Label luatex:	   detail some recent developments
 +Label oddpage:   mention new changepage package
 +Label papersize: rewritten as intro to new acroantics and papergeom
 +Label parallel:  mention the pdfcolparallel package
 +Label patch:	   rewrite to downplay patch, add mention of ted and etoolbox
 +Label pkfix:	   mention pkfix-helper
 +Label poster:	   updated with further informative links, etc.
 +Label protect:   rewritten (again)
 +Label psfchoice: add kpfonts, link to the font catalogue at various points
		   mention font catalogue (as a whole) and maths font survey
Web interface:
  A mechanism is now in place, whereby old question labels may be used to get
  to the nearest current equivalent of the question.  It does not cover *all*
  old questions: please mail if you have a problem with an
  old question label that you have stored.

  Bits of silliness in the web interface continue to surface.  They get mended
  as soon as I work out how; the most recent was a tendency not to translate
  \textbackslash -- I know how to correct it, but not why it happened...

Robin Fairbairns