%% start of file `moderncvverticaltimeline.sty'.
%% Copyright 2023 Javier Lopez-Gomez (javier.lopez.gomez@proton.me).
% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License version 1.3c,
% available at http://www.latex-project.org/lppl/.

%                identification
\ProvidesPackage{moderncvverticaltimeline}[2023/11/29 v2.0.0 modern curriculum vitae vertical timeline]

%                required packages

%                vertical timeline implementation
  tl_milestone/.style={circle,inner sep=1.5pt,draw=color0!20,label={west:#1}},
  tl_link/.style={thick,densely dotted,color0!20},


% Mark the end of the current chain; any `\tl@milestone` issued afterward will be on a new timeline.

% Create a node in the current timeline and link it to the previous node; if the previous milestone
% is on the last shipped out page, draw a line that extends until the top margin.  The argument is laid out as a label (default left).
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay] {
    \node[tl_milestone={#1}] (\@tl@this) {};
        \draw[tl_link] (\@tl@this) -- ([yshift=-1em] \@tl@this |- current page.north);
        \draw[tl_link] (\@tl@this) -- (\@tl@prev);

  % If there are follow-up  milestones in the current timeline, draw a line that extends until the bottom margin
  \tikz[remember picture,overlay] {
        \draw[tl_link] (\@tl@prev) -- ([yshift=1em] \@tl@prev |- current page.south);




%% end of file `moderncvverticaltimeline.sty'.