%% This is file `esami.sty',
%% esami.sty package,             2023-07-21            %%
%% Copyright (C) 2008-2023  G. Messineo e S. Vassallo   %%
%%                                                      %%
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified    %%
%% under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License  %%
%% Distributed from CTAN archives in directory          %%
%% macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either version 1 of the  %%
%% License, or (at your option) any later version.      %%

%%%%%% CHANGELOG %%%%%%%
% Version 1.0
% First release to CTAN
%Version 1.1 2013/12/09
%Inserted the dependance on the package \texttt{environ} to remove some errors in the \LaTeX\ compilation.
%Removed the dependance on the package \texttt{icomma} in the italian localization file es-italian.lng because
%of the introduction of new features in the package \texttt{babel} for the Italian langaguage (macro \texttt{IntelligentComma}).
% Version 2.0
% 2015/02/25
%Eliminated the dependance on \pkgname{pstricks}. Modified the use of \emph{fill-in} questions.
%Inserted the possibility to extract %more than one variant from a file. Now it is possible to view the solutions in tests.
%Modified the visualization of decimal places in command  \cmd{\FPsv}. Modified the definition of \cmd{\FPval} to allow the use of decimal places.
%Modified the algorithm of choice of a variant of an exercise, now completely deterministic.
% Added the command \cmd{\Acapo}. Added the serbian localization (latin alphabet).
%The compilation produces a new file with the list of the chosen exercises.
% Version 2.1
% 2016/07/25
%Modified es-german.lng and es-spanish.lng for an error in the input of the solutions. Introduced the macro randestrai.
%Introduced the macro FPsignpol. Introduced a control on the total points of the exercises. Solved the incompatibility
%with babel for the Spanish language. Removed the incompatibility between the command \fillin and the commands \sempli and \semplix.
% Version 2.2
% 2017/07/01
%Introduced the possibility to have two different seeds for exercises choice and for scrambling. Sligtly modified the command \estrai so that can be used
%to extract parameters from a list. Improved the documentation.
% Version 2.3
% 2017/09/18
%Corrected a misprint in the code
% Version 2.4
% 2018/02/10
% Documentation corrected.
% Version 2.5
% 2018/05/06
%Corrected a misprint in the code. Improved the selection of random exercises.
% Version 2.6
% 2021/10/11
%Improved the spacing in \cmd{\FPsignpol}. Corrected the code to  avoid some spourios spaces. 
% Version 2.7
% 2022/01/11
%Improved the spacing in \cmd{\sempli} and \cmd{\FPsignpol}. Corrected a misprint in the code. 
% 2013/07/21
%Documentation modified  to solve a problem with the Spanish Language.

\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{esami}
    [2023/07/21 v2.8 An Exam Construction Package]

% +=============================+
% |         THE OPTIONS         |
% +=============================+
\newif\ifes@language \es@languagefalse
   { \es@languagetrue \typeout{esami: Verrà usata la lingua italiana}}%
   {\typeout{esami: Il file es-\CurrentOption.lng non esiste.}}}
   {\typeout{esami: English Language will be used} \es@languagetrue}%
   {\typeout{esami: The file es-\CurrentOption.lng does not exists.}}}
   {\typeout{esami: English Language will be used} \es@languagetrue}%
   { \typeout{esami: The file es-\CurrentOption.lng does not exists.}}}
   { \typeout{esami: English Language will be used}\es@languagetrue}%
   { \typeout{esami: The file es-\CurrentOption.lng does not exists.}}}
   { \typeout{esami: La langue française sera utilisée}\es@languagetrue}
   { \typeout{esami: The file es-\CurrentOption.lng does not exists.}}}
   { \typeout{esami:Se utilizará el idioma español}\es@languagetrue}
   { \typeout{esami: The file es-\CurrentOption.lng does not exists.}}}
   { \typeout{esami:Deutsch als Sprache soll angewandt werden}\es@languagetrue}
   { \typeout{esami: The file es-\CurrentOption.lng does not exists.}}}
   { \typeout{esami:Greek language will be used}\es@languagetrue}
   { \typeout{esami: The file es-\CurrentOption.lng does not exists.}}}

\DeclareOption{twocolumns}{\es@twocolumnstrue}%%% for tests on 2 columns
\DeclareOption{sansserif}{\renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}}%%% sans serif font
\DeclareOption{solutionsonly}{\es@solutionsonlytrue \es@solutionstrue}%%% only solutions (false by default)
\newif\ifes@solutionsonly \es@solutionsonlyfalse
\DeclareOption{allowrandomize}{\es@randomizeChoicestrue}%%% MCQ with shuffled answers (default)
\DeclareOption{norandomize}{\es@randomizeChoicesfalse}%%% MCQ not shuffled
\newif\ifes@randomizeChoices \es@randomizeChoicestrue
\newif\ifes@fissa \es@fissatrue
\newif\ifes@shuffleQuestions \es@shuffleQuestionstrue%%% the exercises are shuffled by default
\DeclareOption{shuffle}{\es@fissatrue \es@shuffleQuestionstrue}
\DeclareOption{shufflerandom}{\es@shuffleQuestionstrue \es@fissafalse}%% the exercises are randomly shuffled
%%% 2013-06-03 eliminata opzione
\newif\ifes@fillin \es@fillinfalse
\newif\ifes@pointsonright \es@pointsonrightfalse%%% the box with the points on the right side (from eqexam)
\DeclareOption{pointsonright}{\es@pointsonrighttrue \AtEndOfPackage{\PointsOnRight}}
\newif\ifes@solutions \es@solutionsfalse
\immediate\closeout\sols                                                         %
\stringasol} %%%%
}%%% for solutions
\DeclareOption{nosolutions}{\es@solutionsfalse}%%% no solutions (default)
\newif\ifes@noquizsolutions \es@noquizsolutionstrue
\DeclareOption*{\InputIfFileExists{esami-\CurrentOption.cfg}{}%%% reads a configuration file
\newif\ifes@autopst \es@autopstfalse%%% Do I need auto-pst?
\newif\ifes@pst \es@pstfalse%%% Do I need pstricks?
\DeclareOption{autopstoff}{\es@psttrue \es@autopstfalse}%%% autopstpdf inactive (default) %
\DeclareOption{autopston}{\es@psttrue  \es@autopsttrue }%%%% autopstpdf active
\newif\ifes@prova \es@provafalse
\DeclareOption{prova}{\es@solutionstrue \es@provatrue \es@randomizeChoicesfalse \es@noquizsolutionsfalse}%%% for the file "totale-versioni"
\DeclareOption{correzione}{\es@correzionetrue \es@solutionsfalse}%%% to print all the exercises with solutions only
\newif\ifes@correzione \es@correzionefalse
\newif\ifes@param \es@paramfalse%%% to print the parametric version in "totale-versioni"
\newif\ifes@test \es@testfalse%%% for tests

%      Parametric version                                %

\DeclareOption{param}{\es@paramtrue \AtBeginDocument{\newwrite\params}}

% +=============================+
% |        PACKAGES             |
% +=============================+



\input random

%         Error Messages                                 %

\def\testversioni{\ifthenelse{\not\equal{\numcompiti}{}}{\relax} %
    { \immediate\write16{\es@numcompitierror}
  {\endlinechar=-1 \global\read16 to\numcompiti}}}
  \ifthenelse{\equal{\jobname}{\detokenize{master}}} {{ \PackageError{esami} {\es@mastererror}{}}}%

	\InputIfFileExists{es-italian.lng}{ \typeout{esami: No language chosen: Italian language will be used.}}{NO LANGUAGE!!!}

%          DIMENSIONS                                    %

% We want the page full of text


\newskip\aboveanswersSkip%%% the space between question and answers
\newlength{\es@pointboxtotalheight}%%% the height of the point box

%                exercise                                %

\newcommand{\priorexskip}[1]{\def\es@priorexskip{\vspace{#1}}}%%% space above and below the text of the exercise

%               test                                     %


%                 risposta                               %

\newlength{\es@rig}%%%% lines in "risposta"

%            SPACES                                      %

%               test                                     %

\addtolength{\tabcolsep}{2pt} \addtolength{\arraycolsep}{2pt}

% +=============================+
% |        COUNTERS             |
% +=============================+

\newcount\tmp@cnt%%% temporary counter
\newcount\tmp@a%%% temporary counter
\newcount\rnd@cnta%%% temporary counter in selectrandomly
\newcount\tmp@cntb%%% temporary counter in \estrai
\newcount\rnd@cnts%%% temporary counter in RandS
\newcount\rnd@cnt%%% temporary counter in \FPsetpar
\newcount\end@al%%% temporary counter in \estraialfa
\newcount\beg@al%%% temporary counter in \estraialfa
\newcounter{nomefile}%%% counter for year-month-day
\newcount\tmp@quest %%% the number of the exercise
\newcount\@probselN %%% in \selectrandomlyn
\newcount\@shfctr %%% In "\shuffle"
\newcount\@shfA %%% In "\shuffle"
\newcount\@shfB %%% In "\shuffle"
\newcount\icount  %%% counter to shuffle exercises
\newcounter{vers}%%% the number of the version
\newcounter{n@par}%%% it counts the number of parameters
\newcount\loopCnt%%% the number of attempts in \FPsetpar
\newcounter{fp@contatore}%%% used in \FPsetpar
\newcount\old@randomii%%% used to change seed shuffling exercise
\newcount\old@randomi%%% used to change seed in \FPsetpar
\newcount\old@random%%% used to change seed in \selectrandomly 
\newcount\sh@max%%% used to choose the exercises
\newcount\@probN%%% number of exercises in \selectrandomly
\newcount\j@m%%% temporary counter in \newproblem
\newcounter{questionno}%%% the number of the question in test
%\newdimen\punteggio %% NEW 2016/04/11 to check the total score of exercises

%                  test                                  %

\newcounter{sq@quizno} \setcounter{sq@quizno}{0}%%% the number of the answer in a MCQ
\newcount\es@tabColCnt%%% The number of columns of answers in MCQ

%             esercizio                                  %

\newcounter{ex@no}%%% The number of the exercise
\newcounter{ex@partno}%%% The parts of an exercise

%             risposta                                   %

\newcounter{risp@righe}%%% the number of lines in a long answer (environment "risposta")

%           matching                                     %


%          aebrandom                                     %


% +=============================+
% |        LABELS               |
% +=============================+

%          questions                                     %


%          test                                          %


%         exercise                                       %

\newcommand\exlabelformat{{\scshape\exlabel\ \theex@no.}}
\newcommand\exlabelformatwp{{\scshape\exlabel\ \theex@no.}}
\newcommand{\es@exsolafterDefault}{\textit{\es@solutionname}: }

% +=============================+
% |        COMMANDS             |
% +=============================+

%           Maths                                        %

{%%%% It does operations with #1 decimals and with the "param" option it shows operations
\newcommandx{\FPval}[3][2=0]{%% it works like \FPsv with the option param, like \FPeval otherwise

%               fractions                                %

\newcommand{\@sempli}[2]{%%%% simplification (private command)

\newcommand{\sempli}[2]{%%% simplification (user command)

\newcommand{\semplix}[2]{%%% simplification (coefficients)

\newcommand{\sempliz}[2]{%%% simplifications (zero)

\newcommand{\esempli}[2]{%%% simplification (exponents)

%                Radicals (simplification)               %

					\ifthenelse{\sq@segno<0}{-\sq@factor\sqrt[\sq@ind]{\sq@rad}}{\sq@factor\sqrt[\sq@ind]{\sq@rad} }

%               Coefficients of polynomial               %

\newcommand{\FPsignpol}[2] %%% adapted from code contributed by Hjalmar Basile NEW 2016/04/11
		%\ifnum \tempsign<0 {\:\sempli{\tempsign}{1}#2}
			%\ifnum \tempsign>0{\:+\:\sempli{\tempsign}{1}#2}
		%\ifnum \tempsign<0 {\:\semplix{\tempsign}{1}#2\:}
			%\ifnum \tempsign>0{\:+\:\semplix{\tempsign}{1}#2}
%} %% improved for spacing 2021/10/11
		\ifnum \tempsign<0 {\:\sempli{\tempsign}{1}#2}
		\ifnum \tempsign>0{+\:\sempli{\tempsign}{1}#2}
		\ifnum \tempsign<0 {\:\semplix{\tempsign}{1}#2\:}
		\ifnum \tempsign>0{\:+\:\semplix{\tempsign}{1}#2}
} %% improved for spacing 2021/10/11  

%          Commands adapted from exerquiz                %

\def\es@lw@l{\es@l@l\ }
\newcommand\PTsHook[1]{\def\PTs@Hook{#1}}%%% hooks for \PTs

%           Commands adapted from eqexam                 %

%%%%% Points in a box on the right %%%%%%

    \hspace*{-\parindent} %
    }} %

\newcommand\marginpointsboxtext{\small \emph{\punti\ifthenelse{\equal{\punti}{1}}{ \es@pointname}{ \es@pointsname}}}
                   \vrule height20pt width0pt\hfill\\\hline
            \vrule height15pt width0pt\\

%%%%%%% Fill in %%%%%%
	\immediate\openout\parametri=qf\nome q\romannumeral\tmp@quest e\thevers.parametri.tex
	\def\fill@ans@color#1{\bfseries\color{red}{#1}}%%% with solutions answers are in red by default
\def\fill@ans@color#1{\phantom{#1}}%%% without solutions option -> no answers
\newcommand{\fillin}[3][u]{%%% #1= the box (u=underlined, e=empty, b= boxed) #2= space for the answer, #3= the correct answer
    \ifx#1u\let\fillin@Fmt=\underbar%%% by default underlined space
		\ifx#1e\let\fillin@Fmt=\relax%% empty space
			\ifx#1b\let\fillin@Fmt=\fbox%%% box
				\ifes@solutions%%% to write the string of solutions
				\string\item\space\string\makeatletter\space\string\input\string{qf\nome q\romannumeral\tmp@quest e\thevers.parametri\string}\string\makeatother}
				\immediate\write\loe{\es@exercisename\space\theesquestionnoi:\space \probchosen}

%%%%% Other commands %%%%%%
\string\begin{minipage}{.33\string\textwidth}{\string\large\string\textbf{\es@solutionname\ \versionname\ n. \thevers}}
	\immediate\write\loe{\versionname\space n. \thevers}

\def\mydate#1/#2/#3\@empty{\setcounter{nomefile}{\two@digits{#1}\two@digits{#2}\two@digits{#3}}}%%% it gives to the counter "nomefile" a value determined by the date
\PTsHook{\emph{(\esPTs\ \ifthenelse{\equal{\esPTs}{\detokenize{1}}}{\es@pointname}{\es@pointsname})}}%%% The name of the points
\newcommand{\proofingsymbol}[1]{\def\@proofingsymbol{{#1}\hspace{-.3em}\es@segnala}}%%% this defines the symbol for the exact answer in MCQ and the label for the string of solutions
\proofingsymbol{$\blacktriangleright$}%%% the proofing symbol that can be changed in document
\newenvironment{gobbleenv}{\Collect@Body \@gobble}{}%%% this environment eats its content

\AtBeginDocument%% the date and the date component of the seed and some code for solutions
\newcommand\es@segnala%%% this command gives the reference of the exact answer in the string of solutions
		\immediate\write\loe{\es@exercisename\space\theesquestionnoi:\space \probchosen} 

%            definitions of Fpsetpar                     %
\newcommandx{\FPsetpar}[5][1=\seme,5={}]{%      %% the parameters are not assigned
                \expandafter\def\csname#2\endcsname{#2}%%% in the parametric version, the parameter appears with its name and not with its value
              \immediate\write\params{% %% writes on a file
                \string\textbf\string{\string\noindent\space \es@parametermessage{#2}{#3}{#4}
                \space \ifx#5\@empty\else $#2\neq #5$.\fi\space \es@seedmessage{#1}
	\@ifundefined{base\nome}{\setcounter{fp@contatore}{-2}}{\setcounter{fp@contatore}{-\csname base\nome \endcsname}}}%
\old@randomi=\number\randomi\relax%%% it saves the old seed
\def\rand@ne{#5}%%% checks the parameter (adapted from rangen)
		\ifnum\rnd@cnt=1\relax%% all conditions are satisfied
	\randomi=\number\old@randomi%%%  restores the seed

%%%% Command for random sign (taken from rangen)  %%%%%

%   Modified commands for parametric version in "totale-versioni"         %
\renewcommand{\FPsv}[2][0]{(#2)}%%% \FPsv shows oparations
\immediate\write\params{%%% writes on a file
\string\textbf\string{\string\noindent\space \es@parametermessagea{#1}{#3}\string}\string\newline
\renewcommand{\FPsignpol}[2]{+(#1)#2} %%% adapted from code contributed by Hjalmar Basile NEW 2016/04/11
\renewcommand{\simpsqrt}[2]{\sqrt[#1]{(#2)}}%%% \simpsqrt shows operations
\renewcommand{\sempli}[2]{%%% all simplifications become \frac
   \emph{(\esPTs\ \ifthenelse{\equal{\esPTs}{\detokenize{1}}}{\es@pointname}{\es@pointsname})} %

% +===================================+
% +===================================+

%        Tabella                                         %

		\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\color{tab@ans@color}}#1}%%% the column of the solutions is red (option solution)
		\newcolumntype{C}[1]{>{\cancella}#1<{\finqui}}%%% the column of the solutions is empty (exam)
\newenvironment{tabella}[3][2]{\bigskip%%% open answers in columns #1=n. of visible columns (+1 invisible), #2={r,c,l} alignment of visible columns,  #3={r,c,l} alignment of invisible column
\begin{tabular}{$#2*{#1}{|^C#3}}  }{\end{tabular} \renewcommand\arraystretch{1}}

%         Risposta                                       %

	\newenvironment{risposta}[2][b]{% #1={b,l} box or lines, #2= heigth of box or number of lines
	\setlength{\es@rig}{#2cm minus 12pt}
			\fbox{\parbox[b][\es@rig]{\textwidth}{\vfill\hfill }}
				\whiledo{\therisp@righe < #2}
					{\par \vspace{.2cm} \dotfill \stepcounter{risp@righe}}

%       matching (from an idea of examdesign)            %

\newcommand{\pair}[2]{%%% pairing of items
\expandafter\gdef\csname match@qst\thematch@q\endcsname{#1}
\expandafter\gdef\csname match@ans\thematch@q\endcsname{#2}
\expandafter\edef\csname match@num\thematch@q\endcsname{\thematch@q}
	\def\match@ans@color#1{\bfseries\color{red}{#1}}%%% visible solutions in red (solutions)
	\def\match@ans@color#1{\phantom{#1}}%%% invisible solutions (exam)
\newcommand{\matching}{%%% it generates the 2 columns
\@getitemsr \@getitemsl
\def\@getitemsl%%% left column and shuffle of items
	\expandafter\let \csname flag\number\i@sh\endcsname a%
	\advance\i@sh by-1
	\ifnum\i@sh > 0 \repeat
	\expandafter\ifx \csname flag\number\j@sh\endcsname a%
	\expandafter\let \csname flag\number\j@sh\endcsname b%%% Sets the flag.
	\expandafter\edef\csname match@qsti\number\i@sh\endcsname{\noexpand\csname match@qstii\number\j@sh\endcsname}
	\addtocounter{match@plu}{-\csname match@numii\number\j@sh\endcsname}
	\addtocounter{match@plo}{- \number\i@sh}
	\expandafter\edef\csname match@numi\number\i@sh\endcsname{(\Alph{match@plu})}
   \underbar{\makebox[.5cm]{\match@ans@color{\csname match@numi\number\i@sh\endcsname}}}  & \csname match@qsti\number\i@sh\endcsname&&(\Alph{match@plo})\hspace{3mm}\csname match@ansi\number\i@sh\endcsname%\tabularnewline
   %% ADD next line
  % \vspace{2ex} \\
 \advance\i@sh by-1
 \ifnum\i@sh > 0 \fi
    \ifnum\i@sh > 0\repeat
\def\@getitemsr{%%% right column and shuffle of tems
\expandafter\let \csname flago\number\i@sh\endcsname c%
\advance\i@sh by-1
\ifnum\i@sh > 0 \repeat
\expandafter\ifx \csname flago\number\j@sh\endcsname c%
\expandafter\let \csname flago\number\j@sh\endcsname d%
\expandafter\edef\csname match@qstii\number\i@sh\expandafter\endcsname{\noexpand\csname match@qst\number\j@sh\endcsname}
\expandafter\edef\csname match@ansi\number\i@sh\expandafter\endcsname{\noexpand\csname match@ans\number\j@sh\endcsname}
\expandafter\edef\csname match@numii\number\i@sh\endcsname{\csname match@num\number\i@sh\endcsname}
\advance\i@sh by-1
\ifnum\i@sh > 0 \fi
\ifnum\i@sh > 0

%     Commands adapted from probsoln                     %

%%%%%% \newproblem  %%%%%%%%%%%%%

	\newcommand{\newproblem}[1]%% \newproblem for the file "totale-versioni"
	\advance\tmp@quest by1
		\global\advance\@probN by 1
			\immediate\openout\parametri=qf\nome q\number\j@n e\thevers.parametri.tex
		\expandafter\global\expandafter\newcommand\csname \probnumber \endcsname{#1}
    \newcommand{\newproblem}[1]%% \newproblem for the "correzione" option
	\advance\tmp@quest by1
		\global\advance\@probN by 1
			\immediate\openout\parametri=qf\nome q\romannumeral\tmp@quest e\thevers.parametri.tex
		\expandafter\global\expandafter\newcommand\csname @prob-\problabel-\probnumber \endcsname{\unexpanded{#1}}
		\expandafter\global\expandafter\newcommand\csname @probi-\problabel-\probnumber \endcsname{#1}
	\newcommand{\newproblem}[1]%% \newproblem for the exam
	\advance\tmp@quest by1
		\global\advance\@probN by 1
				\ifes@solutions%%% to write the string of solutions
				\immediate\openout\parametri=qf\nome q\romannumeral\tmp@quest e\thevers.parametri.tex
		\expandafter\global\expandafter\newcommand\csname @prob-\problabel-\probnumber \endcsname{\unexpanded{#1}}
		\expandafter\global\expandafter\newcommand\csname @probi-\problabel-\probnumber\endcsname{#1}%%% it assigns a unique name to exercise

\newcommand{\newfillinproblem}[1]{ \newproblem{\fillinproblem #1}}

%%%%%%%% \selectrandomly %%%%%%%

\firstpassfalse%%% now prints the question
\expandafter\global\expandafter\edef\csname base\nome \endcsname{\number\rnd@cnta}
\randomi=\number\old@rando     %%% AGGIUNTO 2018/04/28 per giro sbagliato
\def\j@n{1}%%% just one variant
\or%%% 2 variants
\or%%% 3 variants
\def\j@n{\ifcase\restotrentasei\or 3\or 2\or 1\or 2\or 1\or 3\or 1\or 3\or 2\or 3\or 1\or 2\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 2\or 3\or 1\or 3\or 2\or 1\or 2\or 1\or 3\or 1\or 3\or 2\or 3\or 1\or 2\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 2\or 3\or 1\fi}%
\or%%% 4 variants
\def\j@n{\ifcase\restotrentasei\or 3\or 4\or 1\or 2\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 3\or 1\or 4\or 2\or 4\or 2\or 3\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 1\or 4\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 1\or 3\or 2\or 1\or 4\or 1\or 4\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 3\or 2\or 1\fi}%
\or%%% 5 variants
\def\j@n{\ifcase\restotrentasei\or 5\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 2\or 3\or 5\or 1\or 4\or 3\or 1\or 4\or 2\or 5\or 4\or 2\or 3\or 5\or 1\or 5\or 1\or 4\or 2\or 3\or 1\or 3\or 5\or 4\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 2\or 1\fi}%
\or%%% 6 variants
\def\j@n{\ifcase\restotrentasei\or 2\or 5\or 1\or 3\or 4\or 2\or 6\or 1\or 3\or 6\or 5\or 4\or 2\or 3\or 2\or 5\or 4\or 1\or 6\or 1\or 4\or 3\or 2\or 6\or 5\or 4\or 6\or 2\or 5\or 1\or 3\or 6\or 3\or 5\or 1\or 4\fi}%
\or%%% 7 variants
\def\j@n{\ifcase\restotrentasei\or 2\or 4\or 1\or 5\or 3\or 6\or 7\or 4\or 1\or 5\or 7\or 6\or 2\or 3\or 7\or 2\or 4\or 6\or 5\or 3\or 1\or 3\or 4\or 7\or 2\or 6\or 1\or 5\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or 3\or 2\or 1\or 5\fi}%
\or%%% 8 variants
\def\j@n{\ifcase\restotrentasei\or 2\or 8\or 6\or 7\or 4\or 3\or 1\or 5\or 8\or 5\or 1\or 3\or 7\or 6\or 4\or 2\or 7\or 1\or 8\or 6\or 3\or 2\or 5\or 4\or 1\or 3\or 7\or 5\or 6\or 4\or 2\or 8\or 4\or 3\or 1\or 5\fi}%
\begin{minipage}{.95\linewidth}\csname @probi-\problabel-q:\romannumeral\j@n \endcsname \vspace{5mm}\end{minipage}
\csname @probi-\problabel-q:\romannumeral\j@n \endcsname \vspace{5mm}

%%%% \selectallproblems %%%%%

\newcommand{\selectallproblems}[2][]{%% %%% it selects all problems for "totale-versioni", with the option "random" the problems are in random order
\advance\i@sh by1
\expandafter\edef\csname ftmp\romannumeral\i@sh \endcsname {\romannumeral\i@sh}
\ifnum\i@sh <\number\tmp@quest
\whiledo{\j@m < \@probN \TE@or \j@m = \@probN}{
 \immediate\openout\params=params %%% the file in which the parameters are written
\csname q:\romannumeral\j@m \endcsname%
    \csname @probi-\problabel-q:\csname ftmp\romannumeral\j@m\endcsname \endcsname
\csname @probi-\problabel-q:\romannumeral\j@m \endcsname
\global\advance\j@m by 1\relax

%%% working with datasets of exercises (you can choose more than one exercise from a file)

\newif\ifes@db %% to work with datasets


\ifnum\tmp@quest<#1 \relax
    \@probselN=\number\tmp@quest %
\advance\i@sh by1
\expandafter\edef\csname ftmp\romannumeral\i@sh \endcsname {\romannumeral\i@sh}
\ifnum\i@sh <\number\tmp@quest
\advance\i@sh by1
\global\def\probnumber{q:\csname ftmp\romannumeral\i@sh\endcsname}
\ifnum\i@sh <\number\@probselN

  \advance\icount by1
  %%% It defines a macro called "\prbl n" where "n" is the number of the item.
  \expandafter\def \csname prbl\romannumeral\icount \endcsname

\newcommand{\esercizidb}[1]{ %%% NEW 2017/02/16 for different seeds  shuffling exercises and choosing them
\advance\i@sh by1
\expandafter\edef\csname ftemp\romannumeral\i@sh \endcsname {\romannumeral\i@sh}
\ifnum\i@sh <\number\icount
\shufflees{ftemp}{\icount} %%% NEW 2017/02/16 for different seeds  shuffling exercises and choosing them
\csname prbl\csname ftemp\romannumeral\io\endcsname\endcsname
\csname prbl\romannumeral\io \endcsname
\csname @probi-\problabel-\probnumber \endcsname
       \advance\io by-1
    \ifnum\io > 0 \repeat

% +=============================+
% |        ENVIRONMENTS         |
% +=============================+

%    TEST                                                %

%%%%% Test %%%%%

        \newenvironment{test}[1][]{%%%  test for MCQ, ecc.
      %                  \ifdim\punteggio=\punti pt %% NEW 2016/04/11 to check the total score of exercises
%           \else
%            \PackageError{esami}{\es@pointerrorshort} {\es@pointerrorlong}
%  \fi
%            \global\punteggio=0pt

%%%%%  questions (the environment in which you put the MCQ) %%%%%%

    \makebox[\labelwidth][r]{\normalfont\bfseries\csname label\@quesctr\endcsname}%
    \settowidth{\labelwidth}{\normalfont\bfseries00.\ }%
    \settowidth{\labelsep}{\ }}

%%%%%%% shortquiz (where to put the environment questions) %%%%

    \es@tmpdima=\linewidth \divide \es@tmpdima by#1 %
\ \ignorespaces}
    \es@tmpdima=\linewidth \advance\es@tmpdima-\leftskip
        \divide\es@tmpdima by#1

\@for\i:=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 \do{\edef\temp@expand@def{%
    \csname if#1\endcsname\es@randomizeChoicestrue
    \ifnum\aeb@numCols=1 % list mode
    \else % tabular mode
    \ifnum#1>\aeb@numCols \xdef\numShortCols{\aeb@numCols}\fi


%   EXERCISE AND SIMILAR                                 %

%%%% Exercise (adapted from exerquiz) %%%%

{\es@testfalse%%% you can't use it in test
\newif\ifes@exerciseheading \es@exerciseheadingtrue
    \if\exerstar*% exercise with parts
    \setlength{\partopsep}{0pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}%
    \settowidth{\labelsep}{\normalfont\ }%

%%%%% Problem %%%%%%%%

\newenvironment{problem}[1][]{%%% it's like exercise, but with points
\immediate\write\loe{\es@exercisename\space \theex@no:\space \probchosen}

\immediate\write\loe{\es@exercisename\space \theex@no:\space \probchosen}
\fi }

%%%%%%%%   Problem in minipage

\newenvironment{problemmp}[1][]{%%% it's like exercise, but with points
\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}  %%% new 2016/02/19
\immediate\write\loe{\es@exercisename\space \theex@no:\space \probchosen}
\end{minipage}%%% new 2016/02/19

\begin{minipage}{\linewidth}  %%% new 2016/02/19
\immediate\write\loe{\es@exercisename\space \theex@no:\space \probchosen}
%\ifdim\punteggio=\punti pt
%           \else
%            \PackageError{esami}{\es@pointerrorshort}
%   {\es@pointerrorlong}
%  \fi
%            \global\punteggio=0pt %% NEW 2016/04/11 to check the total score of exercises
\end{minipage}%%% new 2016/02/19
\fi }

%%%%%%%% Domanda %%%%%%%%
%%%%  (it can be used to hide the text of the exercise and print only the solution) %%%


%%%%%%%%%%%%%  workarea (adapted from exerquiz) %%%%%

\newenvironment{workarea}[2][\linewidth]%%% #1=width #2=heigth

%      Format                              %

%%% Sections %%%


%%% Subsections  %%%


% +===================================+
% +===================================+

%     Permutations                                       %

%% These values are used in pseudorandom permutations: they must be calculated for any version

\FPeval\restosei{round(\thevers+\thenomefile+1-trunc((\thevers+\thenomefile)/6:0)*6:0)}%%% for 2 or 3 exercises permutations
\FPeval\restoventiquattro{round(\thevers+\thenomefile+1-trunc((\thevers+\thenomefile)/24:0)*24:0)}%%%% for 4 exercises permutations
\FPeval\restotrenta{round(\thevers+\thenomefile+1-trunc((\thevers+\thenomefile)/30:0)*30:0)} %%%% for 5,6,7,8 exercises permutations
\def\restosei{4}%%% for 2 or 3 exercises permutations
\def\restoventiquattro{21}%%%% for 4 exercises permutations
\def\restotrenta{17} %%%% for 5,6,7,8 exercises permutations

%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 1 esercise!!)
\def\sceglii#1#2{\expandafter\def\csname #2i\endcsname{#1}}
%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 2 esercises)
\def\scegliii#1#2#3{\expandafter\def\csname #3i\endcsname{#1}\expandafter\def\csname #3ii\endcsname{#2}}
%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 3 esercises)
\def\scegliiii#1#2#3#4{\expandafter\def\csname #4i\endcsname{#1}\expandafter\def\csname #4ii\endcsname{#2}%
\expandafter\def\csname #4iii\endcsname{#3}}
%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 4 esercises)
\def\scegliiv#1#2#3#4#5{\expandafter\def\csname #5i\endcsname{#1}\expandafter\def\csname #5ii\endcsname{#2}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #5iii\endcsname{#3}\expandafter\def\csname #5iv\endcsname{#4}}
%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 5 esercises)
\def\scegliv#1#2#3#4#5#6{\expandafter\def\csname #6i\endcsname{#1}\expandafter\def\csname #6ii\endcsname{#2}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #6iii\endcsname{#3}\expandafter\def\csname #6iv\endcsname{#4}\expandafter\def\csname #6v\endcsname{#5}}
%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 6 esercises)
\def\sceglivi#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\expandafter\def\csname #7i\endcsname{#1}\expandafter\def\csname #7ii\endcsname{#2}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #7iii\endcsname{#3}\expandafter\def\csname #7iv\endcsname{#4}\expandafter\def\csname #7v\endcsname{#5}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #7vi\endcsname{#6}}
%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 7 esercises)
\def\sceglivii#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8{\expandafter\def\csname #8i\endcsname{#1}\expandafter\def\csname #8ii\endcsname{#2}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #8iii\endcsname{#3}\expandafter\def\csname #8iv\endcsname{#4}\expandafter\def\csname #8v\endcsname{#5}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #8vi\endcsname{#6}\expandafter\def\csname #8vii\endcsname{#7}}
%%%  pseudorandom versions (permutations of 8 esercises)
\def\scegliviii#1#2#3#4#5#6#7#8#9{\expandafter\def\csname #9i\endcsname{#1}\expandafter\def\csname #9ii\endcsname{#2}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #9iii\endcsname{#3}\expandafter\def\csname #9iv\endcsname{#4}\expandafter\def\csname #9v\endcsname{#5}%%
\expandafter\def\csname #9vi\endcsname{#6}\expandafter\def\csname #9vii\endcsname{#7}\expandafter\def\csname #9viii\endcsname{#8}}

%        Shuffle                                         %

\newcommand\shuf@ch{}%%% the exercise list
\newcommand\shuf@ifch[3]{%  #2=the input item
\ifthenelse{\not\equal{\shuf@ch}{#1}}{\stepcounter{shuf@lop}\expandafter\edef\csname #2\theshuf@lop\endcsname{#3}}{}%
\newcommand\esami@item[2]{%%% #1=the list #2=name of the input item
  \edef\es@Lista{\zap@space#1 \@empty}%
\newcommand{\sh@chex}[2]{%%% #1=the list #2=name of the input item

%%% the command \es@randestrai choices in the list #2 leaving out #1 elements. #3=name input file, #4=name output file, #5=total number of file
\newcommand{\randes@trai}[3][0]{%%% it extracts objects from the list #2 leaving out #1 elements. The objects will be named #3i, #3ii, ecc.
%%% \randestrai is the user command to randomly extract objects from the list #2 leaving out #1 elements.
%%% \randestraialfa extracts #1 random objects from the list #2 preserving order and naming them #3i,#3ii, ecc.

\ifes@param%%% for parametric version
  \advance\tmp@cntb by -#1
   \expandafter\edef\csname #3\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname{#3\romannumeral\tmp@cntb}%
    \advance\tmp@cntb by-1
\immediate\write\params{\es@EstraiMessage{#2}{#3}}%%% writes to a file
\expandafter\edef\csname #3\romannumeral\beg@al \endcsname{(#3\romannumeral\beg@al)}
\advance\beg@al by-1
\immediate\write\params{\es@EstraiMessage{#2}{#3}}%%% writes to a file
  \advance\tmp@cntb by -#1
   \expandafter\edef\csname #3\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname{\csname tmp@out\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname}%
    \advance\tmp@cntb by-1
\advance\beg@al by-1%
\advance\beg@al by1 %
\expandafter\edef\csname #3\romannumeral\beg@al \endcsname{\csname al@f\romannumeral\tmpalf \endcsname}
\immediate\write\parametri{\string\def\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\csname #3\romannumeral\beg@al\endcsname}{\csname al@f\romannumeral\tmpalf \endcsname}}%
\advance\beg@al by-1%
\advance\end@al by-1%

%%% the command \es@estrai choices in list #2 leaving out #1 elements. #3=name input file, #4=name output file, #5=counter name

\newcommand{\es@trai}[3][0]{%%% it extracts objects from the list #2 leaving out #1 elements. The objects will be named #3i, #3ii, ecc.
%%% \estrai is the user command to extract objects from the list #2 leaving out #1 elements.
%%% \estraialfa extracts #1 random objects from the list #2 preserving order and naming them #3i,#3ii, ecc.

\ifes@param%%% for parametric version
  \advance\tmp@cntb by -#1
   \expandafter\edef\csname #3\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname{#3\romannumeral\tmp@cntb}%
    \advance\tmp@cntb by-1
\immediate\write\params{\es@EstraiMessage{#2}{#3}}%%% writes to a file
  \advance\tmp@cntb by -#1
   \expandafter\edef\csname #3\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname{\csname tmp@out\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname}%
\immediate\write\parametri{\string\def\expandafter\unexpanded\expandafter{\csname #3\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname}{\csname tmp@out\romannumeral\tmp@cntb\endcsname}}%
    \advance\tmp@cntb by-1

%%% \esestrai is the user command to  extract exercises  from the list #2 leaving out #1 elements.

  \advance\tmp@cnt by -#1
    \selectrandomly{\cartella/\csname tmp@out\romannumeral\tmp@cnt\endcsname}
    \advance\tmp@cnt by-1
%%% New user command to (randomly) extract  exercises  from the list #2 leaving out #1 elements.  NEW 2015.09.14
  \advance\tmp@cnt by -#1
    \selectrandomly{\cartella/\csname tmp@out\romannumeral\tmp@cnt\endcsname}
    \advance\tmp@cnt by-1

%%% \esercizi is the command that selects and shuffles the exercises from the list #1


\newcommandx{\rand@getitems}[3][3=item]{%%% randomly shuffles #1  elements named #2i, #2ii, ecc. and renames them #3i, #3ii, ecc.
    \expandafter\let \csname flag\number\i@sh\endcsname a%
    \advance\i@sh by-1%
    \ifnum\i@sh > 0 \repeat%
    \expandafter\ifx \csname flag\number\j@sh\endcsname a%
      \expandafter\let \csname flag\number\j@sh\endcsname b
     \expandafter\edef\csname #2\romannumeral\n@tmp\endcsname{\csname #3\romannumeral\j@sh\endcsname}%
                   \advance\i@sh by-1%
    \ifnum\i@sh>0 \repeat
\ifes@fissa%%% with n<8 exercises the shuffle is pseudorandom and it's random otherwise
\ifcase#2\or\prendii{\csname #1i\endcsname}{#3}%
\or\prendiii{\csname #1i\endcsname}{\csname #1ii\endcsname}{#3}%
\or\prendiiii{\csname #1i\endcsname}{\csname #1ii\endcsname}{\csname #1iii\endcsname}{#3}%
\or\prendiiv{\csname #1i\endcsname}{\csname #1ii\endcsname}{\csname #1iii\endcsname}{\csname #1iv\endcsname}{#3}%
\or\prendiv{\csname #1i\endcsname}{\csname #1ii\endcsname}{\csname #1iii\endcsname}{\csname #1iv\endcsname}{\csname #1v\endcsname}{#3}%
\or\prendivi{\csname #1i\endcsname}{\csname #1ii\endcsname}{\csname #1iii\endcsname}{\csname #1iv\endcsname}{\csname #1v\endcsname}{\csname #1vi\endcsname}{#3}%
\or\prendivii{\csname #1i\endcsname}{\csname #1ii\endcsname}{\csname #1iii\endcsname}{\csname #1iv\endcsname}{\csname #1v\endcsname}{\csname #1vi\endcsname}{\csname #1vii\endcsname}{#3}%
\or\prendiviii{\csname #1i\endcsname}{\csname #1ii\endcsname}{\csname #1iii\endcsname}{\csname #1iv\endcsname}{\csname #1v\endcsname}{\csname #1vi\endcsname}{\csname #1vii\endcsname}{\csname #1viii\endcsname}{#3}%
\def\@getitems#1#2#3{%%% random shuffle
\newcommand{\sh@mixex}{%%% shuffled exercises
    \selectrandomly{\cartella/\csname file\romannumeral\tmp@cnt\endcsname}
    \advance\tmp@cnt by-1
\newcommand{\sh@mixex}{%%% the exercises are not shuffled
    \selectrandomly{\cartella/\csname exe\romannumeral\tmp@cnt\endcsname}
\advance\tmp@cnt by1

%%% another shuffling macro  %%% NEW 2017/02/16 for different seeds  shuffling exercises and choosing them
\newcommand{\shuffle}[3][]{% %%% this command has been adapted from probsoln
  \whiledo{\@shfctr < 101}%
    \advance\@shfctr by 1\relax
  \advance\@shfA by1
  \ifnum\@shfA<#3 \repeat

		\newcommand{\shufflees}[3][]{% %%% this command has been adapted from probsoln %%% NEW 2017/02/16 for different seeds  shuffling exercises and choosing them
		%  \randomi=404
		  \whiledo{\@shfctr < 101}%
			\advance\@shfctr by 1\relax
		  \advance\@shfA by1
		  \ifnum\@shfA<#3 \repeat

%     Random (adapted from aebrandom)                    %

    \ifnum\aeb@numCols=1% % list mode
    \else% % tabular mode
    \count0=0 \aeb@hold=\expandafter{\@temphold}\def\@temphold{}%
        \@temp\expandafter:\expandafter=\the\aeb@hold \do {%