%%% compactbib.sty
%%% compact bibliography, 
%%% allowing many "thebibliography" environments with continuous numbering
%%% Furthermore, the vertical space between the entries is slighty smaller. 
%%% This package may be useful for curriculum vitaes.
%%% version 1.0, November 2001
%%% Antoine LEJAY [lejay@maths.ox.ac.uk]
%%% adaptation from code in latex.ltx and article.cls
%%% usage 
%%% \begin{thebibliography}[Articles]{00}
%%% \bibitem ...
%%% \end{thebibliography}
%%% writes "Articles" instead of "References" and start 
%%% a list of entries.
%%% \bibitem ...
%%% \end{thebibliographyonly}
%%% writes nothing
%%% Remark : this package is not interfaced with BibTeX, 
%%%	     except when one uses "cut and past"ing functionalities...
%%% option: noname 
%%% 		the environment "thebibliography" acts 
%%%		in fact like "thebibliographyonly" for all 
%%%		its usage (no optional argument allowed).
%%% additional commands: bibliowidth (gives a unique width 
%%%		for all the labels)
%%%	ex: \bibliowidth{000}
%%% typography of \refname. To override the standard setting :
%%%	\renewcommand{\bibliorefname}[1]{\section{#1}} for example
%%% Interseting related packages: paralist.sty, multibib.sty, bibtopic.sty...
%%% todo: a lot (adding some flexibility, as in paralist.sty).
% This file may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution.
% Either version 1 or, at your option, any later version.



%% the option noname does not give a name for the bibliographic list

%% overrides the local definition of the width of a label 
%% for all the thebibliography environment

%% The way \refname or the name of the list of entries is
%% typesetted using this command.


      \@clubpenalty \clubpenalty
       {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%

%%% End of the file compactbib.sty